Newlink Genetics a.k.a Newlink Joke on Investors/Patients


So, the company announces their lead platform not only didn't work but their "off the shelf" immunotherapy actually appears to have shortened survival for the pancreatic patients they treated in their pivotal phase 3 study. Why didn't they have a FUTILITY analysis? Simple .. Charles Link (CEO) and Brian Wiley (Chief Commercial) are FRAUDS. They always have been and always will be. Wiley is slime and offers no substance. They both reaped millions from a failed product platform.

Wiley along with the Link brothers will be investigated and ultimately will wear stripes. They have known the past 24 months the study would fail from the early interim analyses! They have manipulated data, cost pancreatic cancer patients an average of 3 months of survival (more for those who really didn't benefit from their fraudulent vaccine.

Now what? They will both burn ... but before hand, they will both be somebody's Beach in Jail. Wiley will look good in Stripes. No doubt!!! SEC / OIG go after this fraudulent BIOTECH that gives our industry a Bad reputation. ImClone version 2 can now be found in Ames, Iowa with the LINK brothers and Slimy Wiley. May the SEC and OIG and every law firm enjoy the investigation. No doubt these jokesters will pay for misleading patients, investors and everyone in between. Criminal indeed!


Prior post didn't mention the other criminal who's been fooling patients and investors, Dr. Vahanian. Is he really a doctor? Or is he just simply an industry physician? I'm sure he's really sorry that he's cashed in millions and is living high on the hog after deciding that no futility analysis was needed for this study.

Wow, Link brothers, Vahanian and Wiley will look great in stripes.

Investors should dump their stock to prevent these criminals from profiting any more prior to their trials. They'll eventually give it all back for their lies over the past 2-3 years. Everyone knew that lack of an early readout and longer than expected trial meant a lack of positive outcome. They were clearly privy to the data. SEC and OIG should be investigating this group of clowns.

Sell that stock and remember Hyperacute was their business and the rest of their pipeline is filled with "dogs". If their Ebola vaccine actually works ... nobody will be able to afford it in Africa, so what good is it?

Worked with Wiley at GP. He was a tool then and not surprised he is part of this fiasco at Newlink. Dude would try to sell ice to Eskimos. No substance ... Which is why he is "chief" commercial officer for a failed platform / company and has to date profited on lies. Hope he wears stripes soon. He's certainly deserving.

Haha! Wiley did sell ice to the Eskimos ... he was part of the team that convinced Celgene to acquire the rights to Istodax. Product is a FLOP and will most likely never achieve more than 75-80MM in annual global sales.

So, yes he has sold ice to Eskimos and clearly was trying to the same thing for Newlink, for personal gain ... nothing else. Tool for sure.

LMAO at these posts because BW is a tool and dude is not above board based upon past experience. Total used car salesman who would try to sell ice to the Eskimos. Haha!!

Tragic that this company was permitted to lie to the street, patients, investigators and never integrated a futility analysis into their pancreatic study. For those of us in the biz who are ethical (eg., wouldn't be CL, NV, BW and other execs at New "link" aka New "tools"), this is a disgusting reminder or how greed supercedes patient care so that a few can profit even with a totally flawed scientific platform and now product. Idiots rampant in Ames. Sorry for the patients and investors ... primarily for the patients.

No kidding - deceitful and simply disgusting. Link actually told investors at the time of the IPO the pancreatic study would conclude early and implied they would have superiority at 50% of deaths on study due to design and expected outcome. Interestingly, the study went through every interim analysis (eg., without futility - the study can go on until all events occur per my biostats consultant) and once 100% of the required events (eg., deaths on study) were achieved, the results were shared. If there had been a futility analysis, this study would have been shut down a long time ago with the outcomes that were observed.

Funny how Link, Vahanian, Wiley and a few other greedy, deceitful folks really cashed in during the time the study did NOT read out. Totally criminal and again - it gives the biotech industry a bad image when these companies are able to operate as they do.

Investors be careful... Hyperacute therapies will all fail to deliver in all studies within and beyond pancreatic cancer. Failed platform / approach to the immune system.

The IDO inhibitor will never pan out as a single agent ... will be difficult as a combination agent to generate approval.

The ebola vaccine is all hype. No market based upon where infection is most prevalent. However, if the criminals who run NewLink can convince some folks with the infection to travel into the US and it becomes more widespread in the US, then there's a market.

Get out while you can - this company will falter sooner or later.

The good news for Link, Vahanian and Wiley is that there are internal employees in the know and others who have worked with this group of criminals who will be filing with the SEC Whistleblower Office. It's clear these clowns deceived the market and lied about what they knew and expected with the pivotal pancreatic study.

You will all look great in stripes. More importantly, you will pay fines to return the millions you "stole" from investors and the public and all will balance out in the universe as it always does in the "end".

Whistleblower 1 of many

PS: Hyperacute immunotherapies are no better than placebo. In fact, it appears they might be worse. They probably induce induction of regulatory T cells to support cancer cell evasion of any immune response.

absolutely - this trio is and has been up to no good. Used to work there and the non-executive employees are great, but the execs are awfully sneaky and suspicious.

Run for the hills if you're still there - invest in something else if you are unfortunate enough to have invested in this dog (particularly if you got in when the trio ran the stock price up for personal gain).

good riddance and see you in stripes BW, NV and CL!

Fellow investors - let's invade the annual ASCO meeting in Chicago and demand answers from Link, Vahanian and their puppet, Wiley. We need to press them and it will be clear they knew all along their Hyperacute program would falter. Stock run ups during 2013-2015 were based upon false expectations set for their pancreatic trial(s).

Please join me in ASCO to press the flesh with the criminals who have lost all of us millions. Wiley, Link, Vahanian and a few other execs deserve wear stripes.

Anyone know if the SEC is investigating the insider transactions before the completely negative results for Newlink's pancreatic study? These clowns at the top must think that living and working in a corn field protects them from the SEC, but I'm certain there has to at least be 1 flight per day and/or 1 train that passes through Iowa daily - correct?

Hopefully the class action suits and SEC will set things straight with Link, Vahanian, Wiley and other insiders who profited off a flawed platform and false promises these past 3-4 years.