NEW THREAD - Check Arrival Updates

LEECHES UNITE.... We have successfully reinforced every negative stereo-type ever.

Call it whatever you want, if that is the type of person you are and is something that makes you feel better. However, the judges originally involved with the case AND the 3rd party claims administrators (Rust Consulting) only call it like it is!

Wow, I got my last drop of blood too.... it's amazing!!! Oh wait, you mean after that last drop of blood I killed it? No more for anyone else? We killed the golden-goose for some short-sided so-called victory? I guess that's what parasites do.... thank you ladies

Well, hopefully HR will do a better job and there will also be better training and policies around certain issues. Discrimination will always be at Novartis, I'm sure. You can't stop some people from doing some things. Also, you can't stop someone else in the future from suing the company for wrongdoings in the future.

Call it whatever you want, if that is the type of person you are and is something that makes you feel better. However, the judges originally involved with the case AND the 3rd party claims administrators (Rust Consulting) only call it like it is!

Oh yeah, I forgot.... Judges are infallable. They NEVER overstep their bounds, or get it wrong. Ambulance chasers, McDonald Cofee sue-happy lawyers and LEECHES UNITE!!!

Oh yeah, I forgot.... Judges are infallable. They NEVER overstep their bounds, or get it wrong. Ambulance chasers, McDonald Cofee sue-happy lawyers and LEECHES UNITE!!!

It's a done deal AND the largest sexual discrimination case to ever get a verdict in the history of the USA! Ummm, I'm sure the judge was only in it for himself....riiiight! Why are you so angry? Maybe you need to go to therapy.


Thanks to all of you that have posted the actual truth about the checks arriving. We are in NJ and none of us have received a check. Hopefully by Friday would be nice. Will re-post when my check actually arrives. An open line of communication is always the best. Ignore the negative comments...not worth the time or aggravation. Thanks again:)

I'm in California and just got my check today (5/25). I have been with Novartis the entire time and did not claim any additional compensation. The gross amount is $19,119.36, net award - $11,767.97 and the taxes that have been withheld are $7,351.39.

Before you get on your high and mighty horse, Mr. NOT-Einsten, please note that you originally used the word (and misspelled) "LEACH" as a noun in your post to characterize the females on this thread (ie, "you leaches") and then laughingly, in a later post, threw up the definition as it applies to the VERB "leach." This makes absolutely no sense.

Since you clearly didn't receive basic education and didn't pass your 3rd grade spelling class, let me enlighten you further. If you use the word as a noun, here is the appropriate definition AND spelling for the NOUN version of what you were trying to express :

leech 1 (lch)
1. Any of various chiefly aquatic bloodsucking or carnivorous annelid worms of the class Hirudinea, of which one species (Hirudo medicinalis) was formerly used by physicians to bleed patients and is now sometimes used as a temporary aid to circulation during surgical reattachment of a body part.
2. One that preys on or clings to another; a parasite.

Last thing to take note, small brain.....not a single one of us on here is a LEECH. Until you walk for one second in the shoes of a female sales rep at Novartis and deal with the load of chauvinistic behavior we suffered under the male bullies at EVERY level of this company, shut your damn face. You wouldn't wish the lecherous behavior we dealt with on any woman in your life that you love or hold dear.

I'm sorry, did I use words that are too big for your tiny brain? Use a dictionary next time.