New Opportunity Expansion?

This is one of these companies that you just don’t want to bet against. Soon the coffers will be filled with 300 million from the Japanese with another 140 million to follow once we get the US label changed. Let’s be honest things are really on a roll, business accretes at a rapid level with the TRx building and building. Anyone short this stock is liable to get their head handed to them. Good Times!

All Doubtful Ace!. Your looking for a 300 million dollar handout to keep this Esperion money burn going. This label change will have about as much impact as a fart in a wind storm. And I've made a nice nest egg shorting this stock for the last 3 years and will continue to do so. This has been catastrophic so far since 2020 and hovering around $1.50 a share is a joke. Esperion begged NASDAQ not to push them into penny stock status. Yep, Good Times.

I am a retired Pharma rep of 33 years. I have also made a lot of money buying and selling stocks. I recently purchased MANY shares of the stock, and here is why. The new indication is big. They fact the patients DO NOT have to be at the max dose of their current cholesterol medication the market just became MUCH BIGGER. I believe one other advantage is these two preparations are PO and not injections. Many of these patients have glucose issues, and take insulin. Very few people enjoy giving themselves shots. The biggest advantage the company/drug will have is there will be a small but targeted sales force. I believe in one year the stock will be between 10-15 dollars. Before people start say I am from management, and work for the company in any way. I DO NOT.

All Doubtful Ace!. You’re looking for a 300 million dollar handout to keep this Esperion money burn going. This label change will have about as much impact as a fart in a wind storm. And I've made a nice nest egg shorting this stock for the last 3 years and will continue to do so. This has been catastrophic so far since 2020 and hovering around $1.50 a share is a joke. Esperion begged NASDAQ not to push them into penny stock status. Yep, Good Times.
good counter, Webelo

All Doubtful Ace!. You’re looking for a 300 million dollar handout to keep this Esperion money burn going. This label change will have about as much impact as a fart in a wind storm. And I've made a nice nest egg shorting this stock for the last 3 years and will continue to do so. This has been catastrophic so far since 2020 and hovering around $1.50 a share is a joke. Esperion begged NASDAQ not to push them into penny stock status. Yep, Good Times.
Yeah short, we know what’s short. Go have another Old Milwaukee and clean up the trailer.

I am a retired Pharma rep of 33 years. I have also made a lot of money buying and selling stocks. I recently purchased MANY shares of the stock, and here is why. The new indication is big. They fact the patients DO NOT have to be at the max dose of their current cholesterol medication the market just became MUCH BIGGER. I believe one other advantage is these two preparations are PO and not injections. Many of these patients have glucose issues, and take insulin. Very few people enjoy giving themselves shots. The biggest advantage the company/drug will have is there will be a small but targeted sales force. I believe in one year the stock will be between 10-15 dollars. Before people start say I am from management, and work for the company in any way. I DO NOT.

Horseshit! Management hack. Your full of it Gramps. Nobodylasts 33 years in pharma. Too many layoffs and there's no way you were that valuable. Go back to selling cough syrup door to door.

All Doubtful Ace!. Your looking for a 300 million dollar handout to keep this Esperion money burn going. This label change will have about as much impact as a fart in a wind storm. And I've made a nice nest egg shorting this stock for the last 3 years and will continue to do so. This has been catastrophic so far since 2020 and hovering around $1.50 a share is a joke. Esperion begged NASDAQ not to push them into penny stock status. Yep, Good Times.

Keep making money on the down turn.
Let the suckers buy in high on hope.
Yippy Hi A.

Horseshit! Management hack. Your full of it Gramps. Nobodylasts 33 years in pharma. Too many layoffs and there's no way you were that valuable. Go back to selling cough syrup door to door.
Yes I did work for a pharmaceutical company for 33 years. if you're good, you don't get laid off. and I just bought 15000 shares at a $1.52 a share and I am looking at a nice return right now. I'm holding because it's going to skyrocket. Maybe you should invest some of your cash into the stock. And, you should learn to listen to a wiser person then yourself. I posed an honest "story " to give people an insight on how to make $$$ I have been doing this for a long time. Goid luck young man.

Yes I did work for a pharmaceutical company for 33 years. if you're good, you don't get laid off. and I just bought 15000 shares at a $1.52 a share and I am looking at a nice return right now. I'm holding because it's going to skyrocket. Maybe you should invest some of your cash into the stock. And, you should learn to listen to a wiser person then yourself. I posed an honest "story " to give people an insight on how to make $$$ I have been doing this for a long time. Goid luck young man.

Fuck off Gramps. We don't care about your dinosaur ways when there was virtually no regulation in the pharma business then. If you couldn't be successful paying for doctors vacations, fishing trips, sports events, theater, buying new sets us golf clubs for your docs than you were a loser. And for the record nobody last 33 years unless they were related to Jesus in pharma. Shorting the stock is how you make money. You'll piss away your penny profits in no time if you hang onto that stock Gramps. Get back in the rocking chairs and reminisce about the days when you took doctors to strip clubs in order to get them to prescribe your shitty drug.

Yes I did work for a pharmaceutical company for 33 years. if you're good, you don't get laid off. and I just bought 15000 shares at a $1.52 a share and I am looking at a nice return right now. I'm holding because it's going to skyrocket. Maybe you should invest some of your cash into the stock. And, you should learn to listen to a wiser person then yourself. I posed an honest "story " to give people an insight on how to make $$$ I have been doing this for a long time. Goid luck young man.

Has anyone heard about the next expansion wave? Some people I know are saying the field force is going to build out to 150 reps in the next year? I’d be very interested in knowing what the plans are.

Has anyone heard about the next expansion wave? Some people I know are saying the field force is going to build out to 150 reps in the next year? I’d be very interested in knowing what the plans are.


The second coming of the Scientific Hiring Process that Created the Highly Tenured Customer Facing Team !
3 years and here we are folks.
Repeat of the same strategy.
When will we learn?


The second coming of the Scientific Hiring Process that Created the Highly Tenured Customer Facing Team !
3 years and here we are folks.
Repeat of the same strategy.
When will we learn?

Look for them to steal business plans like last time. Beware of the recording devices setup in interview rooms. And when your told you'll be moving forward in interview process at the cattle call interviews at a hotel close to the airport you will get a call telling you to go to airport and fly home and wait for a call. Real first class outfit.

Apparently you have a reason for feeling that way. Do you mind if I ask why that is?

There's a real lack of transparency with management. Our CEO talks out-of both sides of his mouth. The financing has been running negative for over 3 years. Sales aren't supporting operating budget. The company is burning money every quarter with no end in sight. The sales team has completely turned over in last 3 years. Take the job if your desperate but don't look here for a future.

From what I’ve heard the company has really undertaken a significant transformation and is undergoing a renaissance. It seems like the product now is gaining a lot wider acceptance. Obviously they had significant challenges trying to launch during COVID. How recently did you work there or do you still?

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