An "Oncall Flex-Time position falls under either it is "Better than Nothing" or it is a "SUCKER'S JOB" - you decide
Here are the facts:
1. $20 for each signature that you get from an office
2. $5.00 for gas
CONSIDER that if you go to offices and they are not in - YOU DON'T GET PAID THE $20 & $5 FOR GAS which means you have wasted YOUR TIME, YOUR MONEY, YOUR GAS - these expenses are yours & only yours.
3. Wear & Tear on your car - YOU ARE SOLEY RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT - you will not be reimbursed for any thing to do with your car. ASK YOURSELF - IS IT REALLY WORTH THE WEAR & TEAR ON YOUR CAR - CAN YOU REPAIR OR REPLACE YOUR CAR IF SOMETHING HAPPENS.
4. Although FLEX-TIME, 3 DAYS A WEEK - you will find yourself doing a lot more than just a 3 day a week job - for which you do not get paid for - if you let it - it can easily come close to a full time or almost full time job.
5. You pay for PARKING METERS, TOLLS - there is no reimbursement ever for this
6. For you this is a PROFIT & LOSS job: did you make enough money to offset YOUR PERSONAL EXPENSES - money you put out for gas, parking, tolls, etc. Did you make a decent profit or did you break even or did you lose money - things you need to consider.
7. You must see 100% of your offices - that is the goal - SAFETY - will you be driving safely or rushing around to make 100% - jeopardizing yourself or others. If you get HURT or KILLED in an accident - ONCALL has no responsibility - I did hear there was a possiblity that ONCALL might send a condolence card if you are killed in an accident - as long as they can get reimbursed for it.
8. You get SAMPLES & MATERIALS - you are responsible for ensuring accuracy on every sample & all the materials - they keep track - BIG TIME MICROMANAGEMENT - better not be off on the COUPONS or other materials (obviously, this is true for almost every job) -
Like all jobs - there are many things to consider or ask before taking a FLEX TIME job with ONCALL.
Lastly, ONCALL gets a lot from you - more than you will ever get from them - basically you only get paid for the calls you made - NOTHING ELSE, NADA, ZIPPO, ZERO - this is the truth - these are not meant to be negative statements, only the TRUTH about the job.
This job requires a tremendous commitment - so if you accept a position - you must be committed and accept what they offer -
If you consider or take a job with them - you must ask yourself - "IS IT A BETTER THAN NOTHING JOB" or is it "SUCKER'S JOB"?