New Openings


An "Oncall Flex-Time position falls under either it is "Better than Nothing" or it is a "SUCKER'S JOB" - you decide

Here are the facts:
1. $20 for each signature that you get from an office
2. $5.00 for gas

CONSIDER that if you go to offices and they are not in - YOU DON'T GET PAID THE $20 & $5 FOR GAS which means you have wasted YOUR TIME, YOUR MONEY, YOUR GAS - these expenses are yours & only yours.

3. Wear & Tear on your car - YOU ARE SOLEY RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT - you will not be reimbursed for any thing to do with your car. ASK YOURSELF - IS IT REALLY WORTH THE WEAR & TEAR ON YOUR CAR - CAN YOU REPAIR OR REPLACE YOUR CAR IF SOMETHING HAPPENS.

4. Although FLEX-TIME, 3 DAYS A WEEK - you will find yourself doing a lot more than just a 3 day a week job - for which you do not get paid for - if you let it - it can easily come close to a full time or almost full time job.

5. You pay for PARKING METERS, TOLLS - there is no reimbursement ever for this

6. For you this is a PROFIT & LOSS job: did you make enough money to offset YOUR PERSONAL EXPENSES - money you put out for gas, parking, tolls, etc. Did you make a decent profit or did you break even or did you lose money - things you need to consider.

7. You must see 100% of your offices - that is the goal - SAFETY - will you be driving safely or rushing around to make 100% - jeopardizing yourself or others. If you get HURT or KILLED in an accident - ONCALL has no responsibility - I did hear there was a possiblity that ONCALL might send a condolence card if you are killed in an accident - as long as they can get reimbursed for it.

8. You get SAMPLES & MATERIALS - you are responsible for ensuring accuracy on every sample & all the materials - they keep track - BIG TIME MICROMANAGEMENT - better not be off on the COUPONS or other materials (obviously, this is true for almost every job) -

Like all jobs - there are many things to consider or ask before taking a FLEX TIME job with ONCALL.

Lastly, ONCALL gets a lot from you - more than you will ever get from them - basically you only get paid for the calls you made - NOTHING ELSE, NADA, ZIPPO, ZERO - this is the truth - these are not meant to be negative statements, only the TRUTH about the job.

This job requires a tremendous commitment - so if you accept a position - you must be committed and accept what they offer -

If you consider or take a job with them - you must ask yourself - "IS IT A BETTER THAN NOTHING JOB" or is it "SUCKER'S JOB"?


An "Oncall Flex-Time position falls under either it is "Better than Nothing" or it is a "SUCKER'S JOB" - you decide

Here are the facts:
1. $20 for each signature that you get from an office
2. $5.00 for gas

CONSIDER that if you go to offices and they are not in - YOU DON'T GET PAID THE $20 & $5 FOR GAS which means you have wasted YOUR TIME, YOUR MONEY, YOUR GAS - these expenses are yours & only yours.

3. Wear & Tear on your car - YOU ARE SOLEY RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT - you will not be reimbursed for any thing to do with your car. ASK YOURSELF - IS IT REALLY WORTH THE WEAR & TEAR ON YOUR CAR - CAN YOU REPAIR OR REPLACE YOUR CAR IF SOMETHING HAPPENS.

4. Although FLEX-TIME, 3 DAYS A WEEK - you will find yourself doing a lot more than just a 3 day a week job - for which you do not get paid for - if you let it - it can easily come close to a full time or almost full time job.

5. You pay for PARKING METERS, TOLLS - there is no reimbursement ever for this

6. For you this is a PROFIT & LOSS job: did you make enough money to offset YOUR PERSONAL EXPENSES - money you put out for gas, parking, tolls, etc. Did you make a decent profit or did you break even or did you lose money - things you need to consider.

7. You must see 100% of your offices - that is the goal - SAFETY - will you be driving safely or rushing around to make 100% - jeopardizing yourself or others. If you get HURT or KILLED in an accident - ONCALL has no responsibility - I did hear there was a possiblity that ONCALL might send a condolence card if you are killed in an accident - as long as they can get reimbursed for it.

8. You get SAMPLES & MATERIALS - you are responsible for ensuring accuracy on every sample & all the materials - they keep track - BIG TIME MICROMANAGEMENT - better not be off on the COUPONS or other materials (obviously, this is true for almost every job) -

Like all jobs - there are many things to consider or ask before taking a FLEX TIME job with ONCALL.

Lastly, ONCALL gets a lot from you - more than you will ever get from them - basically you only get paid for the calls you made - NOTHING ELSE, NADA, ZIPPO, ZERO - this is the truth - these are not meant to be negative statements, only the TRUTH about the job.

This job requires a tremendous commitment - so if you accept a position - you must be committed and accept what they offer -

If you consider or take a job with them - you must ask yourself - "IS IT A BETTER THAN NOTHING JOB" or is it "SUCKER'S JOB"?

Do we know for a fact ALL of their part-time contracts pay at the exact same $25 per call rate?

I got an email from Vince, is there no interview to this? is this just sample dropping? if so in this area we have very few offices that take them anymore...

If you are being hired for the Children's Advil contract - your pediatric offices will take them. I don't know what product this is for. There isn't much of an interview - if you have experience you are hired. I doubt it will be a sample drop. It should be the easiest job interview process you will ever go through. No bullshit stuff - if you have the experience, you will be hired.

I sent in my background information....but now having second thoughts that this might be a scam to get our personal information and will lead to identity theft!!! Does anyone else get this feeling?

This is not a scam! I have worked with OnCall on past contracts. The recruiters are for real and they are just trying to fill the positions quickly with people that have past pharmaceuitcal contract sales experience.

I mean, lets be candid, I'll take the gig for now and keep looking in the meantime. But wont be super stoked and excited for a job that pays $25 a call, if that is what it ends up being.