New Openings

Take the above advice... I have not had any trouble receiving responses to my inquiries...

Thanks....I appreciate the advice. I think you may have been hired thats why he responds to you. I was assuming things were starting now because of training tomorrow. I will try agin with a phone call and let you know.

Thanks....I appreciate the advice. I think you may have been hired thats why he responds to you. I was assuming things were starting now because of training tomorrow. I will try agin with a phone call and let you know.

How far did you get in the process? Did you submit to a background check? Did you get an offer letter? What kind of correspondence did you receive so far?

I received a backgroumd check and an email a week later saying he was working on it. A week later he would not respond to a fllow up email to see what my staus was. My background check would not have any problems.

There was an original background check with an email that stated you should hear back in 3 to 5 days. I confirmed the receipt of the faxed bakground check and emailed a week later. That is when he said he was working on it. Sent follow-up emails and no reply. No offer via mail or email. That is where this is standing. Im assuming they picked another candidate but not sure what is happening.

There was an original background check with an email that stated you should hear back in 3 to 5 days. I confirmed the receipt of the faxed bakground check and emailed a week later. That is when he said he was working on it. Sent follow-up emails and no reply. No offer via mail or email. That is where this is standing. Im assuming they picked another candidate but not sure what is happening.

Give Vince one last call to find out what your status is. It can't hurt. At least you will know for sure. As far as you are concerned, you were last told they were working on it & you wanted to followup to see where you are in the process. You shouldn't give up until you know for sure. The reason I say this is maybe they are still in the hiring process and because they hired a lot of people they are doing things in different waves. You never know. Good luck let us know either way. I hope by some chance it does work out for you. I've been on a contract for a few months & it has been lots of fun. BTW, take a look at, OnCall listed new flex time jobs - maybe your area or surrounding area is still available. Let us know. Again, good luck.

Give Vince one last call to find out what your status is. It can't hurt. At least you will know for sure. As far as you are concerned, you were last told they were working on it & you wanted to followup to see where you are in the process. You shouldn't give up until you know for sure. The reason I say this is maybe they are still in the hiring process and because they hired a lot of people they are doing things in different waves. You never know. Good luck let us know either way. I hope by some chance it does work out for you. I've been on a contract for a few months & it has been lots of fun. BTW, take a look at, OnCall listed new flex time jobs - maybe your area or surrounding area is still available. Let us know. Again, good luck.

Thank you so much for responding. You have been very helpful and considerate with your advice. I will follow up one more time with Vince. Do you think this process is still going on and is in waves? I thought there were 2 contracts and training started for both of them today. I have been on Indeed...that is where I found this opening. Nothing at this point but I always check. I'm glad you have a good contract and hope it continues to go well. I was excited about this opportunity because I heard this was a good ompany to work for. I will let you know what happens.

Sent follow up letter to Vince yesterday and no reply...This is how they work ..Best to move on and not get your hopes up I know but these are the times we live in ..A standard letter saying they have picked someone else would have been the desent thing to do ..but this is how we ( or companies today ) treat us. Why did they send out letters saying they were interested and doing background checks and nada!!.

Thank you so much for responding. You have been very helpful and considerate with your advice. I will follow up one more time with Vince. Do you think this process is still going on and is in waves? I thought there were 2 contracts and training started for both of them today. I have been on Indeed...that is where I found this opening. Nothing at this point but I always check. I'm glad you have a good contract and hope it continues to go well. I was excited about this opportunity because I heard this was a good ompany to work for. I will let you know what happens.

While I can't be sure the process is still going on, if they were hiring a lot of people for 2 contracts, that is a lot of work, and it is worth trying one last time to find out. I believe that OnCall doesn't have a lot of people at the home office where all these applicants are being processed. So there may be a possibility that they are still working on it. Like I said try one last time. If I may suggest, if you haven't already done so, call Vince, and just tell him you wanted to follow-up and find out what your status is because you remain extremely interested in pursuing a job with Oncall. It's the one that speaks up that has a better chance at this time. YOU NEVER KNOW UNTIL YOU ACTUALLY FIND OUT! Good luck.

You must be wondering why I care so much. Because I like to see people who are very interested in doing a great job with a good company get the job. These are the types of people who help make these contracts successful.

Vince Surace (HR Director): 888.795.5598

Carrie Bezy, Director of Recruiting Services, OnCall LLC, 888-795-5598 ext 3063

Thank you so much for responding. You have been very helpful and considerate with your advice. I will follow up one more time with Vince. Do you think this process is still going on and is in waves? I thought there were 2 contracts and training started for both of them today. I have been on Indeed...that is where I found this opening. Nothing at this point but I always check. I'm glad you have a good contract and hope it continues to go well. I was excited about this opportunity because I heard this was a good ompany to work for. I will let you know what happens.

Do you think this process is still going on and is in waves?

Sounds like they were hiring people for 2 contracts. So may be hiring a lot of people between the 2 of them. There may be a chance that they are. I would call Vince to find out for sure. YOU NEVER KNOW, UNTIL YOU FIND OUT FOR SURE! Forget email and call him. Just tell him you wanted to followup to see what your status is and that you remain very interested in working for Oncall. Good luck and let us know.

So I received an offer letter xmas eve, signed and faxed back and waited, left vm for vince, no reply. Last week got email to set up my oncall email with my password so I did. Since then I have left 3 voicemails and sent several emails witn no response at all, wtf is going on?

So I received an offer letter xmas eve, signed and faxed back and waited, left vm for vince, no reply. Last week got email to set up my oncall email with my password so I did. Since then I have left 3 voicemails and sent several emails witn no response at all, wtf is going on?

You need to CALL Vince now or any other contact that is involved in the recruiting or hiring process. You did everything to right to get the job. So, you should contact them to ensure that you are employed. Do yourself a favor & CALL ASAP. Tell them everything you wrote on here. Good luck. Let us know.

You need to CALL Vince now or any other contact that is involved in the recruiting or hiring process. You did everything to right to get the job. So, you should contact them to ensure that you are employed. Do yourself a favor & CALL ASAP. Tell them everything you wrote on here. Good luck. Let us know.

Don't leave a voicemail - get him LIVE. Speak directly to him.

Do you think this process is still going on and is in waves?

Sounds like they were hiring people for 2 contracts. So may be hiring a lot of people between the 2 of them. There may be a chance that they are. I would call Vince to find out for sure. YOU NEVER KNOW, UNTIL YOU FIND OUT FOR SURE! Forget email and call him. Just tell him you wanted to followup to see what your status is and that you remain very interested in working for Oncall. Good luck and let us know.

Thanks again for your considerate advice.
Just as I thought....left a message in referencce to my status and interest and no return call. I see another person in the same situation here as me with no response. Not even...thank you for your interest. Better yet, the above post was hired and now has no contact! I'm pretty certain if they are not contacting that person that their not going to contact someone who never heard nothing back from a background check. Thanks for being supportive but this has been a huge disappointment. I'm shocked that being professional and assertive along with showing interest in the position and following up was totally ignored.

Thanks again for your considerate advice.
Just as I thought....left a message in referencce to my status and interest and no return call. I see another person in the same situation here as me with no response. Not even...thank you for your interest. Better yet, the above post was hired and now has no contact! I'm pretty certain if they are not contacting that person that their not going to contact someone who never heard nothing back from a background check. Thanks for being supportive but this has been a huge disappointment. I'm shocked that being professional and assertive along with showing interest in the position and following up was totally ignored.[/QUOTE

I agree.

Have you tried PDI, Publicis, and Ventiv for part time-flex time?

Thanks again for your considerate advice.
Just as I thought....left a message in referencce to my status and interest and no return call. I see another person in the same situation here as me with no response. Not even...thank you for your interest. Better yet, the above post was hired and now has no contact! I'm pretty certain if they are not contacting that person that their not going to contact someone who never heard nothing back from a background check. Thanks for being supportive but this has been a huge disappointment. I'm shocked that being professional and assertive along with showing interest in the position and following up was totally ignored.[/QUOTE

I agree.

Have you tried PDI, Publicis, and Ventiv for part time-flex time?

You sure as hell don't want to have anything to do with Publicis! They are the worst of the contract companies!

Thanks again for your considerate advice.
Just as I thought....left a message in referencce to my status and interest and no return call. I see another person in the same situation here as me with no response. Not even...thank you for your interest. Better yet, the above post was hired and now has no contact! I'm pretty certain if they are not contacting that person that their not going to contact someone who never heard nothing back from a background check. Thanks for being supportive but this has been a huge disappointment. I'm shocked that being professional and assertive along with showing interest in the position and following up was totally ignored.[/QUOTE

I agree.

Have you tried PDI, Publicis, and Ventiv for part time-flex time?

Thanks again. Nothing is in my area right now. I have worked for two of the companies in the past. I'll keep my eye out as usual. Good luck.

Do These contracts typically last for the full length of time that the offer letter says?!?! I was offered the contract with OnCall and now I've received another offer not in pharma but I really want to work pharma. I just want to mak sure that I won't be out of a job in 3 months with OnCall for the Pfizer Premarin contract! Does anyone know how stable the contract positions are??!?!?