New MBA here, and six months into this I am ready to quit.

so, you got lucky.

enjoy your retirement.

don't think that you are so brillant because you were lucky to stay with one company so long and stop bragging about how much money you have...

God could care less.

Thank you for the response. It is pure luck in getting a DM or RD that will not run you off to make a statement. If you were in a good HMO, MediCare /Caid territory hurray for you.

I could not imagine being a "beautiful loser" for that long.

You can tell your grandchildren you were a professional as* kisser for over thirty years.

If you drop dead tomorrow, your wife and her new spouse will love all the money you left for them to enjoy.

It doesn't really matter what you or I think. The understanding within the industry deep down, if you got drug reps to be honest, is that pharma isn't sales. Device companies know this. Recruiters know this. Other B2B industries know this. The perception out there, fair or not, is that pharma reps are not god candidates for aggressive device or capital equipment jobs. So, because perception is reality, this isn't sales. You or I can't define the debate. Society has done it for us.

REality is reality. Perception of reality is something different. Other people's stupidity doesn't affect reality. Pharma is sales. Not because of what you or I think or other types of businesses, but because it fits the definition.

You think that just because pharma doesn't involve activities like "order taking" or "hard closing", that it's not sales. Interpersonal persuasion which involves product promotion with the direct intent to increase the amount of a product sold is sales. Therefore pharma is sales. Case closed.

Thank you for the response. It is pure luck in getting a DM or RD that will not run you off to make a statement. If you were in a good HMO, MediCare /Caid territory hurray for you.

I could not imagine being a "beautiful loser" for that long.

You can tell your grandchildren you were a professional as* kisser for over thirty years.

If you drop dead tomorrow, your wife and her new spouse will love all the money you left for them to enjoy.

Some people like to give themselves credit for their lucky life (or even blessed life). What a shame!

These people appear great on the outside, but on the inside are dead, spiritually and in the important areas of life.

I mean, I have a great home, money saved, etc. But, it was not my doing. Sure, I worked hard, and didn't quit, but God is the one who I always leaned on when a DM or counterpart or doctor or whoever made life terrible. I just learned to laugh these things off and pray through things, and God ALWAYS provided me with the wisdom and strength to figure it out.

And I have been downsized 3 times, so I understand the mess that we are all in, as salespeople.

Pharma is not sales. Case closed.

God has nothing to do with pharma, you either have a jerk off DM or you don't. I've been very lucky to not have an SOB DM but I've dodged a few bullets on realignments. This is just a job people. Don't take it so seriously and don't let the bastards get you down. If you play it right, you'll pay off everything, have a nice 401K and pension and retire from this shit by 55.

REality is reality. Perception of reality is something different. Other people's stupidity doesn't affect reality. Pharma is sales. Not because of what you or I think or other types of businesses, but because it fits the definition.

You think that just because pharma doesn't involve activities like "order taking" or "hard closing", that it's not sales. Interpersonal persuasion which involves product promotion with the direct intent to increase the amount of a product sold is sales. Therefore pharma is sales. Case closed.

it would be like calling a primary care Dr. a surgeon because they might remove a skin tag off of someone's body during a routine physical. Yeah, technically they are doing "surgery" but it isn't like cracking a chest open and doing a bypass.

I look at at this way. If I were starting a company selling widgets, I would hire someone who sold something tangible, not pharma.

I have never known a bad device rep or any b2b rep that lasted more than 2 years. I have known, and am friends with, many bad drug reps that have been in the industry for years floating on the latest formulary win. When I was in pharma, I knew quite a few people who got our drug on a MAJOR formulary at the start of the fiscal year. Their response "Sweet...I don't have to work at all this year." they didn't work hard and I think finished in the top 20%.

In device, if I don't work hard, I don't hit my number and I get fired.But it is the old "risk:reward: thing in economics. My risk is much higher than a drug rep (hitting my number, working harder, re-evals every quarter due to numbers not stupid field visits like drug reps do) but my reward is much higher (much higher compensation).

So it depends on what you want in life for your career. I am not brining God into this because that is not relevant here. If you want a nice cushy job where you don't "bust it" and you aren't motivated by income, then being a drug rep isn't a bad job. This is why so many working mothers do this job. It is easy to balance kids and do this job because you can do the job in 4 hours a day.

REality is reality. Perception of reality is something different. Other people's stupidity doesn't affect reality. Pharma is sales. Not because of what you or I think or other types of businesses, but because it fits the definition.

You think that just because pharma doesn't involve activities like "order taking" or "hard closing", that it's not sales. Interpersonal persuasion which involves product promotion with the direct intent to increase the amount of a product sold is sales. Therefore pharma is sales. Case closed.

Perception is reality, sadly. You or I can't change it.

But I'll let you still think pharma is sales. Just try to ignore all of the job postings out there that say "pharma need not apply." There has to be a reason these companies would not hire a drug rep. I would state the obvious reasons why but it is like beating a dead horse.

it would be like calling a primary care Dr. a surgeon because they might remove a skin tag off of someone's body during a routine physical. Yeah, technically they are doing "surgery" but it isn't like cracking a chest open and doing a bypass.

I look at at this way. If I were starting a company selling widgets, I would hire someone who sold something tangible, not pharma.

I have never known a bad device rep or any b2b rep that lasted more than 2 years. I have known, and am friends with, many bad drug reps that have been in the industry for years floating on the latest formulary win. When I was in pharma, I knew quite a few people who got our drug on a MAJOR formulary at the start of the fiscal year. Their response "Sweet...I don't have to work at all this year." they didn't work hard and I think finished in the top 20%.

In device, if I don't work hard, I don't hit my number and I get fired.But it is the old "risk:reward: thing in economics. My risk is much higher than a drug rep (hitting my number, working harder, re-evals every quarter due to numbers not stupid field visits like drug reps do) but my reward is much higher (much higher compensation).

So it depends on what you want in life for your career. I am not brining God into this because that is not relevant here. If you want a nice cushy job where you don't "bust it" and you aren't motivated by income, then being a drug rep isn't a bad job. This is why so many working mothers do this job. It is easy to balance kids and do this job because you can do the job in 4 hours a day.

Pharma is still sales. That's just the way it is. It may be different than many other sales fields, but it is still sales.

Concerning working moms, I wonder why you see so many more working mom physicians than you did years ago? I guess because it's easy to balance kids and do the job because you can do the job in 4 hours a day.

Is it easier for a bad drug rep to last than a bad device rep? Yeah, it probably is, but that has no bearing on whether or not pharma is sales.

A good drug rep is as good as any device rep. The heart of the job is the same. The hours you have to work or how "hard" you work don't affect the reality that pharma is sales, just like device.

Perception is reality, sadly. You or I can't change it.

But I'll let you still think pharma is sales. Just try to ignore all of the job postings out there that say "pharma need not apply." There has to be a reason these companies would not hire a drug rep. I would state the obvious reasons why but it is like beating a dead horse.

Gee, thanks for "letting" me believe the truth. How generous of you!

Meanwhile people who truly know say the following:

The sales process consists of interpersonal interaction. It is often done by a one-on-one meeting, cold calls, and networking. It's anything that engages you with the prospect or customer on a personal level rather than at a distance."

According to this definition, pharma is sales. Face it buddy, you are just plain wrong. What other people "believe" doesn't change the truth. The fact that you believe pharma is easy or doesn't require hard work doesn't affect the fact that it is sales. You can stick all the modifiers you want in front of sales and you might even be correct, but pharma is still sales.

Gee, thanks for "letting" me believe the truth. How generous of you!

Meanwhile people who truly know say the following:

The sales process consists of interpersonal interaction. It is often done by a one-on-one meeting, cold calls, and networking. It's anything that engages you with the prospect or customer on a personal level rather than at a distance."

According to this definition, pharma is sales. Face it buddy, you are just plain wrong. What other people "believe" doesn't change the truth. The fact that you believe pharma is easy or doesn't require hard work doesn't affect the fact that it is sales. You can stick all the modifiers you want in front of sales and you might even be correct, but pharma is still sales.

I agree.
People that think they are "supersalesperson" because they sell inferior products (pharma products are superior) are clueless.

Gee, thanks for "letting" me believe the truth. How generous of you!

Meanwhile people who truly know say the following:

The sales process consists of interpersonal interaction. It is often done by a one-on-one meeting, cold calls, and networking. It's anything that engages you with the prospect or customer on a personal level rather than at a distance."

According to this definition, pharma is sales. Face it buddy, you are just plain wrong. What other people "believe" doesn't change the truth. The fact that you believe pharma is easy or doesn't require hard work doesn't affect the fact that it is sales. You can stick all the modifiers you want in front of sales and you might even be correct, but pharma is still sales.

You aren't listening to the truth. If everything you list on the there must be met in order to be "sales" then Pharma isn't sales. Pharma reps don't cold call. They get a pre-printed list of people they must call on with a bunch of information about the account. These peole don't mind seeing you because they get free shit. One on one meetings? Really? How many one on one meetings do you really get? Dude, I've been there. Drop samples, act like you give a shit about their kids and then say "will you write?" Okay, maybe you threw some marketing BS in there too. But when was the last time you got into a heated negotiation about the merits of your drug with serious objections? The kind where you sweat a bit because the Doctor actually knows what they are talking about. My guess is not often because you can easily do a sample drop and/or not go back.

Interpersonal discussions? Huh? I still see it. a 20 second conversation as you shoot the shit after you are 9th rep in there today, and the Doctor will see another 5 more by 1:30 when the last rep shows up...Sure you could do that with a few customers out of the 100 you call on.

If anything, you are an account rep. Acting is probably a good skill to have too.

If you look at your definition the guy that begs for change outside of a large business is in sales too. He has one on one meetings. He cold calls for new business. He networks with others. I used to work at a place where the same bum was there for 10 years. Everybody knew him. He was a salesman apparently.

Pharma products are top notch. Medical device is good too. Both are strong products to sell.

So, for a med device rep to think that they are doing something special because they think they are selling a superior product is silly.

LOL> its fun messing with you idiots.

I guess my point is sales is about moving product. People think that copier or payroll is true sales. Well it is. But, these products are not that great. A step up from cars.

Pharma products are very good, so the sales people need to be sharp.

Medical device is similiar, and the products are usually good, so the "selling" part is over-rated, understand now?


You aren't listening to the truth. If everything you list on the there must be met in order to be "sales" then Pharma isn't sales. Pharma reps don't cold call. They get a pre-printed list of people they must call on with a bunch of information about the account. These peole don't mind seeing you because they get free shit. One on one meetings? Really? How many one on one meetings do you really get? Dude, I've been there. Drop samples, act like you give a shit about their kids and then say "will you write?" Okay, maybe you threw some marketing BS in there too. But when was the last time you got into a heated negotiation about the merits of your drug with serious objections? The kind where you sweat a bit because the Doctor actually knows what they are talking about. My guess is not often because you can easily do a sample drop and/or not go back.

Interpersonal discussions? Huh? I still see it. a 20 second conversation as you shoot the shit after you are 9th rep in there today, and the Doctor will see another 5 more by 1:30 when the last rep shows up...Sure you could do that with a few customers out of the 100 you call on.

If anything, you are an account rep. Acting is probably a good skill to have too.

If you look at your definition the guy that begs for change outside of a large business is in sales too. He has one on one meetings. He cold calls for new business. He networks with others. I used to work at a place where the same bum was there for 10 years. Everybody knew him. He was a salesman apparently.

It's obvious that you don't read or think too well. According to the definition I posted, pharma is sales. PERIOD.

I've been there too. I've done devices. I know what it is to have to get a PO in order to move something. I've gotten the signature on the dotted line and not just for samples. And because I've been there, I know that pharma is sales. The length and nature of the personal interactions don't change the fact that it is sales. Again, you could put lots of adjectives in front of pharma sales and be correct. But the key is that the word sales is still there.

It's obvious that you don't read or think too well. According to the definition I posted, pharma is sales. PERIOD.

I've been there too. I've done devices. I know what it is to have to get a PO in order to move something. I've gotten the signature on the dotted line and not just for samples. And because I've been there, I know that pharma is sales. The length and nature of the personal interactions don't change the fact that it is sales. Again, you could put lots of adjectives in front of pharma sales and be correct. But the key is that the word sales is still there.

Did you go from device to pharma? To put it bluntly...why?

Retail sales is sales too. So if you want to think pharma is sales, you got buddy. Pharma is sales. No go out there and be that superstar salesman all drugs reps want to be selling your little heart out. Use those skills you've acquired, like power of negotiation, closing a complex sale, arranging financing, dealing with trade ins, doing a demonstration of the product, actually knowing more about the disease state than the Doctor does...make good use of that. You'll need it.

Oh wait, drugs reps don't do that. Forget everything I just said above and instead, for tomorrow, call Olive Garden and order your 75th lunch for the office this year. Add it to the $6,000 you've spent on food to get the Doctor's attention and build that relationship. While the Doctor is stuffing their face with free food, keep telling yourself that you are building that relationship.

Kudos to you sir.

It's obvious that you don't read or think too well. According to the definition I posted, pharma is sales. PERIOD.

I've been there too. I've done devices. I know what it is to have to get a PO in order to move something. I've gotten the signature on the dotted line and not just for samples. And because I've been there, I know that pharma is sales. The length and nature of the personal interactions don't change the fact that it is sales. Again, you could put lots of adjectives in front of pharma sales and be correct. But the key is that the word sales is still there.

You are delusional. Just admit you are lazy or that you have a side business (or are a mom). Those are the only reasons you should be in pharma

Did you go from device to pharma? To put it bluntly...why?

Retail sales is sales too. So if you want to think pharma is sales, you got buddy. Pharma is sales. No go out there and be that superstar salesman all drugs reps want to be selling your little heart out. Use those skills you've acquired, like power of negotiation, closing a complex sale, arranging financing, dealing with trade ins, doing a demonstration of the product, actually knowing more about the disease state than the Doctor does...make good use of that. You'll need it.

Oh wait, drugs reps don't do that. Forget everything I just said above and instead, for tomorrow, call Olive Garden and order your 75th lunch for the office this year. Add it to the $6,000 you've spent on food to get the Doctor's attention and build that relationship. While the Doctor is stuffing their face with free food, keep telling yourself that you are building that relationship.

Kudos to you sir.

Not only are you wrong, but you're a jerk while being wrong.

You don't have a clue. Get over yourself.

Been there, done that. It really is a very easy job for people who are lazy or for people who have become complacent and are worried that they can't hack an 8hr workday. I have many friends from pharma and the only reason they stay is because they are afraid they don't remember how to actually work

Been there, done that. It really is a very easy job for people who are lazy or for people who have become complacent and are worried that they can't hack an 8hr workday. I have many friends from pharma and the only reason they stay is because they are afraid they don't remember how to actually work

hey genius, I am over 100 percent sure that we are "tracked" more than you. So, if we don't work, we are fired.

Now, go back to the strip club and do another line with those doctors you buy for business.