New Hires Timeline?

Weekly calls? Yeah, they are too much. Not enough changes to warrant a call every single week. We talk about the same stuff. You’re probably newer to the industry and haven’t been treated like an adult anywhere yet, so you’re used to it.

why don’t you bring some ideas to the call? think about how you can add value. be a leader.

  • Woody   Oct 22, 2019 at 07:33: PM
Vascepa one of a kind drug, I would have plenty to tell the docs...why don't you grow up and do the best you can, or quit so someone can do a better job.

Vascepa one of a kind drug, I would have plenty to tell the docs...why don't you grow up and do the best you can, or quit so someone can do a better job.

Who said anything about not having plenty to tell the docs?!? It was about monotonous conference calls reviewing success stories and messaging every single week. Pay attention

The weekly conference calls are a waste of time and are mostly regurgitating old success stories over and over again. They rarely bring value and only put us behind on our day, keeping us from doing more important things, like, you know...moving the business.

Vascepa one of a kind drug, I would have plenty to tell the docs...why don't you grow up and do the best you can, or quit so someone can do a better job.
I agree! Vascepa is a great drug! I believe we need to keep it! Don’t sell it or have big pharma takeover. What are your thoughts Woody?

why don’t you bring some ideas to the call? think about how you can add value. be a leader.
Why would I want to do anything to help other territories than my own? I am ranked against everyone else. I want everyone else around me to SUCK!! and I want my territory to shine!! Why would I give away my best skills and actions to help someone else’s territory? I’d rather give false information so I’d become the district stand out!!

Why would I want to do anything to help other territories than my own? I am ranked against everyone else. I want everyone else around me to SUCK!! and I want my territory to shine!! Why would I give away my best skills and actions to help someone else’s territory? I’d rather give false information so I’d become the district stand out!!

don’t worry about sharing your successes .....people never use those suggestions. Share whatever, make stuff up....won’t make a difference

Can someone please give a timeline of the next group hiring?! I understand there have been some territories that have been released but I have been waiting for over a month with no offer yet! It s getting very frustrating!

You’re probably looking at early 2020. Once November hits, everyone looks to be tidying up all the 2019 loose ends. Thanksgiving is here before you know it and all the holiday vacation time starts kicking in. See you next year!!!

So I was hired in September, the manager said I would be receiving an offer in a couple of weeks! I haven't received an offer, a text, or a phone call from the manager! What the F_CK is going on Amarin?