New GSK Diabetes Contract

As to whether or not you have received the offer letter and paper work, depends on when you interviewed and were given a verbal offer. I had not received the letter yet, but did get the verbal offer before being called and told of the delay/change in the contract. I still have not gotten an e-mail about the delay/change! Anyone else in that boat? When my DM (or would be DM) called to tell me that I would be getting the email, he indicated that he THINKS my territory will be safe, but he "honestly" did not have any definitive information. He DID know, however, that he would not be my manager for Wave 1 if I am, in fact, a part of wave one. I don't like that AT ALL. I interviewed with him and accepted the position partly because I felt I could work well with him. We all know, job satisfaction in this field depends greatly on your manager. Now, if my territory isn't cut, I will be working for someone I've never met...someone who didn't choose me. The kicker is that I JUST declined a position on Thursday afternoon! NO SHIT...then, Friday morning I got the call about the change/delay! Nice, huh? This is a mess! I worked for Ventiv for 5 years before and had a GREAT experience, so this BS has come as a bit of a shock, and is a HUGE disappointment.
Anyway...Again, I am wondering if there is anyone who hasn't even received the email notice that the contract has changed or will be delayed. AND, has anyone in the Kansas or Dallas district been called with a 2nd (1st wave) offer?

Is anyone who did get this 2nd first offer, thinking this may not be a good gig?

I'm thinking, even for those who did get a 2nd offer, it may not be a good gig. The fact that they're delaying half of the sales force for 6 months tells me that they may or may not send a second wave, and they may or may not continue the contract beyond 6 mos, depending how the drug does...which could be a double edged sword; if the drug does phenomenally, they may not need more help, and if it does awful, they won't want to pay the additional salaries.

I worked for Ventiv for over 5 years on 3 different contracts and I never experienced anything like this...not even close. We always started on time and ended as planned. Maybe that was luck, but this doesn't sound good.

I haven't heard whether or not my position has been cut, but I'm thinking if it isn't cut, I will probably start the contract (I have no choice, I need a job...and have declined two since receiving an offer!), but I will continue to look for something else. I think many people will do the same.

I feel that, if there are other contracts starting, the reps who have been shafted on this contract should get those positions! There is a Janssen contract that they're just starting to interview for and there are positions in most states/cities. WHY would they not just stick us in those positions. Shit, they know we're qualified. I've never been through a more rigorous interview process in my life. I felt like I was being interrogated by the government. There were hundreds of applicants and we got the job! Put us in an available position!

Gsk told us only 500 reps being hired instead of 1000. May hire the other 500 in January 2015. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. Piss poor planning on our part here at GSK. We are very use to this sort of incompetence!

This is not an inVentiv issue, it is purely GSK's which has not been a very credible partner for years. This contract for all purposes is dead! Do not pass up other opportunities waiting for this, you will be disappointed

So does anyone know about traing and where the launch meeting is now? And now with what 180 reps?

I was told there won't be a launch meeting, just a district or regional meeting to launch. Training will all be done at home. THIS does not make me feel like this is a long term deal...or even a decent term deal. I feel that, if they don't invest in training, it's even easier to let us go SOON.

I was told there won't be a launch meeting, just a district or regional meeting to launch. Training will all be done at home. THIS does not make me feel like this is a long term deal...or even a decent term deal. I feel that, if they don't invest in training, it's even easier to let us go SOON.

I haven't heard those details, but if they are true, I agree this doesn't feel like a long term gig. Rumor on GSK board is that they are on a hiring freeze, which isn't comforting or surprising either.