
To the talented Mr. Ripley who used his snuff scarf to push out help, your petition for replacement goes noticed. It was no surprise that you have a history of switching into your jacket and shoes as quick as Mr. Rogers as you stuff your chloroform rag in your back pocket, when usefuls are around. The impact that you have made is profound indeed, we like talent and the shroud that you envelop yourself in with your new mug shows how committed and willing you are to get things done. The posts for other jobs displays your ability to leverage a jump but we accommodated to your whims, so understand # your F-C*%$# STAYING

To the talented Mr. Ripley who used his snuff scarf to push out help, your petition for replacement goes noticed. It was no surprise that you have a history of switching into your jacket and shoes as quick as Mr. Rogers as you stuff your chloroform rag in your back pocket, when usefuls are around. The impact that you have made is profound indeed, we like talent and the shroud that you envelop yourself in with your new mug shows how committed and willing you are to get things done. The posts for other jobs displays your ability to leverage a jump but we accommodated to your whims, so understand # your F-C*%$# STAYING

To the talented Mr. Ripley who used his snuff scarf to push out help, your petition for replacement goes noticed. It was no surprise that you have a history of switching into your jacket and shoes as quick as Mr. Rogers as you stuff your chloroform rag in your back pocket, when usefuls are around. The impact that you have made is profound indeed, we like talent and the shroud that you envelop yourself in with your new mug shows how committed and willing you are to get things done. The posts for other jobs displays your ability to leverage a jump but we accommodated to your whims, so understand # your F-C*%$# STAYING

To the talented Mr. Ripley who used his snuff scarf to push out help, your petition for replacement goes noticed. It was no surprise that you have a history of switching into your jacket and shoes as quick as Mr. Rogers as you stuff your chloroform rag in your back pocket, when usefuls are around. The impact that you have made is profound indeed, we like talent and the shroud that you envelop yourself in with your new mug shows how committed and willing you are to get things done. The posts for other jobs displays your ability to leverage a jump but we accommodated to your whims, so understand # your F-C*%$# STAYING

Take your medication.

Hope Rami finds a creative way to explain why high volume NEVRO implanters are experiencing 30-40% EXPLANT rates. Does it have to do with their trial EPG differing from their IPG? When this fraud is exposed, stock takes a huge hit!

You are sad. You're not going to drive the stock on an anonymous message board. Also, you are way off. Nevro has the lowest explant rate of any rechargeable system, well documented.

That explant rate is BS, but I do sometimes wonder if the trial stimulator therapy is different. So many patients that have exceptional results with their trial and mediocre results with implant.

Yep, there is something different. Will be vetted out soon.

So you are saying that Nevro executives, along with all of the investigators and patients in the EU and RCT studies, have colluded to perpetrate a massive fraud against patients, physicians, hospitals, insurance companies and the United States government?

When constructing a foil-hat, what shape is best to deflect mind-control rays from the reptilian overlords that live underground and control the New World Order?

So you are saying that Nevro executives, along with all of the investigators and patients in the EU and RCT studies, have colluded to perpetrate a massive fraud against patients, physicians, hospitals, insurance companies and the United States government?

When constructing a foil-hat, what shape is best to deflect mind-control rays from the reptilian overlords that live underground and control the New World Order?

Probably my favorite cafepharma post of 2017. Well done.

Explain why the stock has fallen approx. 30% from it's high in Sept 2016, two months prior to St Jude Medical's BURST launch? The answer might be your 2nd favorite post on CAFEPHARMA...LMAO!