
I was in neuromodulation 3 years ago and left it after 6 years. Coming back in because ortho is a whores market. Not that stim isn’t, but it pays more on average. Sounds like Nevro is having its issue and Jude or Boston is at the top, big surprise. Is Stimware wireless the next big thing or the closed loop Saluda? Nuvectra I hear is very vanilla. Comments please without the sarcasm would be appreciated people :)

I️ think Nuvectra is way underrated ... easy to steer leads, very small powerful ipg , stretchable leads and great coverage and easy and lots of programs. Just one opinion

Positive on the whole with a few major drawbacks but nothing that can't be overcome with hard work

Can u speak to the drawbacks? I currently make $130-$150k a year and have no idea how much i can make at this role. Ideally i would like to work 2x as hard and make 2x the money. Doable? Anyone have a guess on average rep comp? Territory is very undeveloped with a lot of potential i feel. Thank you for all the help

Can u speak to the drawbacks? I currently make $130-$150k a year and have no idea how much i can make at this role. Ideally i would like to work 2x as hard and make 2x the money. Doable? Anyone have a guess on average rep comp? Territory is very undeveloped with a lot of potential i feel. Thank you for all the help

ASR role will pay 100-120k. You will be doing a lot of grunt work and managing patients/cases

The goal here is to get your own territory ( DSM role). At that point you will make 200-250K if you are successful. It's not an easy job though.

One step back to take two steps forward.

Considering an ASR position with zero device/scs experience. Any one care to chime in with what thier experience in this role has been?

The thing you need to understand about the Nevro sales organization is that most decisions are made based on a reaction to whatever is viewed as the most expedient course of action for that quarter. This definitely includes personnel and territory alignments.

I would be wary of taking an associate position, as there is no ASR "program" at Nevro. They most certainly do not have a "plan" for your professional development and eventual promotion. More than likely, they have a territory that they're not sure what to do with, so hiring an ASR on the cheap is the most expedient option. Otherwise, they would just hire a DSM.

Good luck!

true dat, no leadership of any kind here and the company is being run into the ground by so called wiz kids that know nothing about people including customers i highly urge you to look elsewhere while the little angry guy is still here, everyone knows he is a fake

The thing you need to understand about the Nevro sales organization is that most decisions are made based on a reaction to whatever is viewed as the most expedient course of action for that quarter. This definitely includes personnel and territory alignments.

I would be wary of taking an associate position, as there is no ASR "program" at Nevro. They most certainly do not have a "plan" for your professional development and eventual promotion. More than likely, they have a territory that they're not sure what to do with, so hiring an ASR on the cheap is the most expedient option. Otherwise, they would just hire a DSM.

Good luck!

This is true. RSDs are evaluated on headcount, so open territories are a big problem for them. If they decide that they need to add a TC in your area, or if a competitor rep with existing relationships comes into the picture, Nevro will shit-can you without blinking.

Of course this is true, look at the lack of leadership we have now. Are you kidding me with this choice to run us, it is the first time I have ever had one of my docs say to me "never let me speak to this self serving turd" again

Honest question: why does Rami sound like such a dick on the earnings calls? He should be friendly to his shareholders after fucking them in the ass with the Q1 fiasco but he instead chooses hubris.