Nevro Hiring

prefer to be on a PIP as compared to the "Nevro Ambush". Understand Nevro management doesn't even k ow how to write a PIP. But who needs people or PIPS when you have the best technology in the business!

prefer to be on a PIP as compared to the "Nevro Ambush". Understand Nevro management doesn't even k ow how to write a PIP. But who needs people or PIPS when you have the best technology in the business!

Nevro has made your "best technology in the business", obsolete. MDT could have purchased Spinal Modulation for DRG stim but you were late to the party, as usual. Now you lose, low-back/legs and foot/knee/groin. Good luck selling DBS, you have no where to go but down.

prefer to be on a PIP as compared to the "Nevro Ambush". Understand Nevro management doesn't even k ow how to write a PIP. But who needs people or PIPS when you have the best technology in the business!

LOL ok, there's humor in this. I can name three people at Nevro right now that were on PIPS themselves. All in prior management positions before coming over. So, they DO know how to construct one!

NVRO closed at $94+ today. If you haven't experienced the pain yet, you will!

Agree, its happening and at the expense of the big three. Nevro rules the roost and is the only thing my docs are talking about right now. Of course there are holdouts that have long withstanding relationships with SJM, MDT and BSC, but most others are starting to trial to satisfy their curiosity. The other two newbies (SW and Nuvectra) are SCS wannabe's that have nothing much to offer and little hope of winning any support from the SCS target market

Senior level management stand to make a killing when the dust settles. Everyone field based will do well for themselves but not retiring anytime soon. What will they all do when Medtronic acquires them? Enjoy the ride while it lasts. You know what they say about all good things............

Senior level management stand to make a killing when the dust settles. Everyone field based will do well for themselves but not retiring anytime soon. What will they all do when Medtronic acquires them? Enjoy the ride while it lasts. You know what they say about all good things............

Mdt had a shot at Nevro early and every day that goes by now makes it more and more painful to buy. But buy they must... Reps are going to suffer until they pull the trigger.

Mdt had a shot at Nevro early and every day that goes by now makes it more and more painful to buy. But buy they must... Reps are going to suffer until they pull the trigger.

Didn't MDT get in on this early? I thought they had. I think I also read somewhere that MDT was close in releasing their own HF system. Nevro does appear to be the cat's meow right now. Clearly has the interest of my docs and despite not all using it yet, they have asked about it and are planning on trialing it

Hard to see them doing it. Way more likely to buy Nuvectra. Stryker loves "me too" products they can buy cheaply. Nevro is the opposite.

Nuvectra is not going to be a player. It has two significant relationships it will leverage, but the technology play is third rate. We all know who the two are, and they are not enough to to make a dent in the overall scheme of things. Nevro is going to run the show and will be the hype leader right now due to their platforms unique offering. I think they are going to unseat a lot of SJM and MDT diehards!!! Good luck all!

Nuvectra is not going to be a player. It has two significant relationships it will leverage, but the technology play is third rate. We all know who the two are, and they are not enough to to make a dent in the overall scheme of things. Nevro is going to run the show and will be the hype leader right now due to their platforms unique offering. I think they are going to unseat a lot of SJM and MDT diehards!!! Good luck all!

Nevro 2yr data in... bad news for the competition. Say bye bye to your solid relationships!

The party is just getting started for the Nevro team. This puts the ball across the line and they are teeing it up for the extra point. Does anyone else have a HF platform under development?

problem is all the HF patents and clinical data, not the technology. Most of the ASICs in the major player's cans are probably already capable of HF, they just can't turn it on because of patents.

The party is just getting started for the Nevro team. This puts the ball across the line and they are teeing it up for the extra point. Does anyone else have a HF platform under development?

Yes the data is compelling and that's great for patients but unfortunately if your the rep, things are going continue to get worse. Promises being broken and numbers changing. I love the technology more than I love the way this circus is being run

Can we all act like we've seen this before!

A new company with seemingly new great technology disrupts the segment/ hires a huge crowd of competing reps to use relationships to establish the business/ ramps up market share while the tech is still patent protected/ said company puts puts itself on the chopping block behind closed doors b/c everyone has a price/ starts to undercut, raises quota to unreachable marks and force reps to leave/ they do this while holding on to market share and lowering payroll to look better on the books while shopping the company/ company sells and most of the sales force is let go because buyer doesn't need 2 reps doing what 1 can do and they are already HR ready.

Please fill in the gaps, I'm sure I skipped over a few corporate "screw the rep" steps.

Can we all act like we've seen this before!

A new company with seemingly new great technology disrupts the segment/ hires a huge crowd of competing reps to use relationships to establish the business/ ramps up market share while the tech is still patent protected/ said company puts puts itself on the chopping block behind closed doors b/c everyone has a price/ starts to undercut, raises quota to unreachable marks and force reps to leave/ they do this while holding on to market share and lowering payroll to look better on the books while shopping the company/ company sells and most of the sales force is let go because buyer doesn't need 2 reps doing what 1 can do and they are already HR ready.

Please fill in the gaps, I'm sure I skipped over a few corporate "screw the rep" steps.

Ha, too true.