1. TINKRBELLE!! (8-7) BRONCOBOY (8-7) (Maybe finishing in 1st Place will make BroncoBoy feel better about his butt hurt..

2. FUCKTARD (8-6) SEC!!SEC!!SEC!! (Those Gators better represent next week!)

3. BRONCOFRAUD (7-8) BAMABOY (7-8) WHITE TRASH (7-8) (I am no better than WT!)

Unless you kick ass in the last 2 weeks White Trash might just be your massa! :D

LeaderBoard through Week #12

In full stride down the home stretch. Only one pony will go to the winner's circle. If you got anything left at all now's the time to turn it on.

Wow. A tight grouping in Week #12. Two 8-7's; two 7-8's with an 8-6 thrown in for good measure. I thought we would see a much wider variance. This is good for the leaders and bad for the ponies in the back of the pack.

Week #13 should be our last full week. Maybe I'm mistaken but Week #14 is mostly conference playoffs with a few straggler games tossed in. If you're lagging behind in the pack Week #13 is probably the time you want to shoot your wad and go all in.

Tips: Don't show your hand too early and remember - you can always change your picks all the up until game time. Sit near an exit and keep your back to the wall. Strategy, strategy, strategy.


1. FUCKTARD: (69-62) + (8-6) = (77-68) (53.1%) (89.5%) [Fuckie pulled ahead of Tinker by .6%. We have a virtual nose to nose race after 12 week's of play. A couple picks either way could decide this race. Lay down your bets, sportsfans. Who will it be? Or will a longshot come from behind to nose them out at the wire?]

2. TINKRBELLE: (76-69) + (8-7) = (84-76)(52.5%) (98.8%) [Tinker is determined to win this race. She cannot fathom bestowing the title of "Queen" to any other filly. How much mojo does the Tink have left. Well, I guess we'll find out. Won't we?]

3. BRONCOBOY: (73-74) + (8-7) = 81-81)((50%) (100%) [Well, Bronco hit that magical 50% mark. But he's greedy. He wants more. Both Fuckie and Tink are only about a length ahead of him. Will Bronco risk it all for a shot at a win? Stay tuned.]

4. WHITE TRASH: (54-57) + (7-8) = (61-65) (48.4%) (77.8%) [The Trash went for broke in Week #12 and lost a couple tenths of a percent. But he's still in the running. The Trash will need a huge pick in Week #12 for run at the crown. Does he have it in him? Can he run when the chips are down? We'll know soon enough.]

5. PALE HORSE: (58-63) + (NP) = (58-63) (47.9%) (74.7%) [Pale was a no-show in Week #12. He still has an outside shot at becoming a somebody here. But he needs to kick it into high gear. We'll keep him in the Premium Group for another week and see if he returns.

6. BAMABOY: (68-79) + (7-8) = 75-87) (46.3%) (100%) Bama has underperformed this race and is not running to his true capability. But I have seen ponies jump 4 percentage points in ONE week, so with determination and perseverence Bama can still bring home a winner in the next 2 weeks.]

7. BREAKING NEWS: (29-48) + (NP) = (29-48) (37.6%) (47.5%) [We had high hopes for Breaking in Week #12. But Breaking failed to show agaom. Looks like the season might be over for Breaking. He's always welcomed to play the No-Spread Bonanza Bowl Pick 'Em with us tho.]

8. NIGHT TRAIN LANE: (2-8) + (NP) = (2-8) (25%) (6.2%) [Well, the Train made a guest appearance on another thread so he's still watching the action. I assume his eyes are focused on the big screen from the wagering window and he'll be first in line to collect his winnings. The Train knows the ponies like the back of his hand. My guess is that he has a shitload down on Tinker and Bronco to win and place.] ;)


* First percentage is % of correct picks of total picks by each player.

* Second percentage is % of games each picker has played of the total 162 games that have been posted in Week #1 through Week #11. Those who have not picked at least 75% of the total 162 games are in the sub-premium category and are not qualified to be on top of the leaderboard. However, sub-premium players can join the premium group by picking all the games from this point on, as long as they raise their % of total games picked to 75% or more.


1. TINKRBELLE!! (8-7) BRONCOBOY (8-7) (Maybe finishing in 1st Place will make BroncoBoy feel better about his butt hurt..

2. FUCKTARD (8-6) SEC!!SEC!!SEC!! (Those Gators better represent next week!)

3. BRONCOFRAUD (7-8) BAMABOY (7-8) WHITE TRASH (7-8) (I am no better than WT!)

Thankyou Bamaboy for all you efforts on this game, tink and tard thank you for showing the boys how it is done. Broncoboy, thankyou for opening my eyes to the west coast teams, you really do need to stop with the skinny jeans, but as promised, you beat me fair and square so I am out. BroncoFraud has left the building.

PS. Pale / Trash don't give up, either one of you could take the lead this week with some good picks

Thankyou Bamaboy for all you efforts on this game, tink and tard thank you for showing the boys how it is done. Broncoboy, thankyou for opening my eyes to the west coast teams, you really do need to stop with the skinny jeans, but as promised, you beat me fair and square so I am out. BroncoFraud has left the building.

PS. Pale / Trash don't give up, either one of you could take the lead this week with some good picks

Well, BroncoFraud - you're a good man for admitting your limitations, fullfilling your promise and bowing out of the race. I must say that's an honorable gesture. But it's a shame that your overriding goal was to beat the authetic Broncomeister. You should have known better than that and realized the futility of it all. But giving me the power to determine whether you stay or leave the race is disturbing. But to each his own. Frauds are rarely victorious at the end of the day. But thanks for giving it the old college try anyway.

Naturally, you are welcomed to join us in the No-Spread Bonanza Bowl Pick 'Em contest and try to knock me off again if you wish. I always agree to rematches and give everyone a second shot. Next time bring your best game with ya! You'll need it! :D

In the meantime, enjoy your Thanksgiving.

Oregon's defense did a great job and kept them in the game. Stanford's defense did an exceptional job. No one picked Stanford to upset Oregon this week. Stanford did not beat their ass. It was an incredible game. The Stanford Receiver had possession of the ball and his shoulder was down in the end zone (in-bounds) that is why the play was overturned. Nick Saban will be sending care packages to both Stanford and Baylor! Thanks Guys!

The refs made the right call. And I did pick Stanford to beat Oregon. So there.


1. TINKRBELLE!! (8-7) BRONCOBOY (8-7) (Maybe finishing in 1st Place will make BroncoBoy feel better about his butt hurt..

2. FUCKTARD (8-6) SEC!!SEC!!SEC!! (Those Gators better represent next week!)

3. BRONCOFRAUD (7-8) BAMABOY (7-8) WHITE TRASH (7-8) (I am no better than WT!)

YES!!!! It's good to be queen again. I Knew Stanford would win:D:D

Oregon's defense did a great job and kept them in the game. Stanford's defense did an exceptional job. No one picked Stanford to upset Oregon this week. Stanford did not beat their ass. It was an incredible game. The Stanford Receiver had possession of the ball and his shoulder was down in the end zone (in-bounds) that is why the play was overturned. Nick Saban will be sending care packages to both Stanford and Baylor! Thanks Guys!

UhHumm, excuse me but I think I did, didn't i tell yall before the game I had a premonition??!!

Anybody who is not blind could see the Stanford receiver DID NOT have control of the ball when he hit the ground and rolled out of bounds. He was still bobbling it. Even Musberger and the other announcer said that there was NOT ENOUGH conclusive evidence to overturn the call. It was bullshit and a bad bad call by the replay officials.

Finally, if Alabama is elevated to the #2 ranking this week the BCS system is rigged. There is NO logical reason for Alabama to jump over Oregon.

he did have control before going out.

LeaderBoard through Week #12

In full stride down the home stretch. Only one pony will go to the winner's circle. If you got anything left at all now's the time to turn it on.

Wow. A tight grouping in Week #12. Two 8-7's; two 7-8's with an 8-6 thrown in for good measure. I thought we would see a much wider variance. This is good for the leaders and bad for the ponies in the back of the pack.

Week #13 should be our last full week. Maybe I'm mistaken but Week #14 is mostly conference playoffs with a few straggler games tossed in. If you're lagging behind in the pack Week #13 is probably the time you want to shoot your wad and go all in.

Tips: Don't show your hand too early and remember - you can always change your picks all the up until game time. Sit near an exit and keep your back to the wall. Strategy, strategy, strategy.


1. FUCKTARD: (69-62) + (8-6) = (77-68) (53.1%) (89.5%) [Fuckie pulled ahead of Tinker by .6%. We have a virtual nose to nose race after 12 week's of play. A couple picks either way could decide this race. Lay down your bets, sportsfans. Who will it be? Or will a longshot come from behind to nose them out at the wire?]

2. TINKRBELLE: (76-69) + (8-7) = (84-76)(52.5%) (98.8%) [Tinker is determined to win this race. She cannot fathom bestowing the title of "Queen" to any other filly. How much mojo does the Tink have left. Well, I guess we'll find out. Won't we?]

3. BRONCOBOY: (73-74) + (8-7) = 81-81)((50%) (100%) [Well, Bronco hit that magical 50% mark. But he's greedy. He wants more. Both Fuckie and Tink are only about a length ahead of him. Will Bronco risk it all for a shot at a win? Stay tuned.]

4. WHITE TRASH: (54-57) + (7-8) = (61-65) (48.4%) (77.8%) [The Trash went for broke in Week #12 and lost a couple tenths of a percent. But he's still in the running. The Trash will need a huge pick in Week #12 for run at the crown. Does he have it in him? Can he run when the chips are down? We'll know soon enough.]

5. PALE HORSE: (58-63) + (NP) = (58-63) (47.9%) (74.7%) [Pale was a no-show in Week #12. He still has an outside shot at becoming a somebody here. But he needs to kick it into high gear. We'll keep him in the Premium Group for another week and see if he returns.

6. BAMABOY: (68-79) + (7-8) = 75-87) (46.3%) (100%) Bama has underperformed this race and is not running to his true capability. But I have seen ponies jump 4 percentage points in ONE week, so with determination and perseverence Bama can still bring home a winner in the next 2 weeks.]

7. BREAKING NEWS: (29-48) + (NP) = (29-48) (37.6%) (47.5%) [We had high hopes for Breaking in Week #12. But Breaking failed to show agaom. Looks like the season might be over for Breaking. He's always welcomed to play the No-Spread Bonanza Bowl Pick 'Em with us tho.]

8. NIGHT TRAIN LANE: (2-8) + (NP) = (2-8) (25%) (6.2%) [Well, the Train made a guest appearance on another thread so he's still watching the action. I assume his eyes are focused on the big screen from the wagering window and he'll be first in line to collect his winnings. The Train knows the ponies like the back of his hand. My guess is that he has a shitload down on Tinker and Bronco to win and place.] ;)


* First percentage is % of correct picks of total picks by each player.

* Second percentage is % of games each picker has played of the total 162 games that have been posted in Week #1 through Week #11. Those who have not picked at least 75% of the total 162 games are in the sub-premium category and are not qualified to be on top of the leaderboard. However, sub-premium players can join the premium group by picking all the games from this point on, as long as they raise their % of total games picked to 75% or more.

Nice job bronco on the leaderboard. are you taking consideration amount of picks per week when claculating?

Nice job bronco on the leaderboard. are you taking consideration amount of picks per week when claculating?

Tink, thanks for your intelligent question.

With regard to the number of picks - as long as the picker meets the 75% threshold (75% of total games picked) he or she qualifies for the Premium Group and is given full consideration when the winning crowns are awarded at the end of the season. And I proposed that there will be three crowns: Gold (for regular and bowl season combined); Silver (for regular season) and Bronze (for the No-Spread Bonanza Bowl games).

Statistically someone with 75% of the games picked has virtually no real competitive advantage over someone who picked 100% of the games. That's why I felt it was a fair number to use.

And I don't think it was be fair to start penalizing people for every game that they failed to pick. It's a long season and some people, for one reason or another, can't show up week after week to pick the games. The 75% gives them the leeway to miss a few games and still have a shot at the King or Queen crowns at the end of the season. That was the rationale behind the decision. I hope that helps explain it to you. :)