National teams deterioration

PERFECT example of why GNE is in the pits- keep that heffer AC as DEI hires fill quotas and RG has one claw in the grave but as long as that old bat has a beating heart she’s still hired cause she’s too old to change. Go GNE!!!

Nope, neither AC or RG were cut. In fact, AC got one new role/headcount added under her. Crazy.

If they were responsible for driving volume how were their MBO's paid out? I'd place my bets that they made target for the last 2 years while Roche stock tanked by 50%?!! Goes to show you how "impactful" and disconnected this team is.

These idiots are completely delusional and always talk about how much volume/revenue they're responsible IF they were driving it. It's like they guy at the toll booth thinking he's controlling passage through the bridge while merely taking some coins and pushing a button lol.

As does anyone think any of these overpaid reps helped drive any volume?

Listening to RG and AC constantly bicker and ramble is like listening to fingernails on chalk. Next time it happens perhaps I’ll backhand slap these aging dinosaurs lol

Deterioration is what is happening at these violent “peaceful” campus movements. Throw a US flag and red ball cap in there and get the big guy to arrest all of them, otherwise 6 more months of media cover up to try to drag him across the finish line

There is zero accountability to numbers when they're going down, but they'll take all the credit AND then some when things are going well. The leadership team is a perfect example of all that is fundamentally wrong with getting rid of a merit-based hiring system: incompetent and overpaid leaders who are incentivized to keep themselves and their cronies in power because they know this wave has an expiration date.

If they were responsible for driving volume how were their MBO's paid out? I'd place my bets that they made target for the last 2 years while Roche stock tanked by 50%?!! Goes to show you how "impactful" and disconnected this team is.

There is zero accountability to numbers when they're going down, but they'll take all the credit AND then some when things are going well. The leadership team is a perfect example of all that is fundamentally wrong with getting rid of a merit-based hiring system: incompetent and overpaid leaders who are incentivized to keep themselves and their cronies in power because they know this wave has an expiration date.
Best post ever. Hey Ashley, how about a company wide survey on how the field is feeling?

There is zero accountability to numbers when they're going down, but they'll take all the credit AND then some when things are going well. The leadership team is a perfect example of all that is fundamentally wrong with getting rid of a merit-based hiring system: incompetent and overpaid leaders who are incentivized to keep themselves and their cronies in power because they know this wave has an expiration date.
All I can say is f#tk this useless team!!!