My version of 15 by 15

You know you can't so all you can do to feel important is post this garbage. You are useless scum with a serious mental illness.

Ah mental illness, that defines the sycophant 15 mentality. Lack of morality and lacking subcortical function. Stick the comments where the sun does not shine. We are going to out all 15s!

Ah mental illness, that defines the sycophant 15 mentality. Lack of morality and lacking subcortical function. Stick the comments where the sun does not shine. We are going to out all 15s!

Translation: When the angry, mentally ill troll says "WE are going to out the 15s", there is really no "we" to speak of. It is just him, an ex-Merck loser and the imaginary Lego figures he surrounds himself with. He posts multiple agreement replies to his own posts, to make it look like there is more than one of...him.

Notice his gradual desent into the pit of mental illness: he is now planning imaginary Merck "conferences" and "meetings" with imaginary Merck execs to "identify and terminate" the 15s. All in his ill mind. This kind of mental masturbation is usually the point of no return, where his meds have simply stopped working. Instead of getting the psychiatric help he so badly needs, he will continue to spew the contents of his illness onto this thread. Best to just watch in amusement, and not engage him in his delusions.

Translation: When the angry, mentally ill troll says "WE are going to out the 15s", there is really no "we" to speak of. It is just him, an ex-Merck loser and the imaginary Lego figures he surrounds himself with. He posts multiple agreement replies to his own posts, to make it look like there is more than one of...him.

Notice his gradual desent into the pit of mental illness: he is now planning imaginary Merck "conferences" and "meetings" with imaginary Merck execs to "identify and terminate" the 15s. All in his ill mind. This kind of mental masturbation is usually the point of no return, where his meds have simply stopped working. Instead of getting the psychiatric help he so badly needs, he will continue to spew the contents of his illness onto this thread. Best to just watch in amusement, and not engage him in his delusions.

Well said.

In your demented dreams. I promise you, you will not get your way. You are a nutty fool with delusions of grandeur.

The way has been mapped and highway markers established for the 15s and their ilk to be scattered like moldering roadkill. Speed of the program has been blessed and encouraged. We will be actively turning in to management the known and suspected.

"Management" here. First off, there have been no such conferences - it's the end of the year and HQ is just as checked out as the field. Next, yes, there will be downsizing next year, but, like every other round, HR does most of the choosing. We can try to save a really good one that might wind up on the list but, at this point, that hurts more than helps most people.

This "outing" of 15s is a joke. When, at pretty much any recent point in time, has your manager given two $h!ts about anything you've had to say? If anyone in my ranks started up with who they 'think' is a 15 and, on paper, the accused stood out in no negative way, I'd be hinting to get the accused onto that HR list. Management does not want to deal with this petty crap. Your numbers matter, that's about it.

Be well.

You're not " management." Your last line gave you away. Since when do " numbers " matter at Merck? Since never. Because Merck is not a sales organization. It's some sorta sick paper shuffling, metric driven, excel spreadsheet worshiping, bureaucratic nightmare. But it couldn't sell a life vest to a drowning man. The " salespeople" are some of the worst I've ever seen. You know were that leaves it's " management"? One step behind that. It's not planning anything. Merck " management" couldn't plan a child's nap time.

But there will be layoffs. There has to be to support the ineptitude. Grinches all.

Damn right! We are here to stay!

Indeed. You were never very good in the first place at what you were supposed to be doing.
Now that don't do what you are supposed to be doing but don't, well who notices?
Question: who misses you when you don't show up? Not Merck management . Certainly not your customers. Truth is, stripped of all it's blockbusters Merck is just a salesforce of empty suits. So work " 15" or not at all it doesn't matter. You don't matter.
Merck reps were always overpaid under performers.
What does it matter now if you show up or don't?
It doesn't.

Translation: When the angry, mentally ill troll says "WE are going to out the 15s", there is really no "we" to speak of. It is just him, an ex-Merck loser and the imaginary Lego figures he surrounds himself with. He posts multiple agreement replies to his own posts, to make it look like there is more than one of...him.

Notice his gradual desent into the pit of mental illness: he is now planning imaginary Merck "conferences" and "meetings" with imaginary Merck execs to "identify and terminate" the 15s. All in his ill mind. This kind of mental masturbation is usually the point of no return, where his meds have simply stopped working. Instead of getting the psychiatric help he so badly needs, he will continue to spew the contents of his illness onto this thread. Best to just watch in amusement, and not engage him in his delusions.

The idiot is kind of entertaining. He has no control over anything, including his mental faculties.

You're not " management." Your last line gave you away. Since when do " numbers " matter at Merck? Since never. Because Merck is not a sales organization. It's some sorta sick paper shuffling, metric driven, excel spreadsheet worshiping, bureaucratic nightmare. But it couldn't sell a life vest to a drowning man. The " salespeople" are some of the worst I've ever seen. You know were that leaves it's " management"? One step behind that. It's not planning anything. Merck " management" couldn't plan a child's nap time.

But there will be layoffs. There has to be to support the ineptitude. Grinches all.

You're so myopic. The "numbers" I referenced were your salary, bonus and precious pension. So no, that doesn't give me away, it only goes to show how non-observant you've been here.

15 by 15 will not go away no matter what the hater/haters have to say.

I keep telling you but with your limited intelligence you can't understand. I don't hate you / 15s, I despise and detest you. Lasy swindlers and low functioning detestable felons. Turn them in folks they are a threat to your families welfare!

I keep telling you but with your limited intelligence you can't understand. I don't hate you / 15s, I despise and detest you. Lasy swindlers and low functioning detestable felons. Turn them in folks they are a threat to your families welfare!

Not going to happen you brain damaged bafoon. I don't hate you. I just hope you get put back on your meds loony one. You are quite insane in the membrane and there is a room with rubber walls calling your name. You probably can't hear that because of the other voices inside your twisted head. You cannot stop 15 by 15. You have lost your quest as well as your marbles.

I keep telling you but with your limited intelligence you can't understand. I don't hate you / 15s, I despise and detest you. Lasy swindlers and low functioning detestable felons. Turn them in folks they are a threat to your families welfare!

If you think the 15's are the threat to our welfare, you truly are an imbecile. Management has been far more than a threat, as they've run this once-great company into the ground.

You're so myopic. The "numbers" I referenced were your salary, bonus and precious pension. So no, that doesn't give me away, it only goes to show how non-observant you've been here.

Thanks for the clarification you bureaucratic toady. I stand corrected and in retrospect I can see that you are a useless manager. Only a useless paper generating manager could parse words to make them more inane.
But you should pray the layoffs don't touch you as you will find it next to impossible to find real employment on your resume. In the real world they don't care what the color coding on your excel spreadsheets are. A real sales organization preaches results. A subject so foreign to a Merck manager it might as well be Farsi.
Have a good " office" day. Be well indeed.

Translation: When the angry, mentally ill troll says "WE are going to out the 15s", there is really no "we" to speak of. It is just him, an ex-Merck loser and the imaginary Lego figures he surrounds himself with. He posts multiple agreement replies to his own posts, to make it look like there is more than one of...him.

Notice his gradual desent into the pit of mental illness: he is now planning imaginary Merck "conferences" and "meetings" with imaginary Merck execs to "identify and terminate" the 15s. All in his ill mind. This kind of mental masturbation is usually the point of no return, where his meds have simply stopped working. Instead of getting the psychiatric help he so badly needs, he will continue to spew the contents of his illness onto this thread. Best to just watch in amusement, and not engage him in his delusions.

Yeah, the loner-hater has definitely gotten more desperate, with his badly faked "report the 15s" non-existent conferences. He posts the same delusional threats on the KGB thread, making everyone laugh.

Yeah, the loner-hater has definitely gotten more desperate, with his badly faked "report the 15s" non-existent conferences. He posts the same delusional threats on the KGB thread, making everyone laugh.

My my you certainly have a lot of time to follow and reply to every thread.
Let me guess, you're already unemployed/laid off or a 15er, which amounts to the same thing.

Yeah, the loner-hater has definitely gotten more desperate, with his badly faked "report the 15s" non-existent conferences. He posts the same delusional threats on the KGB thread, making everyone laugh.

" hater"? It's hard to understand anyone who is more of a " hater" than one who spits in the face of a company who provides a paycheck, especially those who have so consistently done so little to earn it. Falls under, " biting the hand of the one who feeds you."
But there are always those with an overriding sense of entitlement. Again, usually coming from those who have done so little to earn it. That's why it looks so much like theft.

I don't see the need to " out" the 15ers. They usually out themselves and soon find they are " out."
On the outside looking in at life.
Here's wishing you unemployment. I've been there. Then how smug and smart will you be?