My version of 15 by 15

These dregs are what they are nothing more nothing less. The bottom of the barrel with all the rotted apples.

Before you continue judging people, look in the mirror. You are a waste of sperm wasting your life giving your useless opinion about how other people are choosing to live their lives. That makes you pretty sad and pathetic.

Before you continue judging people, look in the mirror. You are a waste of sperm wasting your life giving your useless opinion about how other people are choosing to live their lives. That makes you pretty sad and pathetic.

The sad and pathetic issue is not my opinion but your total lack of selfworth. You were raised as a loser and will always be a loser.

The sad and pathetic issue is not my opinion but your total lack of selfworth. You were raised as a loser and will always be a loser.

I find that hysterical coming a lowlife who spends his spare time hating on people out of jealousy instead of living their life. The only loser here is who you see in the mirror.

I find that hysterical coming a lowlife who spends his spare time hating on people out of jealousy instead of living their life. The only loser here is who you see in the mirror.

I can see your pinko mommy and daddy smiling at what they have spawned. A worthless unproductive leech on society. Typical of the now generation!

Merck is dead. It's leadership is too blind and ignorant to accept it. I don't blame anyone for giving the bare minimum around here because leadership keeps stripping away the incentive and motivation to give their best around here.

Merck is dead. It's leadership is too blind and ignorant to accept it. I don't blame anyone for giving the bare minimum around here because leadership keeps stripping away the incentive and motivation to give their best around here.

The best of Merck left long ago. The best from what's left at Merck isn't worth much of anything.

Or maybe he is just enjoying the 15 by 15 life and could care less what the jealous haters have to say.

Unfortunately, he like you are the bottom feeders of the workforce and of Merck. Can't wait for all of you getting into the breadline. Now get out of the house and at least look busy. Remember that your one job today is to provide sustenance.

Unfortunately, he like you are the bottom feeders of the workforce and of Merck. Can't wait for all of you getting into the breadline. Now get out of the house and at least look busy. Remember that your one job today is to provide sustenance.

Yeah, like that's not the one job of every Merck caterer….errr, I mean, Merck rep. Don't kid yourself, Dummy.

Your schtick is so old. It's like it's all you have. You run the same line over and over and over again. It's like all you have. Maybe you should get ON some meds.

The 15 thread: sandbox for morons.

Sorry. This has become the playbook for most of the sales force. Screw with the employees, they screw you back. Nobody likes this place. And since there are no jobs out there, everyone is staying on board as long as possible to get that big severance check! Wow.

The greatest thing is that everyone knows it, and nobody can talk about it! Karma biatch, karma.

15 X 15 gives me all kinds of new ideas

Take that dick licker

Unfortunately, he like you are the bottom feeders of the workforce and of Merck. Can't wait for all of you getting into the breadline. Now get out of the house and at least look busy. Remember that your one job today is to provide sustenance.

Whatever dude. You are just wasting your life away on things that don't concern you. That is so sad.

Sorry. This has become the playbook for most of the sales force. Screw with the employees, they screw you back. Nobody likes this place. And since there are no jobs out there, everyone is staying on board as long as possible to get that big severance check! Wow.

The greatest thing is that everyone knows it, and nobody can talk about it! Karma biatch, karma.

15 X 15 gives me all kinds of new ideas

Take that dick licker

Damn right!

Sorry. This has become the playbook for most of the sales force. Screw with the employees, they screw you back. Nobody likes this place. And since there are no jobs out there, everyone is staying on board as long as possible to get that big severance check! Wow.

The greatest thing is that everyone knows it, and nobody can talk about it! Karma biatch, karma.

15 X 15 gives me all kinds of new ideas

Take that dick licker

Talk about karma----today I was on a Merck lunch. I sold a doc on the products that I actually sell, neither of which belong to Merck. I can't sell that sh!t Merck makes any longer. I had a great lunch and anticipate great sales from that doc. Thanks, Merck!!