My version of 15 by 15

Geez, lighten up. You don't find it funny that someone with an MBA is essentially working in the food services industry posing as a pharma rep in an profession that's dying? I think it's hilarious and ironic. People like me fine, I'm quite happy I don't deliver lunch for a living and if Merckbots don't like me I'm good with that. You take yourself too seriously. Guess what, your docs could care less what you say, just get lunch right. That's what a " Merck MBA" is worth.

Your career at Merck hasn't existed for years, but you're out on a Saturday night and you come home at 2:00 am and the first thing you do is go on CP and the first post is on... the Merck board? You should have claimed you were drunk then you might have gotten a pass. No, your straw is still deep in the Merck Kook-aid. Or your senile. Either way you should defiantly " raise your hand" on this next round of layoffs. You know what they say: " There's no fool like an old fool." Fool.

Pretty sure he is not looking for "a pass" from an irrelevant douche like you. Thanks for the laugh though. Must be such a lonely existence for you, trolling so obsessively. I guess I admire your one-man, unrewarding crusade: swimming against the tide, trying so furiously to bring others down. But it's no use. The 15ers will keep milking it (quite justifiably), the ex-Merckies will be happy they are out, and Merck itself will keep steadily imploding under the weight of its own toxic culture. And you will still be here. Wearing a leaky diaper, swimming in your own troll urine.

It's about the third or fourth time or more you've talked about, " urine, wetting yourself, diapers ." What you have is " urolangia". It's a urine and diaper fetish. Now that you know what it's called, go get help.

I had to read it to believe it. The only ones left in the Merck sales force, really are the dregs, losers, malcontents and sickos. The proof is all over this thread. No wonder you can't get jobs. You can't even pass the screen. Only Merck....." Be well" or at least try.

It's about the third or fourth time or more you've talked about, " urine, wetting yourself, diapers "

said the wet, trembling Troll. Growing ever more desperate and irrational, he clings to this thread like a mutant hemorrhoid. A true coward with nothing productive to contribute, he harps on and on.....and on...about the Merck sales reps, the 15ers, and anyone else who may have stolen his lunch money in junior high. All posturing, zero substance. You are a sideshow freak, and should start charging us admission to behold your cowardly soul. Whatever other issues folks may have in their lives, they can always come away thankful that they are not you.

Once again you open mouth-insert foot-prove my point-dreg-loser-malcontent-sicko.

But you are dependable ( please, no " depends" comment " ) " diaper boy.

Seriously, get help. It appears you require anger management help as well as the aforementioned diaper fetish. My, you have acquired a lot of baggage. It shows.

Is anybody doing anything anymore? If so, why? I have been golfing my butt off lately. Sure, Merck has once again stepped in and paid for a lot of food and drink as in the past. If I'm gonna lose my job, I'm gonna go out having fun and living the 15 life. If you aren't on board with me and you lose your gig here (as many will) you will be kicking yourself in the rear for not enjoying the 15 life as many of us have. Stay or go, I'm gonna rock this out in 15 style. Best of luck to everyone!


The 15x15 Guy

Is anybody doing anything anymore? If so, why? I have been golfing my butt off lately. Sure, Merck has once again stepped in and paid for a lot of food and drink as in the past. If I'm gonna lose my job, I'm gonna go out having fun and living the 15 life. If you aren't on board with me and you lose your gig here (as many will) you will be kicking yourself in the rear for not enjoying the 15 life as many of us have. Stay or go, I'm gonna rock this out in 15 style. Best of luck to everyone!


The 15x15 Guy

Nice. Very nice.

25 years in the biz. Love you 15 x 15...

I agree with everything you say, and everything you do.

You only live once- honoring the tools that run this rat hole- is insane.

Live your life by your own rules.

To thine own self be true.....

When Merck hired me, I didn't have an MBA. Although, I do appreciate Merck for paying for my "useless MBA" as you call it!

Signed another under graduate degree recipient. Hahaha


MBA graduate with a lot more assets as a result then you

Insecurity over little man's complex is soooooo unactractive. Yuck! Grow up bully, dont bully those you wish you were.

Classic playground

25 years in the biz. Love you 15 x 15...

I agree with everything you say, and everything you do.

You only live once- honoring the tools that run this rat hole- is insane.

Live your life by your own rules.

To thine own self be true.....

Thanks for the kudos! Sorry for no new updates, I have been disengaged totally for the last couple weeks. Even though Merck pays me well, they are sooooooo far down on my priority list at this point in my life that it's not even funny. Well, yeah I guess it really is funny. LOL. Gotta hit the course soon. Gonna try to get in 36 today.


The 15x15 Guy

15 x 15, I work for another Pharma company and was wondering if you could be my Mentor.......I'm really liking your stratagy and think it could take me places here at my company!!!! Thank you for all you do!!!! Live on 15 x 15!!!!

You've already got tons of followers in the west

Soon to be " followed " by thousands more! And you can all do the " 15" lifestyle 24/7!
Of course none of you are likely to be seeing any income soon, and will never again be making what you ( didn't ) earn at Merck but hey you can sit in the dirt at the commune together singing " das kapital" waning nostalgic for the days when you were " sticking it to mother."
'Course " mother" will still be around and thousands of you will be gone. Poetic justice? Fate? Process of natural selection? Who cares? Certainly not all those who will never again think about a little useless exercise known as " 15x15."
Happy layoffs! Happy unemployment! Happy bankruptcy! Good luck and good bye!

Soon to be " followed " by thousands more! And you can all do the " 15" lifestyle 24/7!
Of course none of you are likely to be seeing any income soon, and will never again be making what you ( didn't ) earn at Merck but hey you can sit in the dirt at the commune together singing " das kapital" waning nostalgic for the days when you were " sticking it to mother."
'Course " mother" will still be around and thousands of you will be gone. Poetic justice? Fate? Process of natural selection? Who cares? Certainly not all those who will never again think about a little useless exercise known as " 15x15."
Happy layoffs! Happy unemployment! Happy bankruptcy! Good luck and good bye!

Thank you so much!!! I am so excited. I begged HR to please accept my handraising. I have had enough back stabbing, sick people. I will be returning the knives to my fellow teammates. 15 x 15 guy, you have been the entertainment and light which has kept me in the game. Can't wait for my plan B. Good luck to those who are left. I am glad someone wants to be at this company! At this point, I would rather work at McDonalds; however, I do not have too. So excited!!! Please Mother, take my hand!!!!! I would like to have a meaningful career. living for the 26th which is the date we were told we would get the phone call!!!!

Soon to be " followed " by thousands more! And you can all do the " 15" lifestyle 24/7!
Of course none of you are likely to be seeing any income soon, and will never again be making what you ( didn't ) earn at Merck but hey you can sit in the dirt at the commune together singing " das kapital" waning nostalgic for the days when you were " sticking it to mother."
'Course " mother" will still be around and thousands of you will be gone. Poetic justice? Fate? Process of natural selection? Who cares? Certainly not all those who will never again think about a little useless exercise known as " 15x15."
Happy layoffs! Happy unemployment! Happy bankruptcy! Good luck and good bye!

Bitter douche strikes again. His sole pleasure in life consists in gloating every time layoffs are announced. Like a "Mad Sh!tter", he leaves a turd and scurries off to his cowardly troll hole.

It's so sad for you. No other career prospects but Merck. No other communications for your frustrations than here. Then why are you here?
Nowhere else to go. Nothing left to do. No prospects, no help, no hope.
Just waiting for another axe to fall. Like a thanksgiving turkey waiting for your number to be called, and your career to be culled.

" gloating every time layoffs are announced"
I thought this was the 15x15 thread?
Are we supposed to mourn the loss of people who, by they're own admission weren't working anyway?
I think not.

It's so sad for you. No other career prospects but Merck. No other communications for your frustrations than here. Then why are you here?
Nowhere else to go. Nothing left to do. No prospects, no help, no hope.
Just waiting for another axe to fall. Like a thanksgiving turkey waiting for your number to be called, and your career to be culled.

Your life: Cling like a dingle-berry on the Merck forum. Put out random hateful posts, tearing down folks you've never met or seen in your life. You would obviously never say these things to their face. This is the definition of cowardice. Then you go have a snack. Then rush back to the CP Merck site because....that's all you have. If this is how you validate yourself, you must not have a lot to look forward to in life.

Your life: Cling like a dingle-berry on the Merck forum. Put out random hateful posts, tearing down folks you've never met or seen in your life. You would obviously never say these things to their face. This is the definition of cowardice. Then you go have a snack. Then rush back to the CP Merck site because....that's all you have. If this is how you validate yourself, you must not have a lot to look forward to in life.

May you be the first one shown the door. Followed by 1,500 of your non - working pals.