My version of 15 by 15

Thats the whole idea numb-nuts. It's employees getting the company back for the way they treat us. If they do this do us we will do this to them type of thing. What don't you get? Sure it's not a good model but we all do the minimum and get paid 6 figures for as long as we can. Too bad candy asses!

The company is floundering. It's good to see. Too freaking bad. I'll be riding the gravy train until they let me go. Who cares? I've saved money, kids are gone, home paid for, easy street. Eat that punk ass

Thats the whole idea numb-nuts. It's employees getting the company back for the way they treat us. If they do this do us we will do this to them type of thing. What don't you get? Sure it's not a good model but we all do the minimum and get paid 6 figures for as long as we can. Too bad candy asses!

The company is floundering. It's good to see. Too freaking bad. I'll be riding the gravy train until they let me go. Who cares? I've saved money, kids are gone, home paid for, easy street. Eat that punk ass

Then count me in. But revenge is not a good business mode. I could care less how you you feel you were "treated" real or perception. You obviously bring NO value to the bottom line, whether you work 15 hours or fifty. You have as admitted as much. The company " floundering" has very little to do with you one way or the other. You know what happens to Merck when you're gone? Nothing. So be gone. The sooner all of you Psudo- "salespeople" who don't really sell anything are fired the better. For all of us. You, Merck, stockholders like me. Call it a "win, win,win."

Thats the whole idea numb-nuts. It's employees getting the company back for the way they treat us. If they do this do us we will do this to them type of thing. What don't you get? Sure it's not a good model but we all do the minimum and get paid 6 figures for as long as we can. Too bad candy asses!

The company is floundering. It's good to see. Too freaking bad. I'll be riding the gravy train until they let me go. Who cares? I've saved money, kids are gone, home paid for, easy street. Eat that punk ass

Yeah good for you. Putting another nail in the coffin of repdom through your activities ( or, lack of). Highlighting the fact that well paid reps DON'T work. We don't need more drug pusher with their expensive, marginally effective nostrums, but less, way less drug reps.
I don't imagine you colleagues would be too proud of you broadcasting what is so well known that they and you do nothing to earn those big salaries, but screw 'em right? "Who cares? I've saved money, kids are gone, home paid for, easy street. Eat that punk ass."
Of course some of them might still be trying to pay for a home, save and support kids. Working hard, sweating a downsizing. But not you, so screw 'em, " Too freaking bad."
You're a real humanitarian ain't ya? They should of known better and should just join you in not working. You'll be there to help explain to their kids why they have to move out of the house right? Because you will have helped with the demise of evil Merck ( in your mind) because of the way the treated ( you) and cheering for the " floundering " of their employer. Who cares if all reps end up sleeping in their cars, " candy asses" you are ( you think) on the " gravy train."
Every one join in, in doing less than you do already and make it real easy to fire all of you. Matter of fact, a mass firing will actually help the bottom line and the stock ( it always does) and if your co-workers aren't ready to give up their jobs that's their problem, not yours, who cares? If their trying to work and save their jobs or at least improve their prospects of finding another one but to you that's just " chump thinking" in your small mind isn't it?
You are here to bury Caesar not praise him. Burn the village down! Not to save it just to watch it burn. I'm with ya brother! Fire 'em, fire 'em all let God sort 'em out.

Well said!

Congratulating yourself on your own post? Before sunrise? Really bro?

It amazes me how you could be so irked by 15 Guy's strategy. But hey...if he prevents you from sleeping at night and you are obsessed with tearing him down at 4:40 in the morning...he must be doin' something right!
Stay with it douche-bag. Don't let him outta your sights! LOL.

Congratulating yourself on your own post? Before sunrise? Really bro?

It amazes me how you could be so irked by 15 Guy's strategy. But hey...if he prevents you from sleeping at night and you are obsessed with tearing him down at 4:40 in the morning...he must be doin' something right!
Stay with it douche-bag. Don't let him outta your sights! LOL.

Wrong " bro". You are as wrong about that as you were on your career choice and we can all see how badly that turned out for you. Wrong about how I feel about the little " 15" activity too. I'm all for it. It draws attention to how useless you Merck reps are. It bothers Merck not at all but I do hope some one some were within Merck will see one of these posts, take you at you word, make your wish come true and FIRE you all. If it was up to me I wouldn't give any severance either, just the 60 days as required by law by the WARN act. You are all a useless expensive luxury that Merck can no longer afford. I can think of absolutely no reason to keep any of you. You think things are tough there wait till you start interviewing with " Merck rep" stamped on your resume. You'd be better off just trying to say you were in school. Or Prison. I'm all for the "15 guys" program. I think, in its own way, it helps accelerate you all being canned, and unemployed on the street were you belong. Sooner the better. C'mon Merck FIRE these useless people, what are you waiting for? They're daring you to do it.

Wrong " bro". You are as wrong about that as you were on your career choice and we can all see how badly that turned out for you. Wrong about how I feel about the little " 15" activity too. I'm all for it. It draws attention to how useless you Merck reps are. It bothers Merck not at all but I do hope some one some were within Merck will see one of these posts, take you at you word, make your wish come true and FIRE you all. If it was up to me I wouldn't give any severance either, just the 60 days as required by law by the WARN act. You are all a useless expensive luxury that Merck can no longer afford. I can think of absolutely no reason to keep any of you. You think things are tough there wait till you start interviewing with " Merck rep" stamped on your resume. You'd be better off just trying to say you were in school. Or Prison. I'm all for the "15 guys" program. I think, in its own way, it helps accelerate you all being canned, and unemployed on the street were you belong. Sooner the better. C'mon Merck FIRE these useless people, what are you waiting for? They're daring you to do it.

Problem is Merck is going to fire some useless Reps, not to mention a whole bunch of other Reps who make an honest attempt to earn their paycheck. Those are the people I feel sorry for. And what about this; What if some totally useless Rep gets to stay while another Rep who makes an honest attempt to work gets fired?

Wrong " bro". You are as wrong about that as you were on your career choice and we can all see how badly that turned out for you. Wrong about how I feel about the little " 15" activity too. I'm all for it. It draws attention to how useless you Merck reps are. It bothers Merck not at all but I do hope some one some were within Merck will see one of these posts, take you at you word, make your wish come true and FIRE you all. If it was up to me I wouldn't give any severance either, just the 60 days as required by law by the WARN act. You are all a useless expensive luxury that Merck can no longer afford. I can think of absolutely no reason to keep any of you. You think things are tough there wait till you start interviewing with " Merck rep" stamped on your resume. You'd be better off just trying to say you were in school. Or Prison. I'm all for the "15 guys" program. I think, in its own way, it helps accelerate you all being canned, and unemployed on the street were you belong. Sooner the better. C'mon Merck FIRE these useless people, what are you waiting for? They're daring you to do it.

So which came first, the chicken or the egg? The decline of a sales rep's value to the company or the company's evil demise? You're suggesting the reps have brought this upon themselves. I've been a rep for many, many years. Merck's mismanagement brought this about long ago. They ran to hire countless thousands of reps, just like the pack of mismanaging fools they were, and later found themselves neck deep in reps they didn't need. Even when our bag had good products---and plenty of them---we didn't need that huge sales force. Now that we have nothing of real clinical value (literally), the company realizes that.

They could have done the noble thing, stepped up, told the truth, let the reps start to look for something new and retain their dignity. Instead, they turned evil. They went the dirty route. Destroyed good people (along with the bad that always exist) and their families----all in the name of saving a buck the ugly way.

After eliminating half of our reps (a little more than half, actually, although management would never admit that), we still have far too many reps. We have nothing left to sell, people. The blame for both of those problems falls squarely on management, the same worthless thieves that created this mess. Cashing in their millions as thousands of much better people get dealt blow after blow. Shame on those evil lowlifes.

So stop blaming the reps for this mess. The "15 Guy" and his friends are doing what anyone with a sense of justice would do. I like to see people stand up and deliver a counter punch instead of just taking the hits. The 15's, the Queen and the rest of them are poetic justice.

I put down my glass of Kool-Aid several years ago, along with every one else with a brain. You're still slurping away. Shame on you, too.

Let me see if I can understand your naive comments. You were waiting for the company to TELL you it wasn't going to need as many reps? OMG! You really have lived too long isolated from the world in the Merck bubble. You never read an annual report did you? Ever notice companies laying off instead of hiring and the rise of CSO's? Hell did you even notice there were less samples in your trunk! Mr. Salesman- less products= less products to sell = less need for sales people. If you really are experienced like you say you are didn't you even notice that the old " door to door" sales model wasn't working any more? My God, I can't believe that someone as stupid as you was even given the keys to a company car. Gee maybe you should have taken notice of your own career and then you wouldn't have to be going through this now. You didn't have to drink the kook-aide because you've already drank so much in the past it rotted your brain. You think it was Merck's obligation to baby sit you through your career and when things changed to hold your hand and escort you through the change, of course all the while, continue to pay you your big part time salary? I'm just incredulous people continue to think this way! You are a stupid moron, pal a deserve everything that happens to you.

So which came first, the chicken or the egg? The decline of a sales rep's value to the company or the company's evil demise? You're suggesting the reps have brought this upon themselves. I've been a rep for many, many years. Merck's mismanagement brought this about long ago. They ran to hire countless thousands of reps, just like the pack of mismanaging fools they were, and later found themselves neck deep in reps they didn't need. Even when our bag had good products---and plenty of them---we didn't need that huge sales force. Now that we have nothing of real clinical value (literally), the company realizes that.

They could have done the noble thing, stepped up, told the truth, let the reps start to look for something new and retain their dignity. Instead, they turned evil. They went the dirty route. Destroyed good people (along with the bad that always exist) and their families----all in the name of saving a buck the ugly way.

After eliminating half of our reps (a little more than half, actually, although management would
never admit that), we still have far too many reps. We have nothing left to sell, people. The
blame for both of those problems falls squarely on management, the same worthless thieves that created this mess. Cashing in their millions as thousands of much better people get dealt blow after blow. Shame on those evil lowlifes.

So stop blaming the reps for this mess. The "15 Guy" and his friends are doing what anyone with a sense of justice would do. I like to see people stand up and deliver a counter punch instead of just taking the hits. The 15's, the Queen and the rest of them are poetic justice.

I put down my glass of Kool-Aid several years ago, along with every one else with a brain. You're still slurping away. Shame on you, too.

Wow. You really are stumbling through life without a map aren't you?

So which came first, the chicken or the egg? The decline of a sales rep's value to the company or the company's evil demise? You're suggesting the reps have brought this upon themselves. I've been a rep for many, many years. Merck's mismanagement brought this about long ago. They ran to hire countless thousands of reps, just like the pack of mismanaging fools they were, and later found themselves neck deep in reps they didn't need. Even when our bag had good products---and plenty of them---we didn't need that huge sales force. Now that we have nothing of real clinical value (literally), the company realizes that.

They could have done the noble thing, stepped up, told the truth, let the reps start to look for something new and retain their dignity. Instead, they turned evil. They went the dirty route. Destroyed good people (along with the bad that always exist) and their families----all in the name of saving a buck the ugly way.

After eliminating half of our reps (a little more than half, actually, although management would never admit that), we still have far too many reps. We have nothing left to sell, people. The blame for both of those problems falls squarely on management, the same worthless thieves that created this mess. Cashing in their millions as thousands of much better people get dealt blow after blow. Shame on those evil lowlifes.

So stop blaming the reps for this mess. The "15 Guy" and his friends are doing what anyone with a sense of justice would do. I like to see people stand up and deliver a counter punch instead of just taking the hits. The 15's, the Queen and the rest of them are poetic justice.

I put down my glass of Kool-Aid several years ago, along with every one else with a brain. You're still slurping away. Shame on you, too.

"We have nothing left to sell and the blame falls squarely on ( evil) management"

So in your world, they just go down to the creek and dip out another blockbuster so you can remain in your cushy 90k a year, company car, bennies, sample drop/ lunch delivery world?
All your " years" but you never paid enough attention to notice that pharma R&D is incredibly risky and expensive and Merck has had a number of compounds that just didn't make it and they took a loss. Sales forces are built up in anticipation then pulled down. Companies have learned that hard lesson, hence the rise of CSO's. All this has escaped you while you were busy ordering bagels. By the way, in its heyday with products like Vasotec, Prinivil, Zocor, Fosamax,Singulair, et al I saw first hand- Merck reps weren't that good they just had brat products. Now not so much but they are stuck with the same crappy salespeople. Just ask Pfizer or Novartis or Lilly or the host of other companies that have rolled Merck over the years. They didn't get much upgrade when they acquired Schering either. More like more drag and just more mouths to feed. You admit yourself that " we have far too many reps." Then what's your compliant? Darwin called it " natural selection " so prepare to be " de-selected." Or did you just think you would ride corporate welfare your whole life.
Let's face it, the "15 guy" has probably been working less than part time his whole career and the Queen always had a side job, maybe hooking who knows? It's the old " 80/20 rule. Only 20% of the sales force brings in real revenue. Time to cut the 80. 15 guy, queen, you, whoever else. Merck will surely get it wrong and cut a good portion of the 20 while keeping too may of the 80. That's why you're still there, or not smart enough or just too lazy to change.

As for your last statement, " poetic justice" is just a euphemism for pity party. I never cashed a check that was made out to " poetic justice."

Wow. You really are stumbling through life without a map aren't you?

The only one without a map is you. In your typical bitter fashion, you've just posted 3 rabid replies in a row! Like a demented imp on crack, you build up more angry froth with each post. Your hard-on for the 15 Guy and other reps, is only matched by your entirely false assumptions about everyone's life and your fortune-telling fantasies about dead careers. Let me clue you in chief: wishing for someone's professional demise, and waving your little magician's wand....does not make it so! So you can put away the voodoo dolls and needles. LOL. What a fantasy world you have built for yourself. The problem with you, Mr. Dipsh!t, is you are trying to have your cake and eat it too. At first you claim that Merck could not care less about the 15 Guy's schemes. That it does not impact the Merck Corporate well-being in the slightest. Then in the same breath, you beg on your knees for the powers that be to fire every single rep remaining...for the damage they are doing to the so-called ROI. So which is it, genius? You are seriously contradicting yourself. And wetting yourself in the process.

So which came first, the chicken or the egg? The decline of a sales rep's value to the company or the company's evil demise? You're suggesting the reps have brought this upon themselves. I've been a rep for many, many years. Merck's mismanagement brought this about long ago. They ran to hire countless thousands of reps, just like the pack of mismanaging fools they were, and later found themselves neck deep in reps they didn't need. Even when our bag had good products---and plenty of them---we didn't need that huge sales force. Now that we have nothing of real clinical value (literally), the company realizes that.

They could have done the noble thing, stepped up, told the truth, let the reps start to look for something new and retain their dignity. Instead, they turned evil. They went the dirty route. Destroyed good people (along with the bad that always exist) and their families----all in the name of saving a buck the ugly way.

After eliminating half of our reps (a little more than half, actually, although management would never admit that), we still have far too many reps. We have nothing left to sell, people. The blame for both of those problems falls squarely on management, the same worthless thieves that created this mess. Cashing in their millions as thousands of much better people get dealt blow after blow. Shame on those evil lowlifes.

So stop blaming the reps for this mess. The "15 Guy" and his friends are doing what anyone with a sense of justice would do. I like to see people stand up and deliver a counter punch instead of just taking the hits. The 15's, the Queen and the rest of them are poetic justice.

I put down my glass of Kool-Aid several years ago, along with every one else with a brain. You're still slurping away. Shame on you, too.

great posting…so true!! Merck is evil to the core.

So which came first, the chicken or the egg? The decline of a sales rep's value to the company or the company's evil demise? You're suggesting the reps have brought this upon themselves. I've been a rep for many, many years. Merck's mismanagement brought this about long ago. They ran to hire countless thousands of reps, just like the pack of mismanaging fools they were, and later found themselves neck deep in reps they didn't need. Even when our bag had good products---and plenty of them---we didn't need that huge sales force. Now that we have nothing of real clinical value (literally), the company realizes that.

They could have done the noble thing, stepped up, told the truth, let the reps start to look for something new and retain their dignity. Instead, they turned evil. They went the dirty route. Destroyed good people (along with the bad that always exist) and their families----all in the name of saving a buck the ugly way.

After eliminating half of our reps (a little more than half, actually, although management would never admit that), we still have far too many reps. We have nothing left to sell, people. The blame for both of those problems falls squarely on management, the same worthless thieves that created this mess. Cashing in their millions as thousands of much better people get dealt blow after blow. Shame on those evil lowlifes.

So stop blaming the reps for this mess. The "15 Guy" and his friends are doing what anyone with a sense of justice would do. I like to see people stand up and deliver a counter punch instead of just taking the hits. The 15's, the Queen and the rest of them are poetic justice.

I put down my glass of Kool-Aid several years ago, along with every one else with a brain. You're still slurping away. Shame on you, too.

Nailed it.

So you reply with three rants? I couldn't make heads or tails of the first one. It was incoherent. But then again, your company doesn't value you enough to listen to you. Your customers no longer listen to too, hell I'll bet your kids don't even listen any more.

Here's the bottom line junior. These jobs are going away. They ain't coming back. You can rant, shake your fist, piss in the wind, call me names, call Merck evil, run a "15" scam whatever. You're toast. If you're ( stupidly) desperately trying to hang on to the rep gig here or somewhere else then you'll be toast again. Your career choice was bad. It happens but you should have been smart enough to recognize when it was turning bad industry wide, about ten years ago. But you weren't and you stayed and you want to blame someone else for your own misfortune. You're angry? No one cares. Merck is " evil" and you want to " get 'em back?" Again, go,ahead, no one cares. You hung on too long? Your fault, you're stupid. You deserve everything that happens. End of story. You love to try to catch me in some kinda twisted double meaning. So let me be clear: If you are a rep, you are now disposable to Merck. Ergo, you are facing a job loss. You apparently can't accept that, blame the company and do a work stoppage to make you feel better. Your time would be better spent in career rescue but whatever. These are billion dollar products, for the most part. If you decide to stop taking bagels to Dr. Jones on Thursdays and delivering your " verbatim sales recital" sorry to break it to you, but it ultimately doesn't matter. Merck replaces you, does without out you, markets it products sans you, whatever. You aren't really "getting them back." If it makes you feel better, knock yourself out. It's stupid and I can't think as to why you have devoted so much correspondence to it. Merck will continue in the drug business, you are most likely done.

The only one without a map is you. In your typical bitter fashion, you've just posted 3 rabid replies in a row! Like a demented imp on crack, you build up more angry froth with each post. Your hard-on for the 15 Guy and other reps, is only matched by your entirely false assumptions about everyone's life and your fortune-telling fantasies about dead careers. Let me clue you in chief: wishing for someone's professional demise, and waving your little magician's wand....does not make it so! So you can put away the voodoo dolls and needles. LOL. What a fantasy world you have built for yourself. The problem with you, Mr. Dipsh!t, is you are trying to have your cake and eat it too. At first you claim that Merck could not care less about the 15 Guy's schemes. That it does not impact the Merck Corporate well-being in the slightest. Then in the same breath, you beg on your knees for the powers that be to fire every single rep remaining...for the damage they are doing to the so-called ROI. So which is it, genius? You are seriously contradicting yourself. And wetting yourself in the process.

Wow so melodramatic. Yawn. You love the keyboard and think your dishing out some real zingers. You're not. You're stupid. You insult. You have nothing intelligent or substantive to say. Your career sucks? Whose problem is that? Yours. You're too stupid to change. You're too lazy. You don't have the skills. That makes you angry. You take it out on CP. Tough but it's all been seen before. When I read about the Merck layoffs in the newspaper over coffee, I'll shrug, and leave the paper in the Starbucks who will throw it away with the coffee grounds. Thousands of other Americans will do the exact same thing. You'll be " ex-Merck and in a matter of just a few days both your customers and your co- workers will have trouble remembering even your name and it will be like you were never even there. Play time is over, you bore me.

Wow so melodramatic. Yawn. You love the keyboard and think your dishing out some real zingers. You're not. You're stupid. You insult. You have nothing intelligent or substantive to say. Your career sucks? Whose problem is that? Yours. You're too stupid to change. You're too lazy. You don't have the skills. That makes you angry. You take it out on CP. Tough but it's all been seen before. When I read about the Merck layoffs in the newspaper over coffee, I'll shrug, and leave the paper in the Starbucks who will throw it away with the coffee grounds. Thousands of other Americans will do the exact same thing. You'll be " ex-Merck and in a matter of just a few days both your customers and your co- workers will have trouble remembering even your name and it will be like you were never even there. Play time is over, you bore me.

And yet..with your feigned yawning and boredom, you still cling to this thread like a fly on sh!t. It obviously consumes you to no end. Like a jilted nasty whore, you keep coming back for more b!tch-slaps. The 15 Guy consumes you. He gives you no peace. You come on here and cry like the little girl that you are, how you don't care, how none of it matters. But everyone here can see right through you. You are an obsessed troll. Apparently coming on here and vomiting holy career advice to Merck reps (real and imagined) is the one thing that gives your sad life any substance. Like a used tampon, you've long since outlived your usefulness and have been discarded into the trash heap. Bloodied and unwanted.

Wow so melodramatic. Yawn. You love the keyboard and think your dishing out some real zingers. You're not. You're stupid. You insult. You have nothing intelligent or substantive to say. Your career sucks? Whose problem is that? Yours. You're too stupid to change. You're too lazy. You don't have the skills. That makes you angry. You take it out on CP. Tough but it's all been seen before. When I read about the Merck layoffs in the newspaper over coffee, I'll shrug, and leave the paper in the Starbucks who will throw it away with the coffee grounds. Thousands of other Americans will do the exact same thing. You'll be " ex-Merck and in a matter of just a few days both your customers and your co- workers will have trouble remembering even your name and it will be like you were never even there. Play time is over, you bore me.

You have no life but to respond with long winded useless rants here. What a loser you really are. I almost feel sorry for you. I really feel sorry for your parents. Wow they made a big mistake having you. Meanwhile me and the rest of the 15 by 15 will milk the system regardless of your pathetic rants of jealousy and envy.