My version of 15 by 15

The 15x15 bandwagon is getting over loaded right now with all the new 15ers hopping on daily. There have been reported KoolAid spills on the wagon too as we have seen those previously brainwashed reps finally coming to their senses and hopping on.

Is there anyone that is NOT trying to get on the bandwagon right now? If so, please tell us why. It's so obvious that Merck cares so little for it's employees. So why would you care about them? Let's hear your reasoning as to why you are going to give it your all for Mother.

This should be fun......


The 15x15 Guy
I wouldn't worry about it one way or the other, 15 or 50 at this point it makes no difference and Merck management knows that. It's beating a dead horse to further promote your little "work stoppage". Your party is over. You've stayed too long. Take out the trash, empty the ashtrays, turn out the lights. I wouldn't go so far as to say: " you'll never work in this town again" but you probably won't. The best you can hope for is " 15 x 15" on a contract gig. Or "15er" in the unemployment line. I wouldn't write with such pride though. Not much to look back on with pride. It's passé, tired and over. Nobody's listening anymore. No one wants you.

I wouldn't worry about it one way or the other, 15 or 50 at this point it makes no difference and Merck management knows that. It's beating a dead horse to further promote your little "work stoppage". Your party is over. You've stayed too long. Take out the trash, empty the ashtrays, turn out the lights. I wouldn't go so far as to say: " you'll never work in this town again" but you probably won't. The best you can hope for is " 15 x 15" on a contract gig. Or "15er" in the unemployment line. I wouldn't write with such pride though. Not much to look back on with pride. It's passé, tired and over. Nobody's listening anymore. No one wants you.

You are a mindless idiot. Your job should be safe. You're perfect for Merck.

I wouldn't worry about it one way or the other, 15 or 50 at this point it makes no difference and Merck management knows that. It's beating a dead horse to further promote your little "work stoppage". Your party is over. You've stayed too long. Take out the trash, empty the ashtrays, turn out the lights. I wouldn't go so far as to say: " you'll never work in this town again" but you probably won't. The best you can hope for is " 15 x 15" on a contract gig. Or "15er" in the unemployment line. I wouldn't write with such pride though. Not much to look back on with pride. It's passé, tired and over. Nobody's listening anymore. No one wants you.

You jelly?
Haters gonna hate.
Spontaneously combusting in your own bitterness. It's entertaining.

Speak for yourself jackoff-I listen to everything the 15 guys says. Why don't you go take a different job selling shoes

If you were any good at what you do you'd already be gone. No, you took this job because it was easy, then got mad at the company that hired you and used that as an excuse to work even less than you did before, like the 15 guy. You did that, too because it was easy.

You have mediocre grades from a liberal arts school with a generic degree degree in business administration. Before that you had some nondescript sales job. You've survived at Merck not because you're talented but because Merck loves the bell curve and you've always been good at staying in the middle, under the radar. But now time is running out, prospects are shrinking. Some one else wrote your resume, kinda like the 15 guy. Some else did your work. You could hide in the cluster's numbers, safety in numbers and all that. But the bottom is out of the tub, the water is out on the floor.

And your resume, so well written by someone else, lies buried under a thousand others just like it, untouched, un read and unknown.

Thatta boy. So they kept the ahole loser slacker-you- and dumped the producers? Nice. You must be so proud.

Yeah. The producers were too busy producing to play the game. It is all a game. Anybody that is foolish enough to focus on "producing" is a moron and a stooge. The winners play the game and get ahead. The losers porduce and get fired.


If you were any good at what you do you'd already be gone. No, you took this job because it was easy, then got mad at the company that hired you and used that as an excuse to work even less than you did before, like the 15 guy. You did that, too because it was easy.

You have mediocre grades from a liberal arts school with a generic degree degree in business administration. Before that you had some nondescript sales job. You've survived at Merck not because you're talented but because Merck loves the bell curve and you've always been good at staying in the middle, under the radar. But now time is running out, prospects are shrinking. Some one else wrote your resume, kinda like the 15 guy. Some else did your work. You could hide in the cluster's numbers, safety in numbers and all that. But the bottom is out of the tub, the water is out on the floor.

And your resume, so well written by someone else, lies buried under a thousand others just like it, untouched, un read and unknown.

What's a "generic degree degree"????

For someone that puts themselves on a pedestal and seems to come from entitlement, you obviously never learned to proof read your work. So who wrote your resume then?

You are nothing more than someone who grew up with that silver spoon in your mouth, never having to work for anything. You got your education & job through Daddy's connections because you really weren't smart enough to get into that school you graduated from. Daddy got you the job at Merck and made sure you moved up the ladder quickly before others around you realized that you are just another incompetent, self absorbed, lazy, idiot that line many halls in corporate America.

You may have a title but that alone doesn't garner any respect from your peers. You are exactly the reason for the demise of this company. Too many people looking out for themselves and trying to reap all they can in the moment, never looking or planning for the long haul.

Like many other entitled workers, you seem to be enamored with your resume. Your resume is the one with all the corporate lingo, buzzwords and acronyms because you haven't really accomplished anything of substance.

I gave Merck my all for many years and won more than a couple VPs and other awards but after seeing people like you run the company into the ground I decided to embark on my 15x15 tour a couple years ago. Actually I don't even really need a resume because other leaders in my community know who I am and what I stand for. I'm very busy in my community and would have many business opportunities if I wanted.

Merck used to have many people like me that were happy working hard, setting goals and succeeding. But they either were pushed out by people like you, already left on their own because of people like you, or decided to stay here and not give a shit anymore, like me.

But I will admit, all the free money is nice......


The 15x15 Guy

Sorry 15 guy you're " guessing at my background" is not any better than your work habits which are nil. Won a couple of VP's huh. Get in line so has every one else. When I was at Merck I saw people win awards that everyone knew wasn't working. It was more a matter of sucking up to the manager and who he liked. You have admitted to as much yourself as to how you keep your little scam going. You are a sample delivery boy and deli slinger gone bad that's all. You've got no were else to and no skills to do it with if you did. See, there's just not much call any more in the real world for people who just collect signatures and call in pizza. No at the salary you're making any way. I've never seen anyone do less with less and then brag about it. It'll soon all be over though. You are obsolete and name calling or making fun of my grammar won't change that.

The 15x15 bandwagon is getting over loaded right now with all the new 15ers hopping on daily. There have been reported KoolAid spills on the wagon too as we have seen those previously brainwashed reps finally coming to their senses and hopping on.

Is there anyone that is NOT trying to get on the bandwagon right now? If so, please tell us why. It's so obvious that Merck cares so little for it's employees. So why would you care about them? Let's hear your reasoning as to why you are going to give it your all for Mother.

This should be fun......


The 15x15 Guy

So anyone in pharma today realizes that a sales person really has minimal impact anymore on actual drug sales. Conversely the same could be said for reps slowing down or stopping making calls altogether. Your little "15" exercise impacted Mercks bottom line not a whit. So you did it for what? Spite? You encouraged others to join in why? You needed a hobby? Just curious. It was really a futile exercise. You just wanted a personal excuse to work less than the average rep already does which is what ?20 hours?

Sorry 15 guy you're " guessing at my background" is not any better than your work habits which are nil. Won a couple of VP's huh. Get in line so has every one else. When I was at Merck I saw people win awards that everyone knew wasn't working. It was more a matter of sucking up to the manager and who he liked. You have admitted to as much yourself as to how you keep your little scam going. You are a sample delivery boy and deli slinger gone bad that's all. You've got no were else to and no skills to do it with if you did. See, there's just not much call any more in the real world for people who just collect signatures and call in pizza. No at the salary you're making any way. I've never seen anyone do less with less and then brag about it. It'll soon all be over though. You are obsolete and name calling or making fun of my grammar won't change that.

The 15x15 guy owns you! Rock on 15!

The 15x15 guy owns you! Rock on 15!

Not if he's still spinning his wheels at Merck. Dead- end career for dead- end deadheads.
Soon: time to get a real job. How will you manage? You won't. "15" is not a career business plan. " one foot in the grave, one foot on the pedal" - Tom Petty. Aptly describes it. Think how much time you have all wasted. That you can never get back.

So anyone in pharma today realizes that a sales person really has minimal impact anymore on actual drug sales. Conversely the same could be said for reps slowing down or stopping making calls altogether. Your little "15" exercise impacted Mercks bottom line not a whit. So you did it for what? Spite? You encouraged others to join in why? You needed a hobby? Just curious. It was really a futile exercise. You just wanted a personal excuse to work less than the average rep already does which is what ?20 hours?

Don't look now, but you just peed all over yourself. If 15 Guy has such "minimal impact"...and he "impacted Merck's bottom line not a whit"...and it's all "a futile exercise"...then why are you devoting all your waking hours replying to his updates? For someone with such "minimal impact", he sure has made a big impact with you! Must have touched a raw nerve, for you to spend so much energy and time refuting his posts. Maybe not so "futile" after all? 15 Guy has got you frothing at the mouth. It's entertaining to watch you stomp your feet, while insisting none of it matters.

You are right sir. Chatting up a idiot Merck rep like you who is still stuck in the career black hole that is Merck is a waste. Anyone whose skill set entails: collecting signatures, data entry, ordering lunch for medical offices is obviously going no were. Then, and here is the real hilarious part, some other moron has to come in and ride in your car with you a couple of times a month and observe you perform these actions that anyone with a GED could do. And you subject yourself to these humiliating actions only to periodically receive a" meets expectations" from self same moron only to dodge another major layoff and do it all over again. Can't you take a hint? You are as disposable as the plastic plates for the pizza you took in to " Dr. Jones" office today. But I'm peeing all over myself?? Look down at your own suit pants you wore today delivering pizza. They, and you are all wet.

You are right sir. Chatting up a idiot Merck rep like you who is still stuck in the career black hole that is Merck is a waste. Anyone whose skill set entails: collecting signatures, data entry, ordering lunch for medical offices is obviously going no were. Then, and here is the real hilarious part, some other moron has to come in and ride in your car with you a couple of times a month and observe you perform these actions that anyone with a GED could do. And you subject yourself to these humiliating actions only to periodically receive a" meets expectations" from self same moron only to dodge another major layoff and do it all over again. Can't you take a hint? You are as disposable as the plastic plates for the pizza you took in to " Dr. Jones" office today. But I'm peeing all over myself?? Look down at your own suit pants you wore today delivering pizza. They, and you are all wet.

Well said!

Don't look now, but you just peed all over yourself. If 15 Guy has such "minimal impact"...and he "impacted Merck's bottom line not a whit"...and it's all "a futile exercise"...then why are you devoting all your waking hours replying to his updates? For someone with such "minimal impact", he sure has made a big impact with you! Must have touched a raw nerve, for you to spend so much energy and time refuting his posts. Maybe not so "futile" after all? 15 Guy has got you frothing at the mouth. It's entertaining to watch you stomp your feet, while insisting none of it matters.

Well if the 15 guys' objective was to shine a light on a position that Merck pays full time money for but, by his example, most perform in a part-time ( so much so that many have come on here and bragged about getting other part- time jobs) manner, than he has succeeded.
So much so that, in its way, Merck has agreed with him, and will continue to fire thousands of highly paid reps and replace them, if at all, with more lowly paid CSO's.
Nice job! Indeed someone else boarded his "bandwagon" and it was his own employer who, in agreeing with him, will no longer pay big bucks for part-timers who claim full time compensation but instead show them the door, deciding that the position was no longer worth what it was paying for it or could easily be done cheaper. The free market at work. Bravo Merck! Well done 15 guy, in exposing just how empty a space the rep position is. Kudos all around.

The 15 exercise has been a very valuable demonstration for Merck, but the reps are counting on Merck being too stupid to notice. I mean you pay people six figures to work just a couple of hours a day to NOT move the needle on sales? Not a good business model. He's only exposing the reality. Reps are hugely expensive. The ROI is almost non-existent. The liability is sky high. They wreck their cars, divert samples, speak off label, break policies, break HIPIA, become whistle blowers, every day. It's like some one saying he was going to start a company like Fuller brush in a Wal-Mart world. For those of you who say " what is Fuller brush" that's my point.
The surprise is not that Merck has lay offs, the real surprise is that the cuts aren't more frequent and deeper.

15 guy when you said earlier " join the bandwagon" and this " should be entertaining." Is this what you meant?