My version of 15 by 15

"...protecting/maximizing my job security.."

Wow-you have a lot to learn grasshopper. You must not be paying attention to whats going on around you. Hows the kool aid taste? Do some reading around here. There is no job security-zero. Even if you do well-ask around if you dont beleive me. Maybe it feels better if you can keep dreaming.

"...protecting/maximizing my job security.."

Wow-you have a lot to learn grasshopper. You must not be paying attention to whats going on around you. Hows the kool aid taste? Do some reading around here. There is no job security-zero. Even if you do well-ask around if you dont beleive me. Maybe it feels better if you can keep dreaming.

No, it sounds like you may have missed the point. I agree totally with you that job security doesn't exist. Like the OP, I'm just doing all I can to make it much harder to get rid of me in the typical manner that Merck is using with contrived deficiencies and PIP's. With my documentation and records, my manager will hopefully think long and hard before drumming up some bogus complaint against me. Perhaps we can agree that my efforts and strategy gives me "relative" job security, ok?

if your working so hard what are you doing on here during these hours? You still dont get it. I have worked for the company for 20 years. Until recently, everything changed-loss of job title, loss of potential bonus, getting pushed around by a rookie and very incompetent manager, etc. It all comes down to this: how much do you make? If you are doing bad and your making bank, they will pip you. If you are doing good and making bank, they will still fire your ass but will have to be a little more creative. you should know that you can keep up with slimy lawyers, which is exactly the person who will undo you. Keep working hard dude! You wont lose your job! You must bring too much value to your customers! Be well

if your working so hard what are you doing on here during these hours? You still dont get it. I have worked for the company for 20 years. Until recently, everything changed-loss of job title, loss of potential bonus, getting pushed around by a rookie and very incompetent manager, etc. It all comes down to this: how much do you make? If you are doing bad and your making bank, they will pip you. If you are doing good and making bank, they will still fire your ass but will have to be a little more creative. you should know that you can keep up with slimy lawyers, which is exactly the person who will undo you. Keep working hard dude! You wont lose your job! You must bring too much value to your customers! Be well

Part of the problem is that Merck management is no longer run by clinicians nor businessmen, but instead....slimy lawyers. This company is circling the drain.

This guy is spot on, by the way.

Part of the problem is that Merck management is no longer run by clinicians nor businessmen, but instead....slimy lawyers. This company is circling the drain.

This guy is spot on, by the way.

Well then, please tell me what this dude is saying. It seems I'm told the quality of my work makes no difference, but my salary level does, and if it's in the higher range, my ass is in jeopardy, regardless. Were the last lines about continuing to work hard and bringing too much value to my customers, therefore I won't lose my job, all said in jest? If not, I don't get the point of the post.

Well then, please tell me what this dude is saying. It seems I'm told the quality of my work makes no difference, but my salary level does, and if it's in the higher range, my ass is in jeopardy, regardless. Were the last lines about continuing to work hard and bringing too much value to my customers, therefore I won't lose my job, all said in jest? If not, I don't get the point of the post.

What he's saying is that the company is ridding itself of the expensive reps. Whether or not your performance is good is irrelevant. I've seen many stellar reps "resign" in recent years. It wasn't because they suddenly felt the need to move on; these people were pressured under the guise of their being poor performers, suddenly, after years of stellar work. It has nothing to do with performance---period.

What he's saying is that the company is ridding itself of the expensive reps. Whether or not your performance is good is irrelevant. I've seen many stellar reps "resign" in recent years. It wasn't because they suddenly felt the need to move on; these people were pressured under the guise of their being poor performers, suddenly, after years of stellar work. It has nothing to do with performance---period.

Still no ridding of expensive big deal legacy reps...yet.

Some still ridin' high and rough shot on everyone in town....

It won't surprise me if it they stay another 5 year run....

Still no ridding of expensive big deal legacy reps...yet.

Some still ridin' high and rough shot on everyone in town....

It won't surprise me if it they stay another 5 year run....

It appears they aren't riding the older reps out, as they are likely age discrimination lawsuits if that happens. It's cheaper to bridge them into retirement. The white 40-50 reps---especially men---are in the crosshairs.

It appears they aren't riding the older reps out, as they are likely age discrimination lawsuits if that happens. It's cheaper to bridge them into retirement. The white 40-50 reps---especially men---are in the crosshairs.

What percent of older reps (45+) have the years in and high rank to be getting those big checks....

It appears they aren't riding the older reps out, as they are likely age discrimination lawsuits if that happens. It's cheaper to bridge them into retirement. The white 40-50 reps---especially men---are in the crosshairs.

"white 40-50 reps---especially men---are in the crosshairs"

....lousy.....should be by lottery without regard to anything else.

That's not discrimination?!

Yes. now go try to prove it in court. You'll spend thousands and lose. Merck's legal team has structured the "optimization" to make it bullet-proof in court. It's a scum-filled organization, from their subverted ways of reducing head count to their lies to customers and employees alike. Does anyone really believe that ENHANCE has been delayed for any reason other than to salvage the sales of that miserable product? It's even more criminal than Vioxx, only no one died with Vytorin/Zetia----or at least no one that we've been told about.

I agree with the above...I could not play defense for living...I was never brought up to fight my company for the right to keep my job, like one must do at Merck...Maybe I am a bit soft, but my dignity is so much more important to me than trying to keep my job as a drug rep...

I am much happier now that I got out of MERCK and pharma sales...But Kudos to the 15 X 15 guy...the more he scams Merck, the more I respect him actually...

I understand where the 15x15 guy is coming from with today's environment at Merck. But I don't think it is right to keep working and scamming Merck. I don't know how his spouse would happily endorse his new "free time" to go out for lunches or to the gym during working hours with her. But may be I am from the older generation. I hate what Merck is now. But I cannot make myself work the system that way. That was why I chose to retire instead.

Yes. now go try to prove it in court. You'll spend thousands and lose. Merck's legal team has structured the "optimization" to make it bullet-proof in court. It's a scum-filled organization, from their subverted ways of reducing head count to their lies to customers and employees alike. Does anyone really believe that ENHANCE has been delayed for any reason other than to salvage the sales of that miserable product? It's even more criminal than Vioxx, only no one died with Vytorin/Zetia----or at least no one that we've been told about.

Very true. Merck is committee driven. Ken Frazier may have perfected the legal aspect further with lessons from all those Vioxx cases. I am sure someone have already sued Merck on age discrimination. As an attorney I talked to said it is all circumstantial. You cannot prove the managers and directors sat in a room and decided to get rid of older reps. They shred stuff. Try to request a copy of personnel file (they charge you for copies) and it is all sanitized. Merck has more time and money to drag it out forever.

Very true. Merck is committee driven. Ken Frazier may have perfected the legal aspect further with lessons from all those Vioxx cases. I am sure someone have already sued Merck on age discrimination. As an attorney I talked to said it is all circumstantial. You cannot prove the managers and directors sat in a room and decided to get rid of older reps. They shred stuff. Try to request a copy of personnel file (they charge you for copies) and it is all sanitized. Merck has more time and money to drag it out forever.

And drag it out forever they will. Anybody contemplating legal action needs another job or other sources of income to live on during the years (decades?) a lawsuit could require. In reality, you either need a rock solid case that an attorney will take on contingency or a relative or good friend who will handle your case similarly. It will definitely take years, otherwise Merck will offer some settlement.

Yes. now go try to prove it in court. You'll spend thousands and lose. Merck's legal team has structured the "optimization" to make it bullet-proof in court. It's a scum-filled organization, from their subverted ways of reducing head count to their lies to customers and employees alike. Does anyone really believe that ENHANCE has been delayed for any reason other than to salvage the sales of that miserable product? It's even more criminal than Vioxx, only no one died with Vytorin/Zetia----or at least no one that we've been told about.

It truly is a scum filled organization...and u must become scum to survive it...

that is why i finally left Schmerck...

What he's saying is that the company is ridding itself of the expensive reps. Whether or not your performance is good is irrelevant. I've seen many stellar reps "resign" in recent years. It wasn't because they suddenly felt the need to move on; these people were pressured under the guise of their being poor performers, suddenly, after years of stellar work. It has nothing to do with performance---period.

I was one of those reps...Merck will just start making up lies about you to push you out...

don't trust anything or anybody in this company...

Toxic place to work...

See that dude! Its all here in black and white. You got it-you have no job security based on your job merits around here anymore. It didnt used to be that way-this used to be a great company. Enter policital correctness, EEO, and "diversity." We got diversified all right-right out of the very top positon of the most admired companies-remember that in the mid-90's? Now look at us. We have had tons of successful reps forced out or made up reasons for pip's. You must be living in a different world than I am because I honestly cannot see anything positive coming from this company. Nothing. Dulera, Juvasync, and Januvia XR dont count. Hang on for as long as you can, but dont expect to get fulfillment out of your job or to get too comfortable because it can all happen very quickly..and also very easily. I dont know, keep the dream alive dude! Youve got it!
Oh man.