My version of 15 by 15

What a racist and/or sexist comment to say, "Merck need plenty of a**holes so we can be diverse." Do you really know all those hires were incompetent? That your own skin color automatically translate into intelligence as Einstein's? Or all female reps are hired for diversity reason? As a tenured rep I have seen some new reps were able to access offices that I could not. Some came up with ideas that I did not think about. Not all new people were hired for their looks only.

Again, only a racist finds racism where there is none. This company is in deep trouble. We need to shelve Diversity and focus on things that are worthwhile.

What an can easily be replaced by a cheerleader type with a nice set of DD's cause at least she'll try to make a good days work! You really need to take a door greeters job a Walmart or collect the carts in the parking lot! Think of how sorry the managers were to even have hired you back in the day! But we need plenty of assholes so we can be diverse!

Ummm, wouldn't it make more sense for the low-brow cheerleader types to be greeting at Walmart, or collecting carts? More on their intelligence level. You think someone like THAT would try to make a good days work? No, idiot. They're mostly concerned about what they look like, what time they're going shopping, what time for the gym, and what time for drinks later. NOT concerned about doing a great job at work. Come on. You are clearly young and not very bright. No wonder you've been hired into pharma. It's people like you they are hiring these days so they can mold your mushy little minds. It's true and you know it!

Finally! A report from someone at Merck demonstrating TRUE PROGRESS! Well done! Keep us informed of your individual growth and accomplishments as you move forward.

From where I'm sitting, Merck should get down to about a 1000 or so reps before the bloodbath is over, so it really doesn't matter what you do. Even if you are ultimately discovered and fired, you'd still be better off anyhow. I'd focus on finding the perfect next job---at your leisure, of course---then quit a year or so from now.

OP here again. I worked only 14 hours this week! The best part is that I'm working with my S3 (brownnoser) on a project and she reported back to my CTL on how much of a help and team player that I've been! Meanwhile, my time at the gym has increased and I've lost more weight and feel much better, physically and mentally. Just knowing that this company has screwed, is screwing and a high likelihood they will screw me too makes it a lot easier to deal with. I've been getting good at turning Merck off after three hours or so each day.

In my mind I've given myself a "mental" raise. Much less stress with not really caring anymore. I think in a couple months when I reach my weight loss & fitness goal, I'm going to get another job or start a side business and devote much of my time to that.

Stay bent over Mother Merck while I put it to you. I'm doing this for all those you have screwed over and are currently messing with. Now shutup and hand me some more lube...

OP here again. I worked only 14 hours this week! The best part is that I'm working with my S3 (brownnoser) on a project and she reported back to my CTL on how much of a help and team player that I've been! Meanwhile, my time at the gym has increased and I've lost more weight and feel much better, physically and mentally. Just knowing that this company has screwed, is screwing and a high likelihood they will screw me too makes it a lot easier to deal with. I've been getting good at turning Merck off after three hours or so each day.

In my mind I've given myself a "mental" raise. Much less stress with not really caring anymore. I think in a couple months when I reach my weight loss & fitness goal, I'm going to get another job or start a side business and devote much of my time to that.

Stay bent over Mother Merck while I put it to you. I'm doing this for all those you have screwed over and are currently messing with. Now shutup and hand me some more lube...

You are truely a Saint. Thank you, thank you from all of us Sir A'hole

What a racist and/or sexist comment to say, "Merck need plenty of a**holes so we can be diverse." Do you really know all those hires were incompetent? That your own skin color automatically translate into intelligence as Einstein's? Or all female reps are hired for diversity reason? As a tenured rep I have seen some new reps were able to access offices that I could not. Some came up with ideas that I did not think about. Not all new people were hired for their looks only.

New reps can get access in the beginning are curious a, "check em out,".... then put them in the same group as the oldies. See this all the time.....

I'm so done with the Sh*#hole. I have seen the older reps, who used to be our "mentors" just a few years ago, being pushed out of this company for nothing other than they are making a good salary. I'm not quite 50 yet, but getting close, and I know if I last that long the same will happen to me. Despite what I do or how hard I work it won't be enough. So today I've decided that I'm done with them. I will no longer make the extra early call or late call. I will do a lunch here & there collect a few signatures. I figure this will take me three hours a day max. Which equates to 15 hours a week. I'm gonna work a max of 15 hours a week until 2015. This is my version of 15 by 15. From now on, I will have an 25 extra hours a week to work out, spend time with my spouse or double dip with an extra job (which would be good since we didn't get much of a raise the past couple years). You want 15 by 15? It's now time for me to give it to you my way. Bend over Merck............Who's in with me?

You might also slip on a banana peel or something and go for Worker's Comp.

I'm so done with the Sh*#hole. I have seen the older reps, who used to be our "mentors" just a few years ago, being pushed out of this company for nothing other than they are making a good salary. I'm not quite 50 yet, but getting close, and I know if I last that long the same will happen to me. Despite what I do or how hard I work it won't be enough. So today I've decided that I'm done with them. I will no longer make the extra early call or late call. I will do a lunch here & there collect a few signatures. I figure this will take me three hours a day max. Which equates to 15 hours a week. I'm gonna work a max of 15 hours a week until 2015. This is my version of 15 by 15. From now on, I will have an 25 extra hours a week to work out, spend time with my spouse or double dip with an extra job (which would be good since we didn't get much of a raise the past couple years). You want 15 by 15? It's now time for me to give it to you my way. Bend over Merck............Who's in with me?

Just think. By doing so, you effectively increase your hourly salary. Less work at same pay = relative salary increase.

OP here again. A long time friend of mine has been with Merck for 22 year and is a 4 time VP winner just told me she is getting the heat now and being pressured. I didn't tell her about my new 15x15 campaign that I am on. But examples like this is the reason. This is an outstanding rep who know her customers and works hard. Now it seems that she is "out of touch" with her business! I worked 12 hours last week! I took my spouse on an overnight and had a nice dinner which I expensed and we went shopping and kicked around the whole next day. Although I did manage to call my manager for a brief 1:1 for about 15 minutes bringing him up to date on my business. "Keep up your efforts you are doing great" was my managers response. Don't worry, I will, I will...

OP here again. A long time friend of mine has been with Merck for 22 year and is a 4 time VP winner just told me she is getting the heat now and being pressured. I didn't tell her about my new 15x15 campaign that I am on. But examples like this is the reason. This is an outstanding rep who know her customers and works hard. Now it seems that she is "out of touch" with her business! I worked 12 hours last week! I took my spouse on an overnight and had a nice dinner which I expensed and we went shopping and kicked around the whole next day. Although I did manage to call my manager for a brief 1:1 for about 15 minutes bringing him up to date on my business. "Keep up your efforts you are doing great" was my managers response. Don't worry, I will, I will...

Cant be working here.

OP here again. A long time friend of mine has been with Merck for 22 year and is a 4 time VP winner just told me she is getting the heat now and being pressured. I didn't tell her about my new 15x15 campaign that I am on. But examples like this is the reason. This is an outstanding rep who know her customers and works hard. Now it seems that she is "out of touch" with her business! I worked 12 hours last week! I took my spouse on an overnight and had a nice dinner which I expensed and we went shopping and kicked around the whole next day. Although I did manage to call my manager for a brief 1:1 for about 15 minutes bringing him up to date on my business. "Keep up your efforts you are doing great" was my managers response. Don't worry, I will, I will...

You lucky dog. Wish I were still working at Merck with such great fringe benefits. I'm in a bank now confined to four walls for at least 8 hours a day and it really sucks. How I dearly miss my company car and the varied work days with the opportunity to just drive out into the countryside if I felt like it. I really feel like I'm in prison now. Trust me, Merck's micromanaging bosses and field visits and busywork and bullshit are all worth the freedom that goes along with pharma sales. I do miss it so. Enjoy while it lasts.

You lucky dog. Wish I were still working at Merck with such great fringe benefits. I'm in a bank now confined to four walls for at least 8 hours a day and it really sucks. How I dearly miss my company car and the varied work days with the opportunity to just drive out into the countryside if I felt like it. I really feel like I'm in prison now. Trust me, Merck's micromanaging bosses and field visits and busywork and bullshit are all worth the freedom that goes along with pharma sales. I do miss it so. Enjoy while it lasts.

# 15 here again. The bank sounds really bad, sorry to hear that. I agree that pharma was the cushest of all jobs with great pay and benes. I cherish my drives in the country and really soak it up when I can squeeze in 18 holes after grabbing 8 sigs in an hour. Keep up the good work OP you are on the right track. I am glad you finally get it. It is certainly liberating once you let go and ride it out for what it is, not sales.

# 15 here again. The bank sounds really bad, sorry to hear that. I agree that pharma was the cushest of all jobs with great pay and benes. I cherish my drives in the country and really soak it up when I can squeeze in 18 holes after grabbing 8 sigs in an hour. Keep up the good work OP you are on the right track. I am glad you finally get it. It is certainly liberating once you let go and ride it out for what it is, not sales.

Total BS.


OP here again. Damn, I worked three hours yesterday but due to conference calls and a local team meeting I had to work six hours today! I didn't even make it to the health club until around 2:30. Oh well, only six more work hours for the week. Gonna do a 12 mile run Thursday and Merck will be paying for catered food at my home on Friday night for my annual Halloween party. 15 by 15 is working out great. Merck do you enjoy screwing your faithful employees as much as I enjoy putting it to you? I doubt it. Ha Ha!

OP here again. Damn, I worked three hours yesterday but due to conference calls and a local team meeting I had to work six hours today! I didn't even make it to the health club until around 2:30. Oh well, only six more work hours for the week. Gonna do a 12 mile run Thursday and Merck will be paying for catered food at my home on Friday night for my annual Halloween party. 15 by 15 is working out great. Merck do you enjoy screwing your faithful employees as much as I enjoy putting it to you? I doubt it. Ha Ha!

Hell of a way to live, lie, etc. You are the ideal type to thrive in Merck nowadays. Your character, integrity, and morality allows you to make the most of your Merck employment. Unfortunately, mine is driving me nuts.

OP here again. Damn, I worked three hours yesterday but due to conference calls and a local team meeting I had to work six hours today! I didn't even make it to the health club until around 2:30. Oh well, only six more work hours for the week. Gonna do a 12 mile run Thursday and Merck will be paying for catered food at my home on Friday night for my annual Halloween party. 15 by 15 is working out great. Merck do you enjoy screwing your faithful employees as much as I enjoy putting it to you? I doubt it. Ha Ha!

i love it...and you are totally justified in doing what you are doing...

Screw them back...they deserve it...

They are the ones that ruined the company, the job, and the industry...

friggin' buffoons...

So tragic that people are boasting how little they work to get back at Merck. I am not defending Merck at all. If you don't like Merck then leave. Is that how we are teaching our children to get back at a bad boss?