OK I admit it. I don't get it. I haven't spent much time anxiously following this thread like most of you. I've been busy with a little thing called life. So what is this guy's (15'er) beef with merck. He doesn't like getting paid? Company car not big enough? Cut back on the free lunch budget? Meeting's are not in a nice enough place? Doesn't like the layoffs,threat of layoffs and more challenging buisness enviornment? Well get used to it.
He's trying to turn the fact that he doesn't work into some kinda protest? I'll bet he's got a Guy Fawkes mask somewere. Well trying to get away with working part time for full time pay and trying to justify is is nothing new in this buisness. That's what make's it so hard to identify, about half the salesforce and management are doing the same thing so it's not really unique is it? Those that cheer him on from the sidelines remind me of a crowd gathered on a street corner for a man on a ledge yelling "jump!jump!" You think they'll be there when it comes time for those payments on "food clothing and shelter" payments?
Don't work if you don't want to. Brag about getting away with it if you like. But don't come on here and try to pass your inactivity as some protest against the work enviornment at merck. spare me. your like one of those "faux" occupy protesters. Protesting war or minority or women's rights? No just don't like that life is unfair. Good luck with that but spare me.
On the contrary, the !5 Guy is AWESOME! I love to see others sticking to this piece of sh!t company. I've been doing it for year and have not a single bit of guilt. My second job is also going really well, thank to my creativity with these Merck Asshole$. I can't wait for the severance! And it's coming, people. It's coming.