My version of 15 by 15

Jim Welch needs to read this entire thread.
You want to know why things aren't happening?
Read this Welch, and try to understand it, and believe it's a real deal.
Not much hope in that though.
Not with him.
On second thought, the CEO ought to read it.
Imagine if we had a truly engaged sales force that believed in their work and company?
And belonged to a company that measured sales instead of all these feel good item?
Read up Welch.

I wouldn't waste any time hoping for this-his ass is buried in the sand so deep he doesn't know what's real and what not

For all of you reps who feel guilty and the koolaid guzzlers who are not in the executive leadership but think they are their pets, check out the link below. The people in this link are living the 15 by 15 except they are making 10 times more than you.

Exactly why I work my butt off for two hours a day! Got out on the course today before it got windy. How nice it is to play 18 holes on Dec 3rd in 70 degree weather! Shot a 76.


The 15x15 Guy

Exactly why I work my butt off for two hours a day! Got out on the course today before it got windy. How nice it is to play 18 holes on Dec 3rd in 70 degree weather! Shot a 76.


The 15x15 Guy

15s - pay very close attention to th Oncology threads today - what is happening to this group will next happen to YOU.

Yep. This is why the polls overwhelmingly favor higher tax rates for the top 2%. They don't create jobs. They continuously destroy them, so they can increase their dividends and options. Close the loopholes. Mortgage deductions for second homes and yachts deemed as "floating properties." "charitable deductions" for charities that they sit on the boards for so they can decide which of their wealthy communities or arts that the donations go to. Corporate profits at a 10 year high. Increase their rates, hammer their Capitol gains and estate taxes. Maybe they'll think twice about stepping all over their employees just to line the pockets of hedge fund managers that risk ruin in the name of profits. The '08 collapse? Not one person went to jail. Instead they got TARP and their bonuses. It's not about revenue. It's about fairness. They've been making out like the bandits they are. The piper is here and he wants to be paid.

Yep. This is why the polls overwhelmingly favor higher tax rates for the top 2%. They don't create jobs. They continuously destroy them, so they can increase their dividends and options. Close the loopholes. Mortgage deductions for second homes and yachts deemed as "floating properties." "charitable deductions" for charities that they sit on the boards for so they can decide which of their wealthy communities or arts that the donations go to. Corporate profits at a 10 year high. Increase their rates, hammer their Capitol gains and estate taxes. Maybe they'll think twice about stepping all over their employees just to line the pockets of hedge fund managers that risk ruin in the name of profits. The '08 collapse? Not one person went to jail. Instead they got TARP and their bonuses. It's not about revenue. It's about fairness. They've been making out like the bandits they are. The piper is here and he wants to be paid.

Take you markist bullshit and peddle it in Pravda. Drink the pinko koolaid and move to California where you maybe are appreciated.

Marxist not "Markist" the rest of your post didn't make any sense either. Now go carry some bagels to some nurses. I'd suggest some night classes before next years layoffs finds you polishing your resume so Kim's and fraziers stock can go up a quarter point and try leaving serious discussion to the adults.

Yep. This is why the polls overwhelmingly favor higher tax rates for the top 2%. They don't create jobs. They continuously destroy them, so they can increase their dividends and options. Close the loopholes. Mortgage deductions for second homes and yachts deemed as "floating properties." "charitable deductions" for charities that they sit on the boards for so they can decide which of their wealthy communities or arts that the donations go to. Corporate profits at a 10 year high. Increase their rates, hammer their Capitol gains and estate taxes. Maybe they'll think twice about stepping all over their employees just to line the pockets of hedge fund managers that risk ruin in the name of profits. The '08 collapse? Not one person went to jail. Instead they got TARP and their bonuses. It's not about revenue. It's about fairness. They've been making out like the bandits they are. The piper is here and he wants to be paid.

The piper is a lazy jealous and envious laggard. Sweetheart, you have nothing coming and life is not fair at least to the likes of you. Get a life and a job that you might be able to handle without too much strain. Maybe a Pooper Scooper executive position. That would suite you perfectly. YOU produce zero and contribute less - be gone.

Well two replies laced with personal insults but no rebuttal to facts presented. So why shouldn't the likes of Ken Frazier be taxed at a higher rate and his tax attorney be sent scrambling by closing the deductions he takes for his second and third homes and avoidance of capital gains he takes when he exercises his many,many options? Why do you care so much what happens to his money? What's he done for you? He's a lawyer that will sign the layoff notices for you and hundreds others with no second thought if it helps his options.

Well, at least on the surface, 15 x15 is nothing if not a socialist response to a perceived injustice of a capitalist system. I mean it's a "work stoppage" right? A form of going on strike for workers who can't. Of course how much do they "work" any way so who care? Better to go after the executive suites monies. The tax man cometh.

It's so simple. We have 15s because they can work 15x15 at Merck and probably at most major pharma. When they can no longer work the 15x15 way, we'll no longer have 15s. But until that time, props to all who work the 15x15 way.

I was pushed out a few years back. Pure B.S., but they needed to cut costs.

Now, I make more money, deal with quality people only and love my new life. Oh, and I make more money.

I'm afraid of nothing.


I was pushed out a few years back. Pure B.S., but they needed to cut costs.

Now, I make more money, deal with quality people only and love my new life. Oh, and I make more money.

I'm afraid of nothing.


Major odds were you weren't pushed out rather YOU managed yourself out. You sat on your ass contributing absolutely nothing but expected everything. Sorry to say, I had to put up with your complaining attitude and lack of ambition. You aren't making more money and you are nothing but miserable. I would love to see how long a new employer puts up with your lack of production and jilted attitude. FU

Major odds were you weren't pushed out rather YOU managed yourself out. You sat on your ass contributing absolutely nothing but expected everything. Sorry to say, I had to put up with your complaining attitude and lack of ambition. You aren't making more money and you are nothing but miserable. I would love to see how long a new employer puts up with your lack of production and jilted attitude. FU

lack of ambition?? are you serious?? And what exactly do you aspire to cochise? Perhaps Merck will pay for your Masters Degree in "Advance Deli Tray Preparation." Or maybe some evening classes on how to differentiate between different Starbucks coffee blends??

Get real...Any Merck rep that gives that evil company more than about 3 hours per day is stupid....

I have way more respect for the 15 X 15 guy that at least has the awareness and smarts to see the whole thing for what it is...(A joke.)

Major odds were you weren't pushed out rather YOU managed yourself out. You sat on your ass contributing absolutely nothing but expected everything. Sorry to say, I had to put up with your complaining attitude and lack of ambition. You aren't making more money and you are nothing but miserable. I would love to see how long a new employer puts up with your lack of production and jilted attitude. FU

Spoken like a true CTL, the consummate professional that knows everything, yet knows nothing.

For the record, I do indeed make far more than I ever did at Merck, I've never been happier and my new employer LOVES me. Sorry to say, but if your breasts were as large as your ego, you'd then have at least one redeeming quality, although then they'd have to be fake, just like the rest of you is. Sorry about that.

Have a nice life.

Or on second thought, FU and FU Merck.

Spoken like a true CTL, the consummate professional that knows everything, yet knows nothing.

For the record, I do indeed make far more than I ever did at Merck, I've never been happier and my new employer LOVES me. Sorry to say, but if your breasts were as large as your ego, you'd then have at least one redeeming quality, although then they'd have to be fake, just like the rest of you is. Sorry about that.

Have a nice life.

Or on second thought, FU and FU Merck.

After the first of the year with the massive job losses arriving on the scene,I would hope that you are without funds to even eat cake. Moron go home to mommy!

Well, at least on the surface, 15 x15 is nothing if not a socialist response to a perceived injustice of a capitalist system. I mean it's a "work stoppage" right? A form of going on strike for workers who can't. Of course how much do they "work" any way so who care? Better to go after the executive suites monies. The tax man cometh.

Merck is about as close to a socialist organization as I've ever seen. You work in clusters or pods, my first meeting almost 20 years ago, I watched a manager "redistribute" objective through his district so he'd have "fair" bonus payouts. Same thing with options. Merck loves the bell curve and hates "outliers" in either direction. We've seen Merck's many clumsy attempts at social engineering. In may of it's business practices Merck exhibits many traits of socialism and when the pharma price controls come under the affordable care act Merck should find itself well suited for the new economy.

Merck is about as close to a socialist organization as I've ever seen. You work in clusters or pods, my first meeting almost 20 years ago, I watched a manager "redistribute" objective through his district so he'd have "fair" bonus payouts. Same thing with options. Merck loves the bell curve and hates "outliers" in either direction. We've seen Merck's many clumsy attempts at social engineering. In may of it's business practices Merck exhibits many traits of socialism and when the pharma price controls come under the affordable care act Merck should find itself well suited for the new economy.

Never thought of it that way, but you're absolutely right!