Many of you have requested I post some tips on how I do what I do. First of all remember, this job isn't really about what you do. It's all about what your manager THINKS you do. You want to live the 15x15 life? Then you first need to understand this simple rule.
Let me start with a couple tips that will help you begin to take the first step.
Check VM & email early and late. Leave some messages and respond to manager too. Remember, everything we do on the computer or phone is time stamped. Leaving or responding to messages before or after "normal work hours" shows them that you are "engaged" with your job and going the extra mile. Remember, you can leave a VM at 6:30 am just before you tee off. Your CTL doesn't know where you are, just that you are up and "engaged" with your job already at 6:30 am. Also, anytime you can respond back quickly to a request by your CTL, it looks good. It doesn't matter if you are working at that time or on the beach or the golf course.
Throw a bone to the S3 and engage them as well. Reason? Who is the first person in the district that the manager is going to go to if they suspect you aren't doing your job? It will be the S3. They are the "brown nosers" that were handpicked by the CTL and DCO. If the S3 believes you are doing your job and tells that to the CTL, you are fine.
These two things don't take much time at all and will help you build credibility and trust with your manager. If you have that, then you have taken the biggest step towards living the 15x15 life style and all the benefits that come with it.
Remember, it's all about creating the illusion of being that hard working rep. You must begin with this first before you can reap the rewards later. Then later you can actually be out of your territory and on vacation for a week without even using a vacation day! I should know, I've done this more than a couple times, totally out of state! Now that's rewarding! Much better than any NMIP points that I've ever received for sure!
You also need to fully understand that Merck does not give a damn about you. To them, you are just a number on a spreadsheet attached to a dollar amount. You are just the cost of them doing business, nothing more, nothing less. They can, they have, and they will continue to save money by reducing head count. Their tactics are vile, deceitful and dishonest on their part and will continue in an effort to save Mother big $$$ by getting targeted reps to leave on their own accord. If you aren't "all in" on this belief, you may get eaten up by the guilt of doing what I do. You really must be "FU Merck" mode 24/7/365. Are you up for this?
If these are helpful and you want more tips, let me know. I will post what I can. Remember, I'm not going to post anything that will give away my cover or lead Merck to change the way they monitor us. I have some great tactics that I have refined and employ that give me tons of freedom and saves me money.
Take care!
The 15x15 Guy
Great advice!