68% pay raise!!!

Not true !

It is all true dumb fuck. Look it up. AZ stock was the worst performer of the major Pharma companies and the growth in revenue was among the worst. The only thing holding the financials together is cutting costs (layoffs) some fancy accounting delaying one time charges into 2017 and selling off assets. And this justifies a 68% pay raise? Talk about white collar crime and this is at the expense of ripping off our shareholders.

and to add insult to injury, I get a letter today (yea, I was displaced in Dec) sharing that the AZIP US business factor will be 97% for 2016 so bonus will be diminished. That CV business factor was a poor 85% and Respiratory was a disgusting 65%. Anyone selling Symbicort should get a 1 or 2 for the year. Anyway, the point is the little twit Frog gets a 68% increase yet we continue to get below target.

I would love to see him on the street sometime. I would give him what he is truly owed. I hope one of the major news networks pick up on this. AZ deserves all the bad press it can get.

So I get 3 percent and this POS gets 68% to make him one of the highest paId CEO's in pharma. So when they tell us we are cutting cost and laying people off it's to pay this jackass that can't even deliver what he promises. Bottom line I am working less than I did before..

He's doing great. Should have gotten more.

and to add insult to injury, I get a letter today (yea, I was displaced in Dec) sharing that the AZIP US business factor will be 97% for 2016 so bonus will be diminished. That CV business factor was a poor 85% and Respiratory was a disgusting 65%. Anyone selling Symbicort should get a 1 or 2 for the year. Anyway, the point is the little twit Frog gets a 68% increase yet we continue to get below target.

I would love to see him on the street sometime. I would give him what he is truly owed. I hope one of the major news networks pick up on this. AZ deserves all the bad press it can get.

Get your facts together and send letters to CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, L.A. Times, MSNBC and makes sure to include how this is another example of what drives up drug costs to the elderly and for Government tax payers. Play up the waste and fraud in Pharma marketing. They love that shit and someone may even send a T.V. crew to chase him around. Remember the bucket of money scandal? This is worse.

Take a look at the pipeline of this company. It reeks of non-innovative me-too products. One after the next. Lets continue to "follow the science" though. Yeah ok. We only follow those companies who have already risked going into a market and succeeding. Novartis, JNJ, Roche, Apple..Those are names that are well known for a reason. I've worked at AZ for a number of years now. Everytime someone askes me where I work and I tell them "AZ", NO ONE knows this company exists. What does that tell you? Out CEO has done nothing to help this cause. But lets give him a raise. After all, as long as he his making money for the shareholders thats all that matters. this type of management will catch up to them very, very soon.

Get your facts together and send letters to CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, L.A. Times, MSNBC and makes sure to include how this is another example of what drives up drug costs to the elderly and for Government tax payers. Play up the waste and fraud in Pharma marketing. They love that shit and someone may even send a T.V. crew to chase him around. Remember the bucket of money scandal? This is worse.

Send your facts to Trump, Pelosi, Schumer, Ryan, .... Republicans and Democrats, the outrageous cost of drugs is one thing they all can agree on. Giving this mother fucker a 68% pay raise worth millions when the company is bleeding to death should be a crime. Let Trump know that in addition, he has been eliminating jobs in order to support his own plush lifestyle. We need a letter writing campaign, call it Operation Whistleblower or Operation Fuck the French Faggot.

I doubt that anyone would have the moxie to ask him about this the next time he is the auditorium relating one of his funny stories about making crepes for Paul or convincing The Flying Dutchman to come over and do the hard work that Paul didn't have the stomach to complete

Send your facts to Trump, Pelosi, Schumer, Ryan, .... Republicans and Democrats, the outrageous cost of drugs is one thing they all can agree on. Giving this mother fucker a 68% pay raise worth millions when the company is bleeding to death should be a crime. Let Trump know that in addition, he has been eliminating jobs in order to support his own plush lifestyle. We need a letter writing campaign, call it Operation Whistleblower or Operation Fuck the French Faggot.

This is a great idea. We could get together a Petition and gather signatures to submit to the press to make them aware of this outrageous act on the part of our Board and CEO.

This is a great idea. We could get together a Petition and gather signatures to submit to the press to make them aware of this outrageous act on the part of our Board and CEO.

The CEO getting a 68% pay raise while laying of hundreds of employees and tanking our stock valuation is a story the press would love. Wouldn't it be great to see a news camera crew following the big French Fucktard around hounding him with questions about his luxurious lifestyle at our expense?

Watch the rats scramble..... Below is the email for CNN "tips" line for investigative reporting.

Were you displaced? care to share the story on your yearly reviews and how you are always well thought of? How about being close to qualifying for early retirement yet poof, you are gone. Maybe an employee who has an anonymous email that they can use, especially if you have gotten below a 3 for the last 2 out of 3 years (days are numbered) while the munchkin Frog gets a 68% increase. Have at it....


Watch the rats scramble..... Below is the email for CNN "tips" line for investigative reporting.

Were you displaced? care to share the story on your yearly reviews and how you are always well thought of? How about being close to qualifying for early retirement yet poof, you are gone. Maybe an employee who has an anonymous email that they can use, especially if you have gotten below a 3 for the last 2 out of 3 years (days are numbered) while the munchkin Frog gets a 68% increase. Have at it....

No doubt there are at least a handful of people that left recently who could bring the whole thing down

Pounds to dollars....
That scumbag earned $13.4M pounds equaling over $16M in dollars. Yet people that worked for in some cases many years at AZ are out w/ more to come. Fuckin' sociopath. Only one way to handle those types of pricks.

The CEO getting a 68% pay raise while laying of hundreds of employees and tanking our stock valuation is a story the press would love. Wouldn't it be great to see a news camera crew following the big French Fucktard around hounding him with questions about his luxurious lifestyle at our expense?

Remember the buckets of money case several years ago when a news crew showed up at the door of an RSD?
That pales in comparison to this scandal of a 68% pay raise to the CEO with a failing stock price and massive layoffs. How can anyone look at this and not see a crime being committed? I guarantee that the press would love this one.

while disgusting, I wouldn't get too worked up about it. This is the way things are these days and the media isn't going to bother as their execs are probably doing the same thing.

No one cared when Weldon was CEO of JNJ, took a double digit raise when holding rank and file flat and paid $9m for beach property the same week he laid off 8000 people. The outrage over Heather Bresch's salary and epi-pen pricing has died out, and no one gives a crap about Pascal.

The lesson for us non CEOs is not to devote one more second of our lives to these companies than we have to. Learn a few tricks at their expense and get out before the handcuffs hold you in place.

we have to understand he does not answer to employees he has to answer to stockholders .that being said there is a moral compass that all of us at some point live by and he has to look at himself in the mirror accepting all these millions knowing that those that have built this company, helped him get to this point at AZ and make it what it is today are getting let go by the hundreds. So yea, it sucks that he's riding on the backs of those who are helping him get his milliins only to cut them loose after AZ is done with them. But again, his only concern is the shareholders.

we have to understand he does not answer to employees he has to answer to stockholders .that being said there is a moral compass that all of us at some point live by and he has to look at himself in the mirror accepting all these millions knowing that those that have built this company, helped him get to this point at AZ and make it what it is today are getting let go by the hundreds. So yea, it sucks that he's riding on the backs of those who are helping him get his milliins only to cut them loose after AZ is done with them. But again, his only concern is the shareholders.

Well he screwed the shareholders too. The value of their stock is down 60% since the Pfizer offer was pulled.
This guy is a fucking disaster and the press would love to publish the truth about AZ and its phony accounting.

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