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My manager called me the N word.

Do you think signing plan hurt ? My attorney said it makes it harder but wasn't a factor in not taking case.
You need a new legal team. Your attorney must be eithet a lazy hack or a newbie. You need a junk yard dog attorney !!!!

If I were you I'd be calling the bar association in my region and getting a list of all employees to depose. My friend you literally are sitting on a litigation goldmine ! Start collecting what's yours.

I believe you have a MAJOR LAWSUIT my friend. You need to contact the attorney general of the state you reside in. Subject: civil rights: hate crime. I expect they will assign an attorney to this case pronto. Remember whether or not you have an explicit witness it doesn't matter. If you can shown 'intent, a pattern of behavior, or juris prudence.' you are in, my friend. You could conceivably receive punitive damages that amount to ten years of salary, AT A MINIMUM ! This may have side tracked your career, caused mental anguish, etc. This is big time, and wish you well. Also, if state attorney general does not act quickly consider the US attorney - civil rights division in Washington DC. Best of luck !

Open and shut case based on what evidence ?
If fairy tale did happen (which I doubt) it would go something like this.
Human Resources has investigated and interviewed all of the employees who were reportedly involved. That investigation turned up conflicting accounts of what happened. In the end, there was no objective evidence that any EEOC infraction occurred. CASE CLOSED

You need a new legal team. Your attorney must be eithet a lazy hack or a newbie. You need a junk yard dog attorney !!!!

If I were you I'd be calling the bar association in my region and getting a list of all employees to depose. My friend you literally are sitting on a litigation goldmine ! Start collecting what's yours.

We are.... thanks

Open and shut case based on what evidence ?
If fairy tale did happen (which I doubt) it would go something like this.
Human Resources has investigated and interviewed all of the employees who were reportedly involved. That investigation turned up conflicting accounts of what happened. In the end, there was no objective evidence that any EEOC infraction occurred. CASE CLOSED

Elegantly stated and spot on

Elegantly stated and spot on

\spot on NOT !! the plaintiff has a good case. He/she should get a 'witness' to sign an affidavit attesting to the verbal abuse and the case goes forward. The guilty party should get an attorney pronto. NEVER underestimate the statutory hate crime regs. You must be a old timer not clued in on the new PC rules !

Did Lokosky order you to post that nonsense Vpak Parrot ? The poster in this fairy tale said there were NO witnesses and the Manager in question was African American. Man, it's clear to see you don't work here and are clueless on EEOC litigation.

\spot on NOT !! the plaintiff has a good case. He/she should get a 'witness' to sign an affidavit attesting to the verbal abuse and the case goes forward. The guilty party should get an attorney pronto. NEVER underestimate the statutory hate crime regs. You must be a old timer not clued in on the new PC rules !

HR is a very old timer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did Lokosky order you to post that nonsense Vpak Parrot ? The poster in this fairy tale said there were NO witnesses and the Manager in question was African American. Man, it's clear to see you don't work here and are clueless on EEOC litigation.

Plaintiff has a big payday coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just get a witness to sign an affidavit attesting to repeated verbal abuse and the case goes forward. This one is a no-brainer !!! N word not the only issue but verbal abuse is. The guilty manager (race not issue) should get an attorney pronto. You must be a old timer not clued in on the new PC rules ! Or are you the defendant ???????????

I believe you have a MAJOR LAWSUIT my friend. You need to contact the attorney general of the state you reside in. Subject: civil rights: hate crime. I expect they will assign an attorney to this case pronto. Remember whether or not you have an explicit witness it doesn't matter. If you can shown 'intent, a pattern of behavior, or juris prudence.' you are in, my friend. You could conceivably receive punitive damages that amount to ten years of salary, AT A MINIMUM ! This may have side tracked your career, caused mental anguish, etc. This is big time, and wish you well. Also, if state attorney general does not act quickly consider the US attorney - civil rights division in Washington DC. Best of luck !

Idiot. can't you tell bullshit when you see it! The whole damn thing was made up! All of you arm chair lawyers kill me!

As the attorney (whose wife works at Abbvie) who posted I feel I was duped ! Sorry for being such an idiot ! I am embarrassed, fortunately you don't know who I am, and not going to believe everything I read here as gospel.

Open and shut case based on what evidence ?
If fairy tale did happen (which I doubt) it would go something like this.
Human Resources has investigated and interviewed all of the employees who were reportedly involved. That investigation turned up conflicting accounts of what happened. In the end, there was no objective evidence that any EEOC infraction occurred. CASE CLOSED

Solid point !

Open and shut case based on what evidence ?
If fairy tale did happen (which I doubt) it would go something like this.
Human Resources has investigated and interviewed all of the employees who were reportedly involved. That investigation turned up conflicting accounts of what happened. In the end, there was no objective evidence that any EEOC infraction occurred. CASE CLOSED

Summed up in a nut shell

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