Manager lecturing our team about election results

Trump will win AZ, Wisconsin (votes being thrown out), GA (votes being thrown out)...still won't be enough...needs PA. Not sure if he has enough of a legal battle there. Also CNN even reported today about a computer program that had an effect on numerous states- but not sure which ones. I didn't read it just saw the headline.

Definitely closer this year than 2016 because of something called the Electoral College. And even though Clinton conceded they appealed the election the last 4 years with cries of Russian influence. All of which was proven untrue.

I'm actually ok with Trump not getting in. It will get rid of the Covid BS a lot faster. Not saying Covid isn't real because it is...but 85% of the deaths have been over age 65 with 70% of the deaths over age 75...we need to get back to normal and will do so much faster under Biden (even though he won't do anything different and only take credit for the work the Trump team has done- including getting the vaccine approved much faster than it should be).

Sorry Charlie! Biden won Arizona, Wisconsin and Georgia along with Pennsylvania. Biden received more votes than any president ever and trump is going to lose by close to 6M votes along with an electoral college route. Turn off the lights, that dumpster fire party is over!!! From your manager!

Sorry Charlie! Biden won Arizona, Wisconsin and Georgia along with Pennsylvania. Biden received more votes than any president ever and trump is going to lose by close to 6M votes along with an electoral college route. Turn off the lights, that dumpster fire party is over!!! From your manager!

You can’t use logic on a Trumper. Their entire world view is based on hateful delusions. It’s very much like a devout citizen of North Korea. The dear leader can do no wrong and will never lose.

I feel sorry for you guys having to put up with shaming, and told how to vote from your manager. This sound like every webex we were on with our former district manager from Seattle who retired over a year ago. Her racist and discriminatiry political comments were never checked.

Typical liberal response to any opposing view. “Typical white trash.” No logic, just sheer immature name calling. You libs are so weak and predictable.

I think they use “white trash” to quickly encapsulate a Trumpian world view of racism and Trumper’s prioritization of beliefs they “want” to be true vs. what science has demonstrated actually is true.

So it’s a shortcut.

Some real QAnon bullshit in this thread. Makes sense as the undereducated can make a living in sales.
And ANTIFA are rocket scientists, you liberal vapid moron
I am the only person on my “team” with graduate education. The liberal loud mouth on my team has a shit degree from the Cal State system.

I’m a proud liberal but not cool
For a manager to lecture team about results. The country is divided enough and we need a break from the political divisiveness at work. The truth is your life is very dull if you only associate with people with the same exact mindset.

On this morning team conference call my manager is very upset by the 2nd impeachment of the president. If she says one more time that this was a stolen election im going to scream.

On this morning team conference call my manager is very upset by the 2nd impeachment of the president. If she says one more time that this was a stolen election im going to scream.

That manager is so dumb she should be demoted. Managers should know better; they have had training. No matter what side of the fence that isn't acceptable Call HR

On this morning team conference call my manager is very upset by the 2nd impeachment of the president. If she says one more time that this was a stolen election im going to scream.

That manager is so dumb she should be demoted. Managers should know better; they have had training. No matter what side of the fence that isn't acceptable Call HR

On this morning team conference call my manager is very upset by the 2nd impeachment of the president. If she says one more time that this was a stolen election im going to scream.

Was she wearing a Camp Auschwitz sweatshirt, stealing Pelosi’s mail, or maybe hitting a police officer with a fire hydrant over the head at the Capitol on Jan 6?

On this morning team conference call my manager is very upset by the 2nd impeachment of the president. If she says one more time that this was a stolen election im going to scream.

Report to HR immediately, as well as new chief diversity officer.

Given current company environment, there is a good chance they get terminated.