If you guys were smart, you'd be spending less time complaining on this site, and more time looking for somewhere else to work. The post about TR not being ultimately responsible is spot on. There has been a long history of revolving sales VP's at this company, each trying harder to force the same failed strategy than the last. The strategy obviously does not come from them, it comes from somewhere up the food-chain from someone who is clearly meeting the definition of insanity.
There will absolutely be consequences for this most recent dip, and it will not be pretty for anyone. An executive, probably TR will decide to take on a new opportunity sometime this quarter, which will buy DM a new life of say 2 years. The new sales VP will be hired just in front of the next quarterly call, and then it will get really interesting for the sales and distribution team. Think about the succession of sales VP's here, and how each of them have been incrementally worse for the organization. JH, GS, CH, AJ, TM. From about CH on, the aggressiveness of pushing the strategy has picked up significantly at each transition. Each guy that comes in is out to immediately prove that the only reason the strategy has failed in the past, is because the last guys were too stupid to make it work. So, the next guy works faster at destroying the company than the last one. The strategy was doomed for failure from the start and there is absolutely no reasoning with those at the top. If you're not a marketing person or manger in MN, then you should consider yourself on notice. It's only a matter of time. You would be served well to eliminate the emotional trial of playing the waiting game on their terms. Or, go ahead and wait to be the next scape goat, they are always looking for one.