Ms. Terry M Rich

Terry is not the problem. He may be "a" problem but not "the" problem. Handed a pile of crap from the beginning with no way to win. Look higher up the chain. The strategy of turning distributors into the problem failed. Who's idea was it? It makes no sense that a sales mgr would immediately wipe out the sales team unless it was forced on him. If they dump TR nothing will change. The culture of the company has changed so badly that the genie can never be put back into the bottle. Give the Orthohelix CEO a stab at running the company. That might help, if he will even take the job...

That was a really bad idea.

Weak management, poor decisions, stupid strategy, awful execution, and incredibly bad karma. There is road kill everywhere. What a way to destroy a great company.

The Orthohelix CEO? Are you kidding me. Maybe if I were looking for a used car. Orthohelix is like backdrop in a Hollywood movie. It looks like it belongs there, but in reality it is fake. There is nothing there that has any real longterm substance. The Tornier core products are very real. Patients that receive these joints are generally happy that they did the procedure. Like buying a house, you sort of want it to last. Plates and screws are like apartments. Sure they work, but that is not a place that you want to be in for 30 years.

I agree with the above post. Terry is doing what he is instructed to do. I am not sure how long the wheels will stay on though.

We replaced our core focus on the shoulder with Nexa podiatry. It was already outdated stuff. We replaced our outdated podiatry stuff with Orthohelix, another line of the same podiatry stuff, but in bright colors and with more modern trays. This is again, already outdated. In the process, we lost our core competency chasing someone's stupid idea to create an extremity roll up. We deserve the stock crash we saw today.

If you guys were smart, you'd be spending less time complaining on this site, and more time looking for somewhere else to work. The post about TR not being ultimately responsible is spot on. There has been a long history of revolving sales VP's at this company, each trying harder to force the same failed strategy than the last. The strategy obviously does not come from them, it comes from somewhere up the food-chain from someone who is clearly meeting the definition of insanity.

There will absolutely be consequences for this most recent dip, and it will not be pretty for anyone. An executive, probably TR will decide to take on a new opportunity sometime this quarter, which will buy DM a new life of say 2 years. The new sales VP will be hired just in front of the next quarterly call, and then it will get really interesting for the sales and distribution team. Think about the succession of sales VP's here, and how each of them have been incrementally worse for the organization. JH, GS, CH, AJ, TM. From about CH on, the aggressiveness of pushing the strategy has picked up significantly at each transition. Each guy that comes in is out to immediately prove that the only reason the strategy has failed in the past, is because the last guys were too stupid to make it work. So, the next guy works faster at destroying the company than the last one. The strategy was doomed for failure from the start and there is absolutely no reasoning with those at the top. If you're not a marketing person or manger in MN, then you should consider yourself on notice. It's only a matter of time. You would be served well to eliminate the emotional trial of playing the waiting game on their terms. Or, go ahead and wait to be the next scape goat, they are always looking for one.

If you guys were smart, you'd be spending less time complaining on this site, and more time looking for somewhere else to work. The post about TR not being ultimately responsible is spot on. There has been a long history of revolving sales VP's at this company, each trying harder to force the same failed strategy than the last. The strategy obviously does not come from them, it comes from somewhere up the food-chain from someone who is clearly meeting the definition of insanity.

There will absolutely be consequences for this most recent dip, and it will not be pretty for anyone. An executive, probably TR will decide to take on a new opportunity sometime this quarter, which will buy DM a new life of say 2 years. The new sales VP will be hired just in front of the next quarterly call, and then it will get really interesting for the sales and distribution team. Think about the succession of sales VP's here, and how each of them have been incrementally worse for the organization. JH, GS, CH, AJ, TM. From about CH on, the aggressiveness of pushing the strategy has picked up significantly at each transition. Each guy that comes in is out to immediately prove that the only reason the strategy has failed in the past, is because the last guys were too stupid to make it work. So, the next guy works faster at destroying the company than the last one. The strategy was doomed for failure from the start and there is absolutely no reasoning with those at the top. If you're not a marketing person or manger in MN, then you should consider yourself on notice. It's only a matter of time. You would be served well to eliminate the emotional trial of playing the waiting game on their terms. Or, go ahead and wait to be the next scape goat, they are always looking for one.

Great post and accurate portrayal of the decay of this company by bad management starting at the very top. Unfortunately it is already too late to revise their flawed strategy. Let the cards fall where they may.

And it just keeps getting worse at Tornier. Is it true they just hired the most unprofessional medical device manager on the planet, in Cindy Bradfish? That is beyond desperation, having worked with that in the past. Good luck with that!

What's going on in Boston? The Tornier distributors just picked up FH Medical. What type of company are they. Shoulder or full line? Those guys were as solid as they come. Can't believe reps would leave those distributors.

And it just keeps getting worse at Tornier. Is it true they just hired the most unprofessional medical device manager on the planet, in Cindy Bradfish? That is beyond desperation, having worked with that in the past. Good luck with that!

Haha! I could of told you that! Worked with her at WM for years. Huge disaster and belongs at Tornier after reading the blogs on this website. Glad I never took that job with Tornier and really feel bad for the F/A people within the company. She was a cancer!

And it just keeps getting worse at Tornier. Is it true they just hired the most unprofessional medical device manager on the planet, in Cindy Bradfish? That is beyond desperation, having worked with that in the past. Good luck with that!

Our TAA sales have nearly doubled now that she is gone. With my DUI and drug problem, maybe I should leave WM and apply for a high level management position. Clearly Tornier doesn't do their homework.

apparently they are not asking the former WM people anything about potential WM hires. LT could have told them everything. just dig a little deeper and her background would have reared it's ugly head. this will be an HR nightmare i can assure you! can't wait to watch this.

B.S. This isn't TR's fault. I guarantee that sales force reorganozation was part of his pitch to get the job. He is a political conniving ass kisser, perhaps the best I have ever seen. He went to NuVasive at the right time, and made the most of it. He will soon join the ranks of the dinosaur micromanaging medical device douchebags. The days of shouting people down, buying surgeons with hookers and blow are coming to an end. You need to have actual people skills to manage and lead these days. Sorry TR but the gig is almost over. Hope all of your pomposity has at least held off enough to allow you to seek good financial guidance. You're going to need it. You don't have many friends left.