MRL is dead

The culture of fear and retribution has become so ingrained over the past 10 years, that no one can turn around this steaming pile of dogs$%t known as MRL. The innovation-killing VPs mentioned above (post 23) are only too happy to perpetuate this travesty. They get to keep lining their pockets without being held accountable for the total downfall of innovation and killing of morale. The good ones have bailed out long ago. All that's left of upper management are the parasites sucking out the last remnants of creativity. And drowning everyone with useless process. This toxic train ride has too much momentum to stop now. It will keep going until the last lights are turned off and the sites are closed down piece-meal.

Have fun everyone!

The culture of fear and retribution has become so ingrained over the past 10 years, that no one can turn around this steaming pile of dogs$%t known as MRL. The innovation-killing VPs mentioned above (post 23) are only too happy to perpetuate this travesty. They get to keep lining their pockets without being held accountable for the total downfall of innovation and killing of morale. The good ones have bailed out long ago. All that's left of upper management are the parasites sucking out the last remnants of creativity. And drowning everyone with useless process. This toxic train ride has too much momentum to stop now. It will keep going until the last lights are turned off and the sites are closed down piece-meal.

Have fun everyone!

It is time for you to name the all-star team. We know Tillyer and Shipley need to go. Pick the replacements - who do you bring back ? It's your turn, you are Doc Rivers and you are coaching the Clippers (Lakers don't count anymore) - it's like Doc Perlmuttter coaching MRL - who is on your bench ? Name the MRL championship team. Miletich is too old, he could never jump anyway, except for some bunny hops when Doc P called in his plays, Reider is teaching.....who is available from the old team.....

Do you remember when Ed retired - Bill Russell at the Kimmel Center in Philly...let's suit up and play some old fashioned MRL ball.....

It is time for you to name the all-star team. We know Tillyer and Shipley need to go. Pick the replacements - who do you bring back ? It's your turn, you are Doc Rivers and you are coaching the Clippers (Lakers don't count anymore) - it's like Doc Perlmuttter coaching MRL - who is on your bench ? Name the MRL championship team. Miletich is too old, he could never jump anyway, except for some bunny hops when Doc P called in his plays, Reider is teaching.....who is available from the old team.....

Do you remember when Ed retired - Bill Russell at the Kimmel Center in Philly...let's suit up and play some old fashioned MRL ball.....

U R funny...who R U ?

The list of cheerleaders is long, including people like Tillyer, Shipley , Hunter, Hill, Parmee - all VP or above, all have nothing to show for themselves but a legacy of destruction of once great departments. And all still here and still prospering, and still causing even more damage on a daily basis. Roger, what the hell are you thinking?
Pathetic, these people have zero credibility.

Is Emma Parmee still the head of WP basic chem? I thought her role would be to evaluate new candidates from other biotechs.

It is time for you to name the all-star team. We know Tillyer and Shipley need to go. Pick the replacements - who do you bring back ? It's your turn, you are Doc Rivers and you are coaching the Clippers (Lakers don't count anymore) - it's like Doc Perlmuttter coaching MRL - who is on your bench ? Name the MRL championship team. Miletich is too old, he could never jump anyway, except for some bunny hops when Doc P called in his plays, Reider is teaching.....who is available from the old team.....

Do you remember when Ed retired - Bill Russell at the Kimmel Center in Philly...let's suit up and play some old fashioned MRL ball.....

Emilio Emini would be a valuable oldtimer.

Please bring back Steve Young

I agree one of the smartest and most human people ever at MRL - he should have Ruperts job , butTillyer was so afraid of Steve he had to get rid if him.Steve had integrity, wouldn't drink the bullshit kool aid. Smarter than anyone in any current leadership position in MRL by far. Parmee looks like a fraud compared to Steve, not fit to tie his shoes.

You have to be kidding about Shipley and Parmee - complete frauds, have destroyed their groups. Incompetent 5S cheerleaders , nothing more.

Well stated. They have killed free thinking, innovation, and morale...all in the name of process and uniformity. But they have not suffered any consequences, so it must all be part of the "grand plan". Which, of course, is anyone's guess...

Well stated. They have killed free thinking, innovation, and morale...all in the name of process and uniformity. But they have not suffered any consequences, so it must all be part of the "grand plan". Which, of course, is anyone's guess...

Grand plan is to cherry pick from biotechs, then oversee development. Wow, how far EP has fallen from her bench days.

Well stated. They have killed free thinking, innovation, and morale...all in the name of process and uniformity. But they have not suffered any consequences, so it must all be part of the "grand plan". Which, of course, is anyone's guess...

Plan is to allow middle management to suck dry untill the money runs out. Bring back Ed, Roy, Robert, Ken, anyone with leadership and discovery experience. The culture of PROCESS must end. In desperate need of new leadership. Does anyone in control ask know what is happening on the ground? So disconnected but nothing has changed since RP came except losing good scientists. Didn't lose the poor managers.

Rumor moral is bad at WP. I'll tell you a secret - NOT a rumor! Stop the process and let the scientists be creative. You may be surprised what is discovered if we have some freedom and able to take risks without threat of jobs or becoming target.

I agree one of the smartest and most human people ever at MRL - he should have Ruperts job , butTillyer was so afraid of Steve he had to get rid if him.Steve had integrity, wouldn't drink the bullshit kool aid. Smarter than anyone in any current leadership position in MRL by far. Parmee looks like a fraud compared to Steve, not fit to tie his shoes.

Steve was a well respected leader.

MRL was world class. Now second tier. Most people in R&D know the travesty that has occurred within the labs over last 7 years. Great scientists gone, reputation and clout gone, productivity down, innovation gone, pride gone.
But all the drawers are labelled :)

Get rid of upper management that made this happen and maybe they can get back to where they were. Time is running out

MRL was world class. Now second tier. Most people in R&D know the travesty that has occurred within the labs over last 7 years. Great scientists gone, reputation and clout gone, productivity down, innovation gone, pride gone.
But all the drawers are labelled :)

Get rid of upper management that made this happen and maybe they can get back to where they were. Time is running out

Sorry, that is not how this game is played nowadays. The game is: get an academic or small biotech to develop the lead compound. We reassess it with an in-house assay and move it or discard it. Saves lots of $ and that helps retain the dividend for the shareholders.

It is the JIT mentality that has worked so well for WalMart, Staples and the rest of Corporate America.

We don't need the expensive lab scientists! All we need is a good MBA/MD person with a keen eye on the next licensing candidate and we're in the money.

This all helps the BoD and Executive compensation packages.

Remember, Corporations are people too~~~