MRL is dead

Ken, Roger and VPs, if you don't wake up soon, then do us a favor and time to retire. You're success is blinding you and it will come back to haunt everyone else while you ride off into the sunset with your stock options and multi-million dollar salaries. You've got to learn to multitask and in-license good compounds to supplement internal pipeline. You can't just rely on Keytruda. Bring back Vagelos

In-license deal signed only 4 years ago with big payback.
Galapagos RI drug

When you say bring back Vagelos, do you mean to celebrate his 91st birthday?

Januvia. You're welcome!
The profits provided funded other non productive sites for many years so it's ok for others to take a turn praying the bills.

QUOTE="anonymous, post: 6244785"]Talent, Rahway? LOL, now that’s funny...what exactly has that “talent” produced??[/QUOTE]