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More money other pharma


I started looking for specialty positions outside of Novartis. I am an executive rep, and working here for 8 years. I have had some interviews and several call backs waiting for a second interview. Every job pays more , benefits about the same most give stock options.
The salary increase ranges from 10,000- 30,000.

Do not think that Novartis is king, they underpay most of their reps.


Depends how much you make as EX SC
Many are making well over 100k+ in base and those jobs
are few and far between . I think if you have been with Novartis 10yrs or more and have reached EX SC you are making pretty good money for what you do

Oh, that's right, loser, you CAN'T get a real job!

Why should I get a real job? Less money, less benefits. I have a great territory, great manager, decent access, good numbers and clear $120,000 a year. But I should look for a REAL job? I think I'll do this as long as possible. But thanks for trying to be such a dick...

Why should I get a real job? Less money, less benefits. I have a great territory, great manager, decent access, good numbers and clear $120,000 a year. But I should look for a REAL job? I think I'll do this as long as possible. But thanks for trying to be such a dick...

Your territory will probably change and your manager may be gone. WHat you have now will not be as you know it starting May 1. You better bank that $120K (doubt it) as next year you will not have a job

I'd rather have Real $$ that a real sales job.. my real sales job is 50-60 hour weeks (weekends, holidays included), taking calls at 10pm at nite, managed 2 days of vacation since last summer (came into office on 1 of those days), real pressure to 'make numbers' ..all this gives me is less than my previous pharma pay with 100% more stress

I'd rather have Real $$ that a real sales job.. my real sales job is 50-60 hour weeks (weekends, holidays included), taking calls at 10pm at nite, managed 2 days of vacation since last summer (came into office on 1 of those days), real pressure to 'make numbers' ..all this gives me is less than my previous pharma pay with 100% more stress

Wow! Accountability for sales numbers? What a concept!
(said dripping with sarcasm)

my real sales job:
Bonus=15,000/QTR (@100%)
Being away from Pharma=PRICELESS

p.s. much less stress controlling my own future vs. dealing with Pharma downsizings.

Best of Luck!

Wow! Accountability for sales numbers? What a concept!
(said dripping with sarcasm)

my real sales job:
Bonus=15,000/QTR (@100%)
Being away from Pharma=PRICELESS

p.s. much less stress controlling my own future vs. dealing with Pharma downsizings.

Best of Luck!

Thx. Good for you.