More field rides in 2024

Help me understand this… Novartis CV knows culture sucks. They are working diligently to improve it they say.

So they increase field rides, implement more micromanagement, track us to death, spend unnecessary money on computers/phones, encouraged to give more 2’s on field rides, give more shitty data, pay less bonus, the list goes on and on. Time to get out and get out fast.

This is a great post bravo. They do everything to make us quit.

Help me understand this… Novartis CV knows culture sucks. They are working diligently to improve it they say.

So they increase field rides, implement more micromanagement, track us to death, spend unnecessary money on computers/phones, encouraged to give more 2’s on field rides, give more shitty data, pay less bonus, the list goes on and on. Time to get out and get out fast.

This isn’t just happening in CV. I won’t say which area I work in but our data sucks and capture rate is low. Our new bonus plan is going to over reward territories that are historically strong performers despite the reps having no access to doctors and not doing anything different than anyone else. Same micromanagement as far as activities go and worse scores on FCR’s on skills that we have historically done well in. There are many new external people that came onboard during T4G and most didn’t have any Pharma experience. They have created bonus plans to reward high territory performers despite our data capture being around 80% at best

Yeah….that’s why I’m on here complaining about my manager doing so many field rides, Einstein.
I was trying to figure out what you meant about Novartis being “picturesque.” After reading aloud, I’m thinking you mean it’s the “picture of?”
There was something else too that didn’t make sense and my theory was you either talk to texted that thing or English is your second language.
Either way, I figured out what you were trying to say and answered.
But apparently you’re being held hostage at Novartis or you just can’t find a better job. Buckle up pal and enjoy the ride.

No one here is held hostage at Novartis. Just because people rant doesn't mean people do not have an ability leave. Some of us actually want Novartis to improve.
That’s funny Novartis will never improve. Been horrible place forever. Thousands of reps have traveled your path before you with your same hope. Simply put Novartis will never change cause they think their way is the only way. Save yourself the agony and find a better job.

Now they stopped paying for drinks during happy hour. What a joke of a company.

This is your concern?

$0 bonuses. Shitty, unusable data. Profoundly incompetent senior management. Piss-poor asset management (gross overpay on Leqvio). Entresto biosimiliar any month now. Screw-tightening with ABL field days.

But your pissed because you have to pay for your shitty, watery macrobrew. Tough days indeed.

This is your concern?

$0 bonuses. Shitty, unusable data. Profoundly incompetent senior management. Piss-poor asset management (gross overpay on Leqvio). Entresto biosimiliar any month now. Screw-tightening with ABL field days.

But your pissed because you have to pay for your shitty, watery macrobrew. Tough days indeed.

Clown just pointing out another thing they did that's petty.

That’s funny Novartis will never improve. Been horrible place forever. Thousands of reps have traveled your path before you with your same hope. Simply put Novartis will never change cause they think their way is the only way. Save yourself the agony and find a better job.
Exactly look how Crappy CV division is and yet they keep hiring and expanded with more gullible reps.

I don’t really drink that much, so no alcohol doesn’t actually affect me much, but it does just serve as another little “F you” from Novartis. Just another way for them to remind us how much they hate us. Another reminder not to get too passionate about this job, it’s just a job and Novartis doesn’t give a shit about me. I’m interested to see if there will truly be no alcohol at our March meeting. I’ll be smiling, but Neil better not expect any better reception than Duane got last year if this is the culture he wants to foster.
They’re so obsessed with tracking every metric they can (except sales) and having managers bird dogging us everywhere we go. I would bet this is actually causing a decrease in productivity. I know it had for me. You don’t trust me or value what I do? Duly noted.

I don’t really drink that much, so no alcohol doesn’t actually affect me much, but it does just serve as another little “F you” from Novartis. Just another way for them to remind us how much they hate us. Another reminder not to get too passionate about this job, it’s just a job and Novartis doesn’t give a shit about me. I’m interested to see if there will truly be no alcohol at our March meeting. I’ll be smiling, but Neil better not expect any better reception than Duane got last year if this is the culture he wants to foster.
They’re so obsessed with tracking every metric they can (except sales) and having managers bird dogging us everywhere we go. I would bet this is actually causing a decrease in productivity. I know it had for me. You don’t trust me or value what I do? Duly noted.
Thanks cocoa boy-enjoy the snickers rub

I don’t really drink that much, so no alcohol doesn’t actually affect me much, but it does just serve as another little “F you” from Novartis. Just another way for them to remind us how much they hate us. Another reminder not to get too passionate about this job, it’s just a job and Novartis doesn’t give a shit about me. I’m interested to see if there will truly be no alcohol at our March meeting. I’ll be smiling, but Neil better not expect any better reception than Duane got last year if this is the culture he wants to foster.
They’re so obsessed with tracking every metric they can (except sales) and having managers bird dogging us everywhere we go. I would bet this is actually causing a decrease in productivity. I know it had for me. You don’t trust me or value what I do? Duly noted.

You can still drink or expense alcohol, with a meal. You can’t expense 12 drinks and no food and call it dinner, especially after they’ve fed you and given you alcohol (at meetings).