More field rides in 2024

In Orlando, each time I meet new people, I’m going to wonder which of them are the idiots who got in the above juvenile exchange. I’ll also blame babies like you for why the rest of us aren’t treated like professionals at this cesspool.

In Orlando, each time I meet new people, I’m going to wonder which of them are the idiots who got in the above juvenile exchange. I’ll also blame babies like you for why the rest of us aren’t treated like professionals at this cesspool.

There is a troll on this message board. They probably don't even work at Novartis.

That’s where the problem lies. If you cared you’d be performing at a much higher level. The worst part of my job is placing reps like you on PIPs. If reps listened to their coaches, there would be no PIPs.

Are you for real? Listened to their coaches? This isn’t the NFL. You are supposed to be our partners in strategy and skill building not just coaches. The Novartis ABL model is so outdated. Clean house of all the management training team

Are you for real? Listened to their coaches? This isn’t the NFL. You are supposed to be our partners in strategy and skill building not just coaches. The Novartis ABL model is so outdated. Clean house of all the management training team
Well I don't think that's your style,
But I'll tell ya, Pilgrim, I'm versatile!
Aretha Franklin! Aretha Franklin!
Aretha Franklin! Let me rock ya,
Let me rock y'aretha Franklin! Let me rock y'aretha Franklin,
that's all I wanna do, 'retha Franklin

Da ha, da ha. Da ha ha ha ha, ha