Ohhhh!, so everyone around him were idiots, but HE was a genius! Yup, you are a buddy. Again, I have no idea of why you are injecting race into this discussion; it is not relevant. To say that black people get preferential treatment defies logic, just look around you. How many black people do you see? PS: All the "great ideas" he had; where do you think that they came from? Leave race out of the issue, if you know the professional Kendall AND you know the professional background of Mike, you know that it is completely unfair to Mike to compare, its not even close. No one is arguing that Kendall should have gotten the job, I know for a fact why he didn't.
I have first hand knowledge of what an absolute idiot he was. Like I said, the actual HR Director for HCV literally told me that "Mike got the job because he did not have to relocate, and the other finalist did." That's a direct quote.
Here's another actual anecdote. Two people were interviewing for an HCV sales job; one of the candidates presented Mike with a "brag" book the day before the interview. Mike, brings the other candidate to the front door of his office, and points to the brag book, and gives the "wink-wink/nod nod" for the candidate to take the brag book of his competition, use it for ideas. Now, remember, Mike is the NSD. How bush league was that?
Next, Walt Maguire absolutely carried Mike while he was in HCV. Think of Walt as Dick Cheney, to Mike's George Bush. Every single innovative idea that mike had, came directly from Walt. Want more, ask tom klein about the expense report with the 350/person dinner. I could go on, and, on, and on.
Yes, Mike was an RSD at Genzyme FOR LESS THAN ONE YEAR. He was an RSD Roche IN TITLE ONLY, as there never was anything to sell ala mircera. It is not his fault that he was in way over his head. Yes, Pegasys market share jumped, while he held the NSD position, but that trajectory started before he took over. The catalyst, that caused the rapid increase in share was the IDEAL study from Scherring, and you know that. However, you can not take market share to the bank. Again, I know for a fact, that the financial objectives were NOT met for most of the years that mike was the NSD. That means that pegasys volume rarely at forecast; don't believe me, just ask tom or teresa what percent of budget pegasys achieved during those years.
No one is arguing that mike was not a nice guy that you would love to have a beer with. He was a nice guy, but he was a really a bit of a dufus. Lastly, do you really believe that he voluntarily stepped down from leading 200 people, to being a glorified DM, managing 8 people, with some bogus "reimbursement" positions? Do you know what that looks like on his resume? Give me a break, mike was pushed, he did not jump.