Mike Foley

What warning letter? Target date is 10/31/17?

Unfortunately there will be layoffs, revenue in this business unit is no longer able to support the number of reps, MSLs, CNEs or RSMs. Pretty sad because this BU was a cash cow that funded so many other BU start ups. The only way this unit can survive is with a co promote or new drug.
Betaseron is a great drug that is in the very late stage of its life cycle.
If you are in the bottom 50% by Oct 31st you better be prepared to be laid off. No PIP needed to do a general layoff either. They did it in December 2014 and it was pretty brutal. This division is on life support. Be prepared for the Big Pharma Christmas present in early Dec 2017. It's just business...
Look out for yourself and your family.

Nobody cares. We are all out here going through the motions.

Completely true, this company forces reps to lie! Fake calls all day and every day. Most of us can see 1-2 Drs face to face a day MAX. What a soul destroying job. Now before someone posts that this isn't so, look at yourself in the mirror. There may be a few reps that have 5 a day access but the majority of us do not see more than 2 a day. What makes it even more are RSMs following us into offices making it even more difficult to see our Drs!

Completely true, this company forces reps to lie! Fake calls all day and every day. Most of us can see 1-2 Drs face to face a day MAX. What a soul destroying job. Now before someone posts that this isn't so, look at yourself in the mirror. There may be a few reps that have 5 a day access but the majority of us do not see more than 2 a day. What makes it even more are RSMs following us into offices making it even more difficult to see our Drs!

So true!

Completely true, this company forces reps to lie! Fake calls all day and every day. Most of us can see 1-2 Drs face to face a day MAX. What a soul destroying job. Now before someone posts that this isn't so, look at yourself in the mirror. There may be a few reps that have 5 a day access but the majority of us do not see more than 2 a day. What makes it even more are RSMs following us into offices making it even more difficult to see our Drs!
Speak for yourself. I'm seeing my docs and making quota. If your can't cut it, move on.

The point is this: all of the hoopla around Beta Connect, the app (and the fairy-tale "success stories"), and the Navigator are not translating into patient trainings. Actually, 78% (presumably for Sept.) is better than average for the year, but not enough to prevent a re-alignment. I don't blame Foley so much as the dotards who ran this division for years and ignored the market around them and the sales people who begged them for resources (sorry, nurses and MSLs are not resources, but rather a colossal waste of money - tell me, how does an MSL drive sales? Answer: they don't.).

For a new and complex product where sales are climbing, MSLs may be a good addition to a sales team. For an old product where everything has been written or lectured about for 24 years while sales continue to decline (except, of course, if we unethically keep raising prices), MSLs are a luxury we cannot afford. Get rid of the MSLs and put that money into programs.

For a new and complex product where sales are climbing, MSLs may be a good addition to a sales team. For an old product where everything has been written or lectured about for 24 years while sales continue to decline (except, of course, if we unethically keep raising prices), MSLs are a luxury we cannot afford. Get rid of the MSLs and put that money into programs.
we live in a capatalistic system where free enterprise reigns. Why in your world are price increases unethical? When you trade in your car or want to sell your house, are you going to ask the lowest possible price or the most you can get?

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