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What makes Mike Foley such a goofball?

I’m done here.
This site is apparently full of disgruntled people who refuse to hear the truth, And who refuse to take some responsibility and at least change their attitude.

Yes… It is a tough environment. Being disgruntled and pointing fingers is not going to change anything.
You are the narcissistic psychopath that created this environment.
You " Can't Understand Normal Thinking".

Surviving in the workplace these days is 100% about adaptability. I highly recommend that senior management purchase the book who moved my cheese and send it to each and every rep.

Surviving in the workplace these days is 100% about adaptability. I highly recommend that senior management purchase the book who moved my cheese and send it to each and every rep.
You are a dumb ass!
Learn to use punctuation.
"Who moved my Cheese" is a title to a book and therefore quotations are used.

Surviving in the workplace these days is 100% about adaptability. I highly recommend that senior management purchase the book who moved my cheese and send it to each and every rep.
You follow the author of "Who Moved my Cheese", a guy that was never heard of again.
You are a mouse with mayonnaise on his lips.
You Cockingsucking Motherfucker!

psychology 101-
You are getting all caught up in the details. Bashing me - because I chose not to use quotes.

Life Lesson for you....
Do you want to survive the current situation?

Try and look at the big picture. Do not analyze and criticize every little thing.

Why are you so afraid of change ?

Hi Mike or high performing Neurology rep on cafepharma or now zen philosopher on cafepharma lol. The sales force is not afraid of change if change makes sense. Betaseron is tough to sell but now it is even tougher to sell thanks to your latest stupid change of firing all the BetaNurses last week as my BetaNurse was a huge asset to my sales success with Betaseron (I really am a top performing rep).

Now going back to your 1st grade book recommendation "Who Moved My Cheese" the sales force has a book recommendation for you called "Foley Ate My Cheese" judging from how you have let yourself go or maybe you think you may finally be a professional hockey player being drafted as a goalie by the NHL as your ass is now big enough to cover the entire goal.

I had the funniest dream last night. You know the scenes in The Titanic when the ship is sinking and the guys are still playing their musical instruments...well same thing in my dream except it wasnt a ship sinking, it was Betaseron. And the guys playing the musical instruments werent actors, they were Foley and Captain Dan!

I could totally wrong on this, but there are couple of postings that make me think that someone other than Foley is defending him. That someone might be Captain Dan or even Renee Ferreri. The tone of the responses suggest more than one person. It's doubtful (but possible) that a rep would defend Foley as described here. Doesn't matter, though; leadership is at an all-time low, PIPs are being doled out with minimal regard to context, Betaseron marketing is non-existent, and sales force morale is tanking (except if you happen to be on top this quarter).

I could totally wrong on this, but there are couple of postings that make me think that someone other than Foley is defending him. That someone might be Captain Dan or even Renee Ferreri. The tone of the responses suggest more than one person. It's doubtful (but possible) that a rep would defend Foley as described here. Doesn't matter, though; leadership is at an all-time low, PIPs are being doled out with minimal regard to context, Betaseron marketing is non-existent, and sales force morale is tanking (except if you happen to be on top this quarter).

Renee Ferreri is the PIP enforcer so be on the look out for her if she wants to ride with you.

Mike Foley, Captain Dan, Renee Ferreri Bayer's version of Supreme Leader Snoke, Sheev Palpatine, and Darth Vader or the 3 Stooges take your pick.

psychology 101-
You are getting all caught up in the details. Bashing me - because I chose not to use quotes.

Life Lesson for you....
Do you want to survive the current situation?

Try and look at the big picture. Do not analyze and criticize every little thing.
foley! You are a national sales manager for a pharmaceutical company. To be an effective leader means communicating clearly. Choosing to use punctuation improperly is not communicating very effectively. Instead of playing an armchair psychologist, why don't you go back to management class 101.
You "Can't Understand Normal Thinking".
And dammit foley, wipe the mayonnaise off your lip!

Surviving in the workplace these days is 100% about adaptability. I highly recommend that senior management purchase the book who moved my cheese and send it to each and every rep.
So foley! What you are saying, is, you want senior management to puchase a book you own that moved your cheese and then send it to us.
What the he'll does that mean?

Surviving in the workplace these days is 100% about adaptability. I highly recommend that senior management purchase the book who moved my cheese and send it to each and every rep.
foley! You are a dope.
You are a national manager.
Bedard thinks you are doing a good job.
How pathetic.
Bayer is a horribly managed company.

Come on you guys just work harder. We can do what Alabama does. Listen to our fearless leader. He knows so much about what we do. You know he was a professional hockey player for cryen out loud! Kristen get all you can from these asshole and then tell them to go suck it!!!!
You guys aren’t working hard enoug h!!

Come on you guys just work harder. We can do what Alabama does. Listen to our fearless leader. He knows so much about what we do. You know he was a professional hockey player for cryen out loud! Kristen get all you can from these asshole and then tell them to go suck it!!!!
You guys aren’t working hard enoug h!!

Mike here aka Bayer Waterboy! Team do you remember my inspirational email last week? Here's a reminder team...YOU CAN DO IT!

Change my attitude!

My attitude has been to strive for npt's by maintaining credibility with my doc's and being a resource for same.

So yes, I believe you when you say, you want us to change our attitude.

Go pound salt foley, I despise you.

I can not wait till our next meeting, so I can toy with your sorry punk ass.
I found it frickin hilarious that Mike Doyle sent out the NPT report on July 3rd. It is obvious to me that foley is gutless and weak. Hence always referring to his lost hockey dreams.

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