Michelle Weese

Whats up with all the leadership picks now running the show? A speech writer over global strategy. All the BMS people with fairly low level experience and no tangible accomplishments taking top jobs and pushing down real players. The converted consultants who have no people leadership or tenure in any place to see results of their shiny powerpoints.
Feels like a Trump playbook for appointments. No experience required. Loyalty only job requirement

Around 80 comms, public affairs, patient engagement, media relations, digital, contractors will have gone by the year end. But she won’t stop there. No! Public affairs have to reapply for their jobs and next the countries will have to do the same. It will be into the hundreds gone. Not to mention the people who just couldn’t wait to be told they have a job or not who’ve gone elsewhere. This process is cruel in the extreme.
cruel. unprofessional. no integrity. empathy - out the window.
I bet she gets a big fat bonus - where's the values and behaviors now?

Novartis communications, public affairs and patient engagement will NEVER recover from this disastrous awful cruel process. These are highly educated professionals with deep knowledge of their subject matter. The reason why the Swiss press don't like Vas is because he doesn't speak the language and treats them like second class citizens. The Swiss journalists are hugely intelligent and thorough and he doesn't like them asking questions.
It wont matter when the HQ is moved to US. Disbanding the Swiss Country President and moving team into corp affairs shows the importance level of Switzerland now

Novartis communications, public affairs and patient engagement will NEVER recover from this disastrous awful cruel process. These are highly educated professionals with deep knowledge of their subject matter. The reason why the Swiss press don't like Vas is because he doesn't speak the language and treats them like second class citizens. The Swiss journalists are hugely intelligent and thorough and he doesn't like them asking questions.
Look at what's happening at BMS where the communications, corporate affairs, and patient engagement departments were in shambles when Michelle Weese left. They are slowly recovering because Michelle is gone and a new corporate affairs leader has taken over. A good department was ruined and its internal reputation was permanently damaged and may never recover.

Where is Rob and HR team in this Corp Affairs hiring debacle? Shouldn't they step in?? Who has grounds to sue based on mistreatment? Did that happen at BMS -- was she sued?

The incompetence of Michelle is incredible. More incredible is that CEO and HR head don't step in and keep letting her make a huge mess. Good people are going. Will take years to rebuild these units (and this "Corporate Affairs" combination makes no sense).

“I love Switzerland” says Vas in his latest badly messaged Investor Day commentary from London!!! Lots of people LOVE Switzerland. They love the scenery and the trains running on time. You note he didn’t say “Novartis is committed to Switzerland”!

“I love Switzerland” says Vas in his latest badly messaged Investor Day commentary from London!!! Lots of people LOVE Switzerland. They love the scenery and the trains running on time. You note he didn’t say “Novartis is committed to Switzerland”!
Switzerland sucks. Why? They shelter Nazi and African dictator gold and throw their arms up as "neutrals"...please. They suck other countries resources (Nestle and Pharma) and give zero back in return. The more we boycott the Swiss the better

Tick man allowed this to happen too. It’s not just Weese. And he’s been at Novartis longer so “wipe the slate clean and start again” when he has worked with many of those colleagues who’ve lost their jobs is a disgrace.