yes you can make out on car allowance if you do not drive expensive car
There is no car allowance..only paid mileage, tolls and parking. that's it.
yes you can make out on car allowance if you do not drive expensive car
Are we making any difference with these products? Cant get a response.
Would someone on this contract kindly answer a few things for me . . .
Do you have to do lunches or dinners? No lunches, snack, drinks, nothing
Participate in programs? No programs at it!
Do you really just have to average 30 calls a week? 1 call per hour is expected for a 24 hour work week. Some days you have 10 calls others 8...they all average out...
Are the calls captured electronically? Yes all calls and signatures are captured. My DSM doesn't care what time you make a call and yes believe it or not you can back time a detail only call if need be. No one is checking when and where the calls are UNLESS your numbers are sucking...
Do your PSS managers have realistic expectations of what you can accomplish on a single call? Yes very realistic...mention the products, maybe ask for more and you're good
How often does your PSS manager ride with you since it's part-time? 6-8 weeks
Do you also have a Merck manager that rides with you or follows your call pattern? None of our duties are monitored by anyone from Merck, no reps no dm just PSS DSM.
Do the Merck reps respect your role or do they look down on the whole contract thing? (I realize that question is subjective to the area) In my area it is 50/50 but for the most part I am noticing that the Merck reps must be working more because when I first came out in territory samples were nil, now they are becoming plenty...someone is sampling again?!
Thank you for anyone willing to fill me in!
All in all this is a great gig for a mom who is crazy busy with family stuff and can live on part time pay. If you have been out of work for awhile and learned to live on unemployment you can do this. Depending on your area you can make anywhere from $500-$700 a month in gas at 50 cents a mile. Numbers so far look great so hopefully bonus in March will reflect the upward growth...
DO NOT take this job if you are collecting a decent unemployment check.
I have a full time gig, and took the job with PSS (PSS has been good to me, but the contract company is terrible), and I regret it.
Thankfully, when the contract runs out, I will be collecting unemployment. And that is when I will be super picky.
Great plan. You and the other 30% of pharma reps on unemployment can be picky. You are lucky someone hired you because you are an moron
Merck people (DM) should be at the reigns with the contract reps. They know the product, business, style and needs of the company. They can better guide and evaluate the contact reps.
This must be a Merck DM that's afraid of getting laid off. I would rather crawl on broken glas for a mile than work for a merck dm
This must be a Merck DM that's afraid of getting laid off. I would rather crawl on broken glas for a mile than work for a merck dm
Stupid reply. Id like to work for them. If you're good you'll be seen by them.
you are full of it. We are suppose to get a new product in the spring of 2011. We were told this would go through 2011 and then they will reevaluate at that point.
This is why you choose to use CSOs...the ability to change your mind when you feel like it and end the contract. What CSO will they be using for their new restructuring plans for 2011?
Inventiv. Check their board.
BI positions in diabetes seen, not Merck.