Meeting Request

My TO field is blank. What do you think that means?

Ask the people in your region for their time. The to field doesnt mean anything because some o my region had undosclosed rec for the 4:15 call and some people had it send only to them. The only way to know if you are on a group call is by asking around. This is not rocket science.

If you received email for PM stating "update on project constitution" you are fine. How are people finding out that everyone got the email and not just those retained. No way people would know that. And Kip did state you would be contacted by SD in AM if you were not retained.

Pm doesnt matter there are individual calls in the west in the pm. It is spaced out becauE HR has to be on all calls and they can only do so many at a time. All that matters is that other people are on the call at the same time. Most of the group calls are in the PM but the midwest group call is 11:45 (thats not pm) so you cant got by that. Just call around and ask if others are on your call. If so you are on the group call and safe. PM Alone doesnt nessessarly mean ur safe

If you received email for PM stating "update on project constitution" you are fine. How are people finding out that everyone got the email and not just those retained. No way people would know that. And Kip did state you would be contacted by SD in AM if you were not retained.

He only said starting at 8am

If no one knows who was sent the email, how do people know when these group calls are? Also, where do you get that HR is on the call? I've never heard that.

Geez people how many times does it have to be around to some people on your team or in your region..if they have the same time it is a group email...not too tough of a concept to understand

If no one knows who was sent the email, how do people know when these group calls are? Also, where do you get that HR is on the call? I've never heard that.

HR is on every layoff call this is standard procedure for legal reasons. To confirm this kip stated on monday that the people not beong retained will be speaking with their RD and HR.

You can find out who is on your call or who was sent the email, by asking around. Once you talk to enough people you can put it together. Its not that difficult. I have spoken with at least 50 people in 3 regions. The majority of the people are on their regional group call. There are about 10-15 people on individual calls all scheduled proir to thier regionals group call. They know they are on individual calls because the rest of their region is all on te same call. The individual call times vary as they have to make each call individually obviously.

I'm surprised as well. I thought it would be a lot more people getting axed than what I am hearing around my region. Then again, there could be a lot of people that aren't talking or think they have a group call. I hope people are not that naive, surely not.

Unfortunately it's the opposite here. 4 out of 7 reps got the individual call times... all EES. I did get the group call in but am losing great co-workers and dear friends. It looks like the 5 remaining EP folks are all safe. Not sure how that happened. What a sad sad day. GL everyone.

[Thats exactly the message I got too but it's for 2pm!
No clue if I'm safe r not buy it appears am calls are layoffs & these afternoon MASS Requests are the safe calls.. We will see. Only slept 4 hrs last night :(

QUOTE=Anonymous;4540888]THIS IS TH EMAIL I GOT:

I have scheduled a call for us for tomorrow, Thursday, 10/25 at 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm EST so that I can provide you with an update on Project Constitution.

Please use the following dial-in information to join the call: 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx. Conference Code: xxxxxx.

Please do not call in prior to the start time indicated. We will not be sending an Outlook invite, so please mark this time in your calendar.

Thank you.[/QUOTE]