Damn this project is a mess. For a drug so late to the party that it won't even make it to blockbuster status it hardly seems worth it. Just go CMO.
Someone at AZMI is reading this... The comment about SD at AML was removed.
Someone at AZMI is reading this... The comment about SD at AML was removed.
The leadership is very poor and all old Amgen network. Peg is awful to work with. Sally is a ditz. I just found out today two more of the sr managers they hired. Ex Amgen, both terrible managers. Assholes and drunks. They couldn't care less about anyone that reports to them. I feel bad for the manufacturing staff.
They hired both of them??? WTF.
MWeber and JKeller.
Just received an email about the last mfg sr manager position. If the first two were bad, the last one is awful. It's DC. Mr d-bag himself. 5 minutes late from lunch and I take you to HR Dan. Horrible hiring Sally. You are an idiot. None of these people manage and work with people. They aren't even that technically strong. WTF were you thinking. Two old co-workers pulled their applications because of these choices. No one needs people like this in their day.