MedImmune to Buy Amgen Colorado Facility?

As of year end 2015, when I Left the site, Amgen had no intention of subdividing the Longmont facility and intended to sell it in it's entirety to one buyer. I understood as well that there were contingencies to a sale allowing Amgen to manufacture EPO there in the future if needed, and that was a consideration for any potential buyer. I suppose that all of this could've changed since then however.

How does AZ think Durvalumab is going to sell well when it will be at least three years behind the major competitors once it is approved? It works in the same manner with the same efficacy. Why would anyone switch from Opdivo after so long a time? Are they planning on better pricing or have some magical marketing strategy. The clinical trials don't have anything different going then the other inhibitor drugs on the market.

That's why Medi is being shopped around for sale. That drug is what they are banking on. No way it hits targets. Not even close. Remember that AZ had to fight off an acquisition already.

The leadership is very poor and all old Amgen network. Peg is awful to work with. Sally is a ditz. I just found out today two more of the sr managers they hired. Ex Amgen, both terrible managers. Assholes and drunks. They couldn't care less about anyone that reports to them. I feel bad for the manufacturing staff.

The leadership is very poor and all old Amgen network. Peg is awful to work with. Sally is a ditz. I just found out today two more of the sr managers they hired. Ex Amgen, both terrible managers. Assholes and drunks. They couldn't care less about anyone that reports to them. I feel bad for the manufacturing staff.

Who are they? Initials??

MWeber and JKeller.

At least their former direct reports (who will no doubt be asked to come back) will know what they are getting into. Right? Since they are only hiring back the same team. What happened to diversity, hiring women, hiring people with experience outside of Amgen? I'm sure there are other people out there...

Just received an email about the last mfg sr manager position. If the first two were bad, the last one is awful. It's DC. Mr d-bag himself. 5 minutes late from lunch and I take you to HR Dan. Horrible hiring Sally. You are an idiot. None of these people manage and work with people. They aren't even that technically strong. WTF were you thinking. Two old co-workers pulled their applications because of these choices. No one needs people like this in their day.

Just received an email about the last mfg sr manager position. If the first two were bad, the last one is awful. It's DC. Mr d-bag himself. 5 minutes late from lunch and I take you to HR Dan. Horrible hiring Sally. You are an idiot. None of these people manage and work with people. They aren't even that technically strong. WTF were you thinking. Two old co-workers pulled their applications because of these choices. No one needs people like this in their day.