MBAs the honest truth


I'm a HQ guy and I wanna put my 0.02 here regarding MBAs. There is so much bickering going around that I hope this helps someone.

Point 1. For an MBA to be useful it has to be from a top 25, preferably a top 10 school. Useful as in openings doors. Wharton, Kellogg, HBS, Sloan, Haas etc. If your MBA is not a top 25 it is not very useful at all except for knowledge you might get.

Point 2. Generally if your MBA is from a top 26-100 school it does you no harm or good. See point 1, but if it's below top 100 it can actually hurt you. University of Phoenix, National University or any for profit school? Just say no!

Point 3. If you are still a rep, have an MBA and are not interviewing for a HQ job then WTF do you have an MBA for? Seriously!

Point 4. Do not put MBA next to your name. It's a degree not a professional designation. End if story.

It's still an MBA, therefore you can plaster MBA next to your name. Do you think it illegal?

I've yet to see a business card that says, "MBA - Graduate of Wharton"

Even if you're a graduate of Wharton, you will be known to your employer and colleagues by actions more than title. Same goes for Univ. of Phoenix.

You're still jealous that someone might have more than you have.

It's still an MBA, therefore you can plaster MBA next to your name. Do you think it illegal?

I've yet to see a business card that says, "MBA - Graduate of Wharton"

Even if you're a graduate of Wharton, you will be known to your employer and colleagues by actions more than title. Same goes for Univ. of Phoenix.

You're still jealous that someone might have more than you have.

Oh goodness you are dense aren't you? No it's not illegal but it looks ridiculous! It's a degree. Would you put BA or BS next to your name? Why not put it too? Yep because it's a degree NOT. A professional designation. So yes it's not illegal and if you wanna look ridiculous and be laughed at for being such an attention who're then please put next to your name. By the way a Wharton or Sloan MBA would NEVER put MBA next to their name for the reasons OP and I mentioned.

No all MBAs are not created equal.

Oh goodness you are dense aren't you? No it's not illegal but it looks ridiculous! It's a degree. Would you put BA or BS next to your name? Why not put it too? Yep because it's a degree NOT. A professional designation. So yes it's not illegal and if you wanna look ridiculous and be laughed at for being such an attention who're then please put next to your name. By the way a Wharton or Sloan MBA would NEVER put MBA next to their name for the reasons OP and I mentioned.

No all MBAs are not created equal.

Agwee wit da OP did you? Feewing stwonger now? Neither are all BA's or PhD's created equal, but you're not "crying" about them.

So have you done a survey of Wharton or Sloan MBA's to know they would not put a professional designation by their name? Never? Such a ridiculous generalization as is the entire premise.

Agwee wit da OP did you? Feewing stwonger now? Neither are all BA's or PhD's created equal, but you're not "crying" about them.

So have you done a survey of Wharton or Sloan MBA's to know they would not put a professional designation by their name? Never? Such a ridiculous generalization as is the entire premise.

"Agwee wit da OP did you? Feewing stwonger now? " seriously? Is this how you come back? Talking like a 5 year old or Daffy Duck? No pencil dick I did not do a survey and there will always be an exception but 99 times out of 100 they won't. In fact I dare you to find a real MBA from a good school like Sloan or Kellogg or Wharton on LinkedIn with this designation next to their name. Find just one. I bet you will find Many from University of Phoenix or Cal State Pomona or Denver City College. Idiot!

Who cares? You paid extra to get that MBA spent more time in school. Yet, you wound up here with a crappy company in a crappy industry. So get in line with all the other MBA's and try to find a job. My thoughts are kids nowadays need to get a specialty degree, MD, RN, Teacher, Law, etc. then you can always find something. A business degree, BS, BA, or MBA has no value in this economy or this country.

Agree with the need for an advanced specialty degree. One of our children has a specialty Masters and the other is working on a specialty Doctorate (neither pharma related). Fortunately both are in growing fields.

Love seeing these threads pop up from time to time on CP. Just a tip to all, if you actually listen to what people are saying you may learn something. I for one have over the years and I believe it has served me well to get over myself and just listen.

I hold an MBA from a small state school, a step up from a University of Phoenix but not anywhere close to a Top 100 school either. So yes, I am proud to have worked for my degree but honestly it was not that hard - likely even a Wharton MBA is not much more difficult, but that's not the point.

I used to be defensive like so many other MBAs, I even put it on my business card at one point. I wore it like a badge of honor. And now, I see the foolishness of it. Please listen to the Op on this. He is correct.

1. It is a degree and not a title. I wanted to impress customers and management that I had an advanced degree, that's why anyone puts it on their card. But as the op stated, if you are not working in home office and are a field rep (which I am), you are showing everyone, everyday what a worthless degree it is. Ok, so maybe the degree is not worthless but your career choice is.

2. Anyone with a good school behind them does not have to put it in their card, it is known from their résumé and their reputation. To say I have an MBA on a card is like Rodney Dangerfield fitting in at the country club in Caddy Shack. Fair or not, a great school behind your degree does matter.

3. Take a look at the billboards or ads for schools touting MBA programs and you'll see why the degree is so badly cheapened, including mine. If it states anything like "12 month MBA, part time" you seriously can't even put yourself in the same league as a name school.

4. Just get over ourselves. Please.

I agree with OP. MBAs are a dime a dozen and anyone who puts MBA next to their name is a buffoon! Don't be one of those fools. And yes unless you have an MVA from the likes of HBS, Kellogg, Booth, Stern, Wharton etc you are just fooling yourself. You are NOT special or a part of an elite community if you have an MBA outside top 25 school. Sorry but it's the truth

Maybe true for MBAs, but I earned a M.Sc. and get asked all the time what was my specialty. It always brings about an interesting discussion and most docs say, "Good for you!" I went to a University aligned with Duke. I would say if you went to CS, Phoenix or some other B.S. university, do NOT put it down. I have heard how easy it is to ace the programs and so has everyone else. I have since been accepted at George Washington and am considering a post graduate certification.

I agree with OP. MBAs are a dime a dozen and anyone who puts MBA next to their name is a buffoon! Don't be one of those fools. And yes unless you have an MVA from the likes of HBS, Kellogg, Booth, Stern, Wharton etc you are just fooling yourself. You are NOT special or a part of an elite community if you have an MBA outside top 25 school. Sorry but it's the truth

Again, why does it matter to you so much? You qualify MBA's only from "elite" schools that meet your own set of criteria. You wear this on your sleeve, name call anyone you believe above you (fools, buffoons, etc) and clearly feel jealous, slighted, and painfully inferior. Otherwise, why even bother? Sorry but it's the truth

Again, why does it matter to you so much? You qualify MBA's only from "elite" schools that meet your own set of criteria. You wear this on your sleeve, name call anyone you believe above you (fools, buffoons, etc) and clearly feel jealous, slighted, and painfully inferior. Otherwise, why even bother? Sorry but it's the truth

Own set of criteria? How about Forbes, Inc, Business Week, the WSJ etc? Idiot

Own set of criteria? How about Forbes, Inc, Business Week, the WSJ etc? Idiot

You are weak and condemnation of someone that dares to be your better becomes your first and last line of defense. You desperately seek the agreement of others to your position with "numerous posts" covering the same subject, IE putting MBA at the end of a business card. In the realm of things, how important is that REALLY?

The MBA's have got it all over you and that eats away at your inflated self perception. Only those who meet your litmus test are allowed to have something over you to maintain your feeling of importance.

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