MBAs at AZ

What makes you think this is a woman? I didn't get that impression at all. And by the way, it sounds like you must have to fight females off with a stick! I feel sorry for any wife you might have (which is improbable, but who knows?) and any future daughters, god help them (if you do have either, I'm sure they secretly despise you, and I'm equally sure you're a real looker yourself--loser. What a piece of crap you are. And I love how the only way you can think to attack a woman is to assume she is fat. How do you stand being you? It has to be hellish. No wonder you'll probably work at this hellhole until you die/
Because only a woman would care about this trivial shit. It must be that many of them are insecure in their own skin. They will compare rings, clothes, cars, houses, and make snide remarks about other women. You will never hear a man say, "can you believe he actually thinks he looks good in that rag"?
And it is a fact that most women hate working for another woman. So who is this woman that offends you by putting MBA on her business card? Once again, a man would never even notice. And I am guessing that the size 14 crammed into a size 12 was spot on. Probably a size 9 shoe size crammed into an 8 too.

Because only a woman would care about this trivial shit. It must be that many of them are insecure in their own skin. They will compare rings, clothes, cars, houses, and make snide remarks about other women. You will never hear a man say, "can you believe he actually thinks he looks good in that rag"?
And it is a fact that most women hate working for another woman. So who is this woman that offends you by putting MBA on her business card? Once again, a man would never even notice. And I am guessing that the size 14 crammed into a size 12 was spot on. Probably a size 9 shoe size crammed into an 8 too.

Nah, I think this is some pin dick PSS who has tried repeatedly to get a Master's and failed. So, the next best thing is to tell everyone who has one that their degree is worthless. A woman would be too busy with all your stated shit. Only an insecure guy would notice this shit and have to post and repost about it. Women are just not that into it.

Higher salary, might use it somewhere else one day, greater opportunities for advancement, personal satisfaction, to name a few.

Sorry you are so unhappy you don't have one, and the fact others do irritates you so much.

Because only a woman would care about this trivial shit. It must be that many of them are insecure in their own skin. They will compare rings, clothes, cars, houses, and make snide remarks about other women. You will never hear a man say, "can you believe he actually thinks he looks good in that rag"?
And it is a fact that most women hate working for another woman. So who is this woman that offends you by putting MBA on her business card? Once again, a man would never even notice. And I am guessing that the size 14 crammed into a size 12 was spot on. Probably a size 9 shoe size crammed into an 8 too.
Did you ever notice that most of the women who hate on men; nobody would want to fuck them anyway? The same applies for the most passionate pro choice women. They don't have to worry about having an abortion because they can't find anyone desperate or drunk enough to sleep with them. By the looks of the women at AZ I would say we have our fair share of them.

Did you ever notice that most of the women who hate on men; nobody would want to fuck them anyway? The same applies for the most passionate pro choice women. They don't have to worry about having an abortion because they can't find anyone desperate or drunk enough to sleep with them. By the looks of the women at AZ I would say we have our fair share of them.

Dude, your analogies are just.... weird

A real kicker is I have 6+ years of post highschool education. An MD from say Iran or Pakistan went from highschool to 4 years of Medical school and they are then MDs!!! What do you think of that? In other words, I have more graduate education than an MD from some Middle East country. Food for thought.

Not really. They still have to complete a residency and pass their board certification. Go ahead and think you are just as educated if it makes you feel better.

True. BUT they don't have to take the PRE-MED that we do! End of story! They are less educated.
It isn't about how many years you went to school or how many degrees you have. The universities are full of people with multiple degrees that can't find their car at the end of the day and have never and will never accomplish anything of significance. Face it, if you are that well educated but still working at this shithole company and stuck in this mind numbing boring job, then you wasted your time and money on an MBA.

Not really. They still have to complete a residency and pass their board certification. Go ahead and think you are just as educated if it makes you feel better.

I did not say I am smarter just that I was in grad school longer. I had to pass the GRE, while not medical boards, when I think of all the years spent in product training, it is a long time. I do feel confident arguing my product with a doctor from an eastern country. I do not think they are in general as skilled as the HCPs trained in the US.

I did not say I am smarter just that I was in grad school longer. I had to pass the GRE, while not medical boards, when I think of all the years spent in product training, it is a long time. I do feel confident arguing my product with a doctor from an eastern country. I do not think they are in general as skilled as the HCPs trained in the US.

You are a bigot and your opinion is a big generalization. If you are arguing you aren't selling. Your arrogance is showing.

You are a bigot and your opinion is a big generalization. If you are arguing you aren't selling. Your arrogance is showing.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. 1, we have to ask a leading open question that engages in a dialogue that will lead the doctor to share something pivitol with us; 2, that engagement leads to a discussion of various products selected, where we begin the dance of comparisons and "uncovering;" 3, the ultimate goal is for the doc to verbalize where he or she sees your product fitting's a nice argument, a clinical debate. In the scientific community, it is to contruct your argument. Sorry if you do not like the term. I am well aware that no one buys from people they do not like. We are not consultants. We are not there for customer service. We are there to construct a valid argument why our customer should do something different, to change something that works for them, to change what makes them comfortable. In short, we have to make them uncomfortable to get them to change with a good argument supported by evidence.

BTW, I am being far from biggoted. Just stating the way it is in generalties, not absolutes. What do you think "profiling" is?

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. 1, we have to ask a leading open question that engages in a dialogue that will lead the doctor to share something pivitol with us; 2, that engagement leads to a discussion of various products selected, where we begin the dance of comparisons and "uncovering;" 3, the ultimate goal is for the doc to verbalize where he or she sees your product fitting's a nice argument, a clinical debate. In the scientific community, it is to contruct your argument. Sorry if you do not like the term. I am well aware that no one buys from people they do not like. We are not consultants. We are not there for customer service. We are there to construct a valid argument why our customer should do something different, to change something that works for them, to change what makes them comfortable. In short, we have to make them uncomfortable to get them to change with a good argument supported by evidence.

BTW, I am being far from biggoted. Just stating the way it is in generalties, not absolutes. What do you think "profiling" is?

Yeah, I know the routine, I've done it for more than 20 years. The reason I said you were a bigot is your statement about doctors from an eastern country not being trained as well as those in the US. I see all doctors as individuals, some more capable than others. Some US trained docs are great and others are not, same with doctors from anywhere. It's a big generalization to make a statement about a doctor's training when you don't have a clue what it was. It seems ethnocentric and bigoted to me and does not match my experience.

I did not say I am smarter just that I was in grad school longer. I had to pass the GRE, while not medical boards, when I think of all the years spent in product training, it is a long time. I do feel confident arguing my product with a doctor from an eastern country. I do not think they are in general as skilled as the HCPs trained in the US.

The doctors make more money and you are begging them to prescribe drugs to help you keep your job. A coke dealer is better than a sales rep. The worst part is that your foolish self think that paying six figures for grad school to be a servant makes you a better person.

You lost.

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