MBAs at AZ

You tell them!!! Six years of education is really beneficial for pharma reps. Going to see the same docs week after week, saying the same thing over and over again, until the drug goes off patent or is pulled from the market. Having a DSM ride along to make sure that the promotional message is being delivered. MBA is very impressive and shows that you threw away six years of education just to sound like a broken record day in and day out. Only to have your employer hold you accountable for what physicians prescribe, when YOU don't have control over it.

Ouch, that one hits a little too close to home.

You tell them!!! Six years of education is really beneficial for pharma reps. Going to see the same docs week after week, saying the same thing over and over again, until the drug goes off patent or is pulled from the market. Having a DSM ride along to make sure that the promotional message is being delivered. MBA is very impressive and shows that you threw away six years of education just to sound like a broken record day in and day out. Only to have your employer hold you accountable for what physicians prescribe, when YOU don't have control over it.

But I thought an MBA was a cure-all. I was told that my MBA put me on the same level as a PharmD, JD, and PA, and NP. I am smarter than all of those guys with my biology degree plus MBA. Now give me my CEO job and watch me make billions!

Are you idiots REALLY still arguing this STUPID thread??? Get a frickin life. Theres a lot more umpirtant things to waste your breath on. Of course if your still arguing here you are a waste of breath

How many cards with 'MBA' imprinted on them belong to reps who wear scrubs EVERYWHERE- not just to the hospital but to the grocery store, their kids' baseball practice...

And why exactly do you wear scrubs?

Don't care what anyone else thinks. I have a MS degree, and I put that after my name. I spent years doing research, wrote a thesis, and have a publication. Fuck what any of you think. I put in 3 extra years outside of college, I'm using the title.

How many cards with 'MBA' imprinted on them belong to reps who wear scrubs EVERYWHERE- not just to the hospital but to the grocery store, their kids' baseball practice...

And why exactly do you wear scrubs?

Sorry that you don't have an MBA, are jealous of people who wear scrubs, or anyone who has something you don't have, or more than you have.

It must suck being you.

I have an MBA and put it on my card and on LinkedIn. I also have a job that requires little skill or thought and I'll be the first to admit it.

However, I am under 45 and have over 600K in my 401k, my 400K house is nearly paid for and I have over 150K in liquid assets. I am contemplating buying a vacation home. I paid not one cent for my MBA - it was done entirely on the company dime and time. I've had the personal time to coach my kid's Little League team for three years and I rarely missed any of my kids after school activities. I have taken advantage of every opportunity this industry has provided and I am proud of it. So, if you don't like it the MBA after my name, you know what you can do.

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