Maternity Leave Questions

You want to be "included". Take a knife, cut off your tiny balls, shove them in your ass. Then put your 1 inch member in a meat grinder. Then pay to have a uterus and some ovaries surgically implanted into your body, find a lucky guy and have him f*ck you in the hole where your member was and then 9 months later have a baby. There is your inclusion you d bag.

Could you be any more angry? Why so upset when someone points-out that women are treated differently than men when it comes to leave-time and therefore are historically paid differently? Surely you can understand how someone who is less-inclined to take extended time off is more valuable than someone who could potentially be gone 6-12weeks per year 2-4 times during a career...

Could you be any more angry? Why so upset when someone points-out that women are treated differently than men when it comes to leave-time and therefore are historically paid differently? Surely you can understand how someone who is less-inclined to take extended time off is more valuable than someone who could potentially be gone 6-12weeks per year 2-4 times during a career...

Wow. I think you totally missed the point of my rant. I am upset with the men who think they should sue to get equal leave time as women for maternity. It has nothing to do with pay. I do think women should be paid equally. I also feel that men have no right to complain about time off when it is the woman having the baby. The only way men should get the time is if they push out the baby themselves. Thus the point of my rant. Sorry if you thought I was being a pig. I am on your side. Everyone wants to sue about everything these days whether it is fair or not. I personally think women should get more paid time off for maternity and that men have no right to bitch about it.

Wow. I think you totally missed the point of my rant. I am upset with the men who think they should sue to get equal leave time as women for maternity. It has nothing to do with pay. I do think women should be paid equally. I also feel that men have no right to complain about time off when it is the woman having the baby. The only way men should get the time is if they push out the baby themselves. Thus the point of my rant. Sorry if you thought I was being a pig. I am on your side. Everyone wants to sue about everything these days whether it is fair or not. I personally think women should get more paid time off for maternity and that men have no right to bitch about it.

Why should men and women be paid equally when you just stated that men and women should NOT get equal leave-time? Pay is directly linked to work in terms of time and productivity... so why should someone who is inclined to disrupt business with multiple extensive leaves of absense expect to be paid the same as someone who does not have that same inclination? Makes NO sense.

Why should men and women be paid equally when you just stated that men and women should NOT get equal leave-time? Pay is directly linked to work in terms of time and productivity... so why should someone who is inclined to disrupt business with multiple extensive leaves of absense expect to be paid the same as someone who does not have that same inclination? Makes NO sense.

Because if women did not take leave to give birth to and care for children during the most critical and important phase of a baby's life, there would be no procreation since men cannot give birth. So if women stopped having babies and taking leave to do so, then there would be no families.

A man with no children must have written that. One day, you'll look at your wife breastfeeding your newborn, and you will be so grateful for your son/daughter, and that your wife can sustain his/her life with her own body. And you will feel a stab of guilt at writing such a jackhole post, bc you will finally see why it is that women need to take leave for babies. And that really has nothing to do with how much we're paid.

Six weeks for vaginal delivery, 8 weeks for C-section, 12 weeks unpaid FMLA. You can also take 4 weeks prior to your due date. Simply have your doctor write a note on a prescription pad that your maternity leave should begin on XYZ date, or your last day of work should be XYZ date due to pregnancy. Met Life will approve because Novartis allows that. However, if you ask someone at Metlife, they will claim to not know what you are talking about since they approve claims for 100's of companies.

this is the only correct reply posted.

Because if women did not take leave to give birth to and care for children during the most critical and important phase of a baby's life, there would be no procreation since men cannot give birth. So if women stopped having babies and taking leave to do so, then there would be no families.

A man with no children must have written that. One day, you'll look at your wife breastfeeding your newborn, and you will be so grateful for your son/daughter, and that your wife can sustain his/her life with her own body. And you will feel a stab of guilt at writing such a jackhole post, bc you will finally see why it is that women need to take leave for babies. And that really has nothing to do with how much we're paid.

Why should men and women be paid equally when you just stated that men and women should NOT get equal leave-time? Pay is directly linked to work in terms of time and productivity... so why should someone who is inclined to disrupt business with multiple extensive leaves of absense expect to be paid the same as someone who does not have that same inclination? Makes NO sense.

Why should men and women be paid equally when you just stated that men and women should NOT get equal leave-time? Pay is directly linked to work in terms of time and productivity... so why should someone who is inclined to disrupt business with multiple extensive leaves of absense expect to be paid the same as someone who does not have that same inclination? Makes NO sense.

"someone who is inclined to disrupt business". Wow, you are a jackass. Women just decide, hey you know what, I am going to start a family so I can disrupt business. Like that is the first thing on her mind when she decides to have a baby. The fact that women bear children makes them uniquely different and thus makes them uniquely qualified to have more time for this event than men with equal pay. Time and productivity - I would argue that some people work a lot harder during the day than others, especially in this industry. So, I would say the company should secretly track every single employee's movements for a month via GPS, mic up all the offices we go into to monitor selling effectiveness and send out surveys to our customers to rate us and then pay accordingly. We'll see who is working and productive.

You must not have children, because you would not post such a ridiculous response. I am a father and am perfectly fine with women having as much time as they need to recover, care for their newborn and give them a good start in life. I get a week paternity, which I was very happy to have because most dads get no paid time off. You make NO sense and obviously only care about yourself.

"someone who is inclined to disrupt business". Wow, you are a jackass. Women just decide, hey you know what, I am going to start a family so I can disrupt business. Like that is the first thing on her mind when she decides to have a baby. The fact that women bear children makes them uniquely different and thus makes them uniquely qualified to have more time for this event than men with equal pay. Time and productivity - I would argue that some people work a lot harder during the day than others, especially in this industry. So, I would say the company should secretly track every single employee's movements for a month via GPS, mic up all the offices we go into to monitor selling effectiveness and send out surveys to our customers to rate us and then pay accordingly. We'll see who is working and productive.

You must not have children, because you would not post such a ridiculous response. I am a father and am perfectly fine with women having as much time as they need to recover, care for their newborn and give them a good start in life. I get a week paternity, which I was very happy to have because most dads get no paid time off. You make NO sense and obviously only care about yourself.

I am glad that you acknowledged the inherent differences which exist between men and women. These inherent differences require differences in pay, leave-time whatever. People act like the concept of equality trumps all, but REALLY, who is truly equal.... NOBODY, we are all different. This is NOT a criticism, but women can NOT disrupt business with extended leaves and then expect to get paid the same as men.... that is an absolutley absurd expectation. And in regards to your ideas about hidden cameras and microphones, a dumber idea I have not yet heard.

You are not only a bitter frustrated little man, but woefully un-informed. If an FTE (full time equivalent, what Novartis refers to as an employee) does not work full time, including if they take LTD or Maternity leave, they do not qualify for bonus even if they earn it. They also can be disqualified for Presidents club and other awards. Just because you can't get laid, don't criticize the mothers that may take time off. I am a man and have never felt that my female counterparts were any different than male counterparts. Some are good, some not just the luck of the draw.

Check with your state to determine if you can apply for partial paid FMLA. I know that Ca and NJ both offer 6 of the 12 weeks at about 70% of your pay. Also, you could attempt to file for state disability to cover the remaining 6 weeks. I did, they paid, I took off 4 weeks prior, 8 post c-sections, 3 weeks extra (dr. written reasoning), 12 (paid weeks) of FMLA, 2 weeks of vacation for a total of 29 weeks paid at almost exactly what my paycheck was. Amazing time with my little girl.

P.S. I was then given the AMAZING chance to run screaming from this hell-hole and took that too! Thanks Novartis for all the paid, quality time with my child!!!

You are not only a bitter frustrated little man, but woefully un-informed. If an FTE (full time equivalent, what Novartis refers to as an employee) does not work full time, including if they take LTD or Maternity leave, they do not qualify for bonus even if they earn it. They also can be disqualified for Presidents club and other awards. Just because you can't get laid, don't criticize the mothers that may take time off. I am a man and have never felt that my female counterparts were any different than male counterparts. Some are good, some not just the luck of the draw.

"I am a man and have never felt that my female counterparts were any different than male counterparts."

You may not feel they are any different, but they are. Women take more leave-time than men based on maternity leave. Sorry to dispute your feelings but you can't deny FACTS.

So far the only fact you have proven is that you are a misogynistic bitter person, perhaps your female counterparts make you feel unmanly and you are sniveling because of that. I have never seen a difference in 25 years in the business. Women I have worked with took no more time than a protracted vacation and worked extremely hard after and before. Too bad yours have so little respect for you, but from your attitude I can see why

So far the only fact you have proven is that you are a misogynistic bitter person, perhaps your female counterparts make you feel unmanly and you are sniveling because of that. I have never seen a difference in 25 years in the business. Women I have worked with took no more time than a protracted vacation and worked extremely hard after and before. Too bad yours have so little respect for you, but from your attitude I can see why

Let me know when you are ready to have a rational debate. Your name-calling and inability to discuss facts is very telling. Is that how you deal with all the disagreements in your life?

I am glad that you acknowledged the inherent differences which exist between men and women. These inherent differences require differences in pay, leave-time whatever. People act like the concept of equality trumps all, but REALLY, who is truly equal.... NOBODY, we are all different. This is NOT a criticism, but women can NOT disrupt business with extended leaves and then expect to get paid the same as men.... that is an absolutley absurd expectation. And in regards to your ideas about hidden cameras and microphones, a dumber idea I have not yet heard.

You are truly brainless. First, my "dumb idea" was sarcasm moron. I will connect the dots for you so your small brain can comprehend. I would argue that women who take extended time off might actually be more productive than their male counterparts who do not take extended time off when actually working. So the point above about disrupting business and being less productive because of it, is void. For example - a male rep might only put in four hour half ass days all year while the female rep works hard for eight hours every day for eight months. Should those reps be paid differently? Contemplate that while you try and say women that take extended leave are less productive.

Again, I say that if you were a husband and father you would want equal pay for your wife and time off for her to care for your child. Apparently, you are a lonely bitter person who can not comprehend what constitutes a unique situation and how that situation warrants special treatment. Think about this. Let's say you need surgery because you are overweight or were playing a sport and got injured. Now you need a knee replacement which requires time away from work, recovery and therapy and the company pays for extended time off, are you going to sit there and tell me that you aren't going to take the full benefit which is offered to you? What if others complained that because you are disrupting business for an extended period of time that you should not be paid the same salary as others who are not injured? Now you are prone to more absenses because of your knee replacement, or injuring your other knee because you are at a higher risk. Should you be paid less now? I can go on an on. The point is these unique benefits are built into a company to address unique circumstances which do not have cookie cutter solutions. Your thinking is "disrupt business and less productive" which in your simple world translates into "less pay". Well, it isn't that simple jack and that is why there are carveouts for every particular situation to enable employees to take the time they need depending on their situation. I hate to say it, but you are in a very small group of people who feel the way you do. I have worked in three other industries and they all finction the same. Apparently most people agree with my point of view and have a soul.

Back to the original poster... you can take more than 4 weeks before your due date off if you have a medical reason. I did. Realize that your 13 weeks of 100% paid Short term disability begins when you first go off. So if you get off work 6 weeks before your baby comes, then you deliver c-section (earning you 8 weeks std), you will go into the lower paid portion of your std (6 weeks before + 8 weeks after = 13 weeks paid fully and 1 week paid less). Then you have to take any rollover vacation days, which of course are paid for, before you can start taking your FMLA. You don't get paid anything during you 12 weeks FMLA, BUT you do get full benefits! Also, you can split up your 12 weeks FMLA throughout the course of the first year of the child's life. So you may take 6 weeks now, then maybe some emergency goes on with your family a few months later, you can take the other 6 weeks then. All days expire at the child's first birthday. I do think you have to get manager approval to take the later FMLA if you split it up. (I remember the paperwork saying this, but I never had to use it so have no personaly experience.) You can use any other vacation days accrued that year for 100% pay before coming back, too.
*The company DOES NOT have to hold your job for you if you use more than your full 26 weeks Short term disability. And people in this company HAVE been laid off while on leave.
Hope this helps!

Back to the original poster... you can take more than 4 weeks before your due date off if you have a medical reason. I did. Realize that your 13 weeks of 100% paid Short term disability begins when you first go off. So if you get off work 6 weeks before your baby comes, then you deliver c-section (earning you 8 weeks std), you will go into the lower paid portion of your std (6 weeks before + 8 weeks after = 13 weeks paid fully and 1 week paid less). Then you have to take any rollover vacation days, which of course are paid for, before you can start taking your FMLA. You don't get paid anything during you 12 weeks FMLA, BUT you do get full benefits! Also, you can split up your 12 weeks FMLA throughout the course of the first year of the child's life. So you may take 6 weeks now, then maybe some emergency goes on with your family a few months later, you can take the other 6 weeks then. All days expire at the child's first birthday. I do think you have to get manager approval to take the later FMLA if you split it up. (I remember the paperwork saying this, but I never had to use it so have no personal experience.) You can use any other vacation days accrued that year for 100% pay before coming back, too.
*The company DOES NOT have to hold your job for you if you use more than your full 26 weeks Short term disability. And people in this company HAVE been laid off while on leave.
Hope this helps!

You are truly brainless. First, my "dumb idea" was sarcasm moron. I will connect the dots for you so your small brain can comprehend. I would argue that women who take extended time off might actually be more productive than their male counterparts who do not take extended time off when actually working. So the point above about disrupting business and being less productive because of it, is void. For example - a male rep might only put in four hour half ass days all year while the female rep works hard for eight hours every day for eight months. Should those reps be paid differently? Contemplate that while you try and say women that take extended leave are less productive.

Again, I say that if you were a husband and father you would want equal pay for your wife and time off for her to care for your child. Apparently, you are a lonely bitter person who can not comprehend what constitutes a unique situation and how that situation warrants special treatment. Think about this. Let's say you need surgery because you are overweight or were playing a sport and got injured. Now you need a knee replacement which requires time away from work, recovery and therapy and the company pays for extended time off, are you going to sit there and tell me that you aren't going to take the full benefit which is offered to you? What if others complained that because you are disrupting business for an extended period of time that you should not be paid the same salary as others who are not injured? Now you are prone to more absenses because of your knee replacement, or injuring your other knee because you are at a higher risk. Should you be paid less now? I can go on an on. The point is these unique benefits are built into a company to address unique circumstances which do not have cookie cutter solutions. Your thinking is "disrupt business and less productive" which in your simple world translates into "less pay". Well, it isn't that simple jack and that is why there are carveouts for every particular situation to enable employees to take the time they need depending on their situation. I hate to say it, but you are in a very small group of people who feel the way you do. I have worked in three other industries and they all finction the same. Apparently most people agree with my point of view and have a soul.

You obviously deal in emotions and have very little regard for reality. You can discuss hypotheticals, you can name-call, but what you evidently can't/don't do is handle facts very well. When you are ready to have a rational debate rooted in facts, I'll be waiting.

I along with everyone else is waiting for YOUR "rationale debate". All you have done is whine that women are getting more time off than you. When anyone has cited data to the contrary, you throw a tantrum. It is obvious you are not capable of rationale debate, or any debate at all since you can't stand anyone not agreeing with you. As the previous poster stated, you simply are in the minority on this issue.