OK, I've read a number of posts, recent and older, about Masimo. I may be meeting with that company in the near future to discuss a field sales position. There's a lot of criticism about their product and their ethics. Having worked for some very high class, as well as, several sleazy companies in the past, and given I need a job in a very depressed market, I have a couple of questions and would appreciate straight answers, though what's posted is pretty straight forward.
1) the base thrown out there is about 75-80+. Accurate? Is this long term or does it phase out at some point in favor of straight commission?
2) Commissions up to 100K w/o disclosing whether that was set up on a draw as described on this site. So, with a 5K draw for 6 months, and a recoverable 5K draw beginning in month 7, is that accurate?
3) Do their products work? Some of their case studies speak very favorably about their technology. BS or accurate review?
4) Car allowance - what is it per month?
5) Insurance - what's the premiums per month? I'm paying $500 now for an individual policy with a fairly high deductible.
I'm going to take the advice and ask for rep and local customer references because that always tells the story. But, I can tell you, in my market with 9+% unemployment, there's not a lot going on. Many of us are repping for small manufactures on a straight commission basis, without expenses, without car allowance, without marketing support, and
even what some have described on this site may be better than what some of us are seeing now. Is this a 1 year opportunity? Can you earn 80K base plus at least 30K draw in the first 6 months? That ends up being a guarantee of 110K for 12 months which is far greater than the guarantee I have as a mfg rep.
Thanks in advance for your comments.