I actually do like it here. A good company with management that really cares about the patient and wants their employees to grow personally and professionally. Most who post on here are in over their heads. Its too bad they cant perform like others and appreciate the opportunity they have been given. My guess is that most have never been up on a stage to receive any kind of award and most never will. Third and Fourth place finishers all their life. They have always just tried to fit in, not shine or try harder like the rest of us!!

The company doesn't have measures or incentives in place for the patient. Not a single one. If the patient is fitted and there are issues with intake or reimbursement, it doesn't count. Zoll only cares about money. Nothing else. Some of us also came from third and fourth place in CRM including BSX and BTK and had more ethics and dignity then this place. It's not about awards on stage.

I actually do like it here. A good company with management that really cares about the patient and wants their employees to grow personally and professionally. Most who post on here are in over their heads. Its too bad they cant perform like others and appreciate the opportunity they have been given. My guess is that most have never been up on a stage to receive any kind of award and most never will. Third and Fourth place finishers all their life. They have always just tried to fit in, not shine or try harder like the rest of us!!

Same troll trying to write a series of ra ra messages. Kinda funny. Never addresses why account reps are paid to manage and in many cases limit the vests a rep has in his/her possession. Never answers why no clinical literature showing vest affects mortality. Never addresses FDA warning letter for Zolls lack of ethics in many areas. Never addresses high turnover. Never addresses why 3/4 of sales force is new every national meeting. Never talks about why there are no CRM or med device hospital reps left. Never talks about tech support in charge of field visits and rarely makes the right call pissing off Drs and patients. Never mentions the quota system that out grows every territory in the country within a couple years. Never talks about managers with no cardiac experience who ride with reps every other week and can't speak to Drs on a pier to pier level. Never talks about patients being approved by intake fit with a vest only to have patients insurance deny and patient recieve a 9000 dollar bill. But like the troll says he's happy!! Don't confuse happy with stupid!

Same troll trying to write a series of ra ra messages. Kinda funny. Never addresses why account reps are paid to manage and in many cases limit the vests a rep has in his/her possession. Never answers why no clinical literature showing vest affects mortality. Never addresses FDA warning letter for Zolls lack of ethics in many areas. Never addresses high turnover. Never addresses why 3/4 of sales force is new every national meeting. Never talks about why there are no CRM or med device hospital reps left. Never talks about tech support in charge of field visits and rarely makes the right call pissing off Drs and patients. Never mentions the quota system that out grows every territory in the country within a couple years. Never talks about managers with no cardiac experience who ride with reps every other week and can't speak to Drs on a pier to pier level. Never talks about patients being approved by intake fit with a vest only to have patients insurance deny and patient recieve a 9000 dollar bill. But like the troll says he's happy!! Don't confuse happy with stupid!

True dat!

True dat!

look its a mature product that just needs drones at this point. The lowering of quality goes across the board and not just confined to sales. Engineering has also taken a big hit as well. We used to recruit from major engineering colleges (most from Pitt) and have some very intelligent its a mix weighted more towards 2yr tech/mail order. So much for innovation....

look its a mature product that just needs drones at this point. The lowering of quality goes across the board and not just confined to sales. Engineering has also taken a big hit as well. We used to recruit from major engineering colleges (most from Pitt) and have some very intelligent its a mix weighted more towards 2yr tech/mail order. So much for innovation....

I agree. Well put. Sorry to hear affecting you also. I wish they would design a quota system that reflects a mature product so people could stay around. They lost my cardiac connections and one million dollars in territory sales when I left. We all understand growth to sustain a corporation, but as you mentioned, they feel the can sustain growth with high turnover. To bad really. I had unlimited access to all the cardiac floors where cath, cardiac surgery and heart failure patients are treated. Access like this is not easy to come, by especially with the talent they are stuck with now. I wonder who's footing the bill for all the costs associated with hiring a new person. One day soon that bill is going to come due!!

Same troll trying to write a series of ra ra messages. Kinda funny. Never addresses why account reps are paid to manage and in many cases limit the vests a rep has in his/her possession. Never answers why no clinical literature showing vest affects mortality. Never addresses FDA warning letter for Zolls lack of ethics in many areas. Never addresses high turnover. Never addresses why 3/4 of sales force is new every national meeting. Never talks about why there are no CRM or med device hospital reps left. Never talks about tech support in charge of field visits and rarely makes the right call pissing off Drs and patients. Never mentions the quota system that out grows every territory in the country within a couple years. Never talks about managers with no cardiac experience who ride with reps every other week and can't speak to Drs on a pier to pier level. Never talks about patients being approved by intake fit with a vest only to have patients insurance deny and patient recieve a 9000 dollar bill. But like the troll says he's happy!! Don't confuse happy with stupid!

Pier to Pier....WTF are two docks communicating to each other? Typical ZOLL moron....

Pier to Pier....WTF are two docks communicating to each other? Typical ZOLL moron....

Yeah some of us have 25 years cardiology experience in CRM,surgery and EP as well as an early stint working in a CCU. I think I can speak PIER to PIER with a card. What a joke! If you can't you need to learn. Only the new hires are Zoll clowns! And by the way I've been around long enough to watch Medtronic and st Jude split territories and try and increase thier market share by hiring PHARM REPS to call on office based Cards. Let's not pretend CRM is all that and a bag of chips! It's been diluted just like every other med device company. Look at valves. Used to be a big job. Now it's a commodity. Not much left out there folks so quit bragging about where you are. It's nothing like it was 10 or 15 years ago. Until venture capital fully comes back and start ups reappear, you can fight for all the shit that you think iate good positions. Lol it's a buyers market folks and I'm glad I banked it while companies still respected employees and offered big perks! I feel sorry for you people just coming up or those that even need another 10 or so before packing it in. There is a lot of shit out there and it just happens Zoll is on the bottom of the shit pile.

Marshall is just misunderstood. He is a total stud, very competitive and athletic as well.

Thanks for letting us know that. Very important piece of information. Misunderstood is for x girlfriends and serial killers not leaders. Go back to your fri night bowling league and compliment ML on his form.

The only people that likes or respects Marshall and Whiting, is Marshall and Whiting. Ask anyone that knows them. Since this was a final bash of JP who quits as an FU message to Zoll, this was undoubtedly written by either some one working as a special project, or by one of these dickless wonders themselves. What scumbags.

JP was a wuss and wilted like a little flower. No backbone and a lousy leader. He's a big talker, always has been.