No better job in the medical device space. No "on-Call" no chasing cases, banker hours. Great benefits and income....what could be better? Minimal management oversight. ZOLL Rocks!

No better job in the medical device sales space ? Are you freaking that delusional? I challenge everybody to go on other big good credible companies cafe pharma sites and see if there's any postings from leadership as cheesy as these to combat negativity. This place is such a joke. Yeah sure, no better medical device in the space, hmmmm let's see, the doctors all hate it because it's a pain in the ass, the risk is less than 1% of sudden cardiac arrest, the patient's can't stand it and do nothing but complain about it's comfort, the co-pays, and the constant alarming for artifact which is all the device does is give artifact. corporate headquarters is a bunch of 8$/ hour people that do nothing but fight with us about everything every day, we have no clinical data, we have a bunch of regional managers that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground and they are X pharmaceutical district managers that know nothing about device or the hospital environment, and we have leadership people that are degenerates from other companies and landed here because of their failures elsewhere. And there's a whole laundry list of other negative things that I could keep going on and on about but don't want to waste my time typing anything else . JYes let me tell you, it's the best medical device in the space ! Lmao

Money sucks, you will be at your base pay in 4 to 8 months. Benefits are lame, no stock or any equity. Sure Bankers Hours...who cares if you cannot make any money. Marshal is an Idiot.

Why such haters? The Vest works, it is cost effective and saves lives.

You can make a great living and work with smart people.

Plus when you visit, you get to stay at the Homewood Suites which are super nice and close to shopping and great restaurants. Not sure why all these people do not enjoy ZOLL as much as I do?

Why such haters? The Vest works, it is cost effective and saves lives.

You can make a great living and work with smart people.

Plus when you visit, you get to stay at the Homewood Suites which are super nice and close to shopping and great restaurants. Not sure why all these people do not enjoy ZOLL as much as I do?

BULL SHIT. A million dollars to save a life when you take out inappropriate shocks is not cost effective, especially when patients have to pay for a significant portion of that under duress. The smart people are all let go every year, and the idiots inside are running this like a circus. What region are you in that you love this monkeypade so much? Look at the number of postings on their own website that they can't fill for years- including in engineering, marketing and sales. It's because everyone can't wait to get the f&*k out of here.


If you had a close family member being discharged post revascularization withe an low EF (say 20%), would you want that loved one in a LifeVest? Even if it cost money (say $500/month) out of your pocket?


If you had a close family member being discharged post revascularization withe an low EF (say 20%), would you want that loved one in a LifeVest? Even if it cost money (say $500/month) out of your pocket?

No, because they more likely to die from an arrhythmia event from the stress of the damn device false alarming all the time for artifact and gonging all the time in the middle the night and keeping them up, therefore releasing stress catecholmines and instigating arrhythmias and then also the stress of when They get there co pay Bill. So the answer to your question is no. The only patients that need a lifevest are those with a very low EF under 20% with runs of ventricular tachycardia. And at that point they can get an ICD, and bypass the whole horrible negative bullshit Lifevest experience. Why do you think after 12 years on market there still has absolutely zero outcomes clinical data and it's still not guidelines? oh, and I am is forgot, a failing current lifevest study where many of the study sites keep dropping out because all the bullshit associated with the ZOLL and the device. Also the outcomes so far in the study are not favorable ,which is why the study keeps getting pushed back longer and longer. I'm so tired of management leadership people coming on here and posting stupid posts trying to combat the negativity. They are the weakest come backs and it's actually quite embarrassing. Anybody of that falls for the horseshit marketing from this company and either stays at this place or is not proactively looking for another job is the very same person that is unintelligent and should be at ZOLL lifevest .

No, because they more likely to die from an arrhythmia event from the stress of the damn device false alarming all the time for artifact and gonging all the time in the middle the night and keeping them up, therefore releasing stress catecholmines and instigating arrhythmias and then also the stress of when They get there co pay Bill. So the answer to your question is no. The only patients that need a lifevest are those with a very low EF under 20% with runs of ventricular tachycardia. And at that point they can get an ICD, and bypass the whole horrible negative bullshit Lifevest experience. Why do you think after 12 years on market there still has absolutely zero outcomes clinical data and it's still not guidelines? oh, and I am is forgot, a failing current lifevest study where many of the study sites keep dropping out because all the bullshit associated with the ZOLL and the device. Also the outcomes so far in the study are not favorable ,which is why the study keeps getting pushed back longer and longer. I'm so tired of management leadership people coming on here and posting stupid posts trying to combat the negativity. They are the weakest come backs and it's actually quite embarrassing. Anybody of that falls for the horseshit marketing from this company and either stays at this place or is not proactively looking for another job is the very same person that is unintelligent and should be at ZOLL lifevest .

Left this company and couldn't be happier!! I would have never recommended the device to a family member. They will back you up against a wall and not support you in the face of ANY adversity. You are stuck with all the issues, revenue, technical problems, billing, you name it! For those of you who are considering working for the LifeVest Division, I would RUN as fast as you can. I would never recommend this position to a friend and refused to respond to inquiries from linkedin from people interested in the position, so as not to ruin their career and potentially their lives. BAD MOVE.

LifeVest = Quality product, great patient centric outcomes, and solid corporate organization. LifeVest is awesome, suck it all you haters!

and that, my friends, is what is referred to as "concentric messaging". We will be rolling it out in lieu of clinical trial results since obviously it isn't going go well.

"suck it all you haters" came out of our marketing department. It was a collaborative effort and will be published next month in a questionable journal with one of our VP's as lead author.


If you had a close family member being discharged post revascularization withe an low EF (say 20%), would you want that loved one in a LifeVest? Even if it cost money (say $500/month) out of your pocket?

I'm uncertain what I would do!?!? It is certainly scary knowing that there is a greater than 98% chance my loved one will survive! Can you please provide me a Lifevest specific randomized clinical trial to help my decision making?

Life Vest works and is critical Life Saving Technology!

less than 1% of the time.
Does not always work as it should (many deaths in vests!!!!)
The issues are not related to whether "it works" duh! The issue is with the company management, processes, and lack of competent leadership. Let's be sure to keep the context properly framed shall we.

No, because they more likely to die from an arrhythmia event from the stress of the damn device false alarming all the time for artifact and gonging all the time in the middle the night and keeping them up, therefore releasing stress catecholmines and instigating arrhythmias and then also the stress of when They get there co pay Bill. So the answer to your question is no. The only patients that need a lifevest are those with a very low EF under 20% with runs of ventricular tachycardia. And at that point they can get an ICD, and bypass the whole horrible negative bullshit Lifevest experience. Why do you think after 12 years on market there still has absolutely zero outcomes clinical data and it's still not guidelines? oh, and I am is forgot, a failing current lifevest study where many of the study sites keep dropping out because all the bullshit associated with the ZOLL and the device. Also the outcomes so far in the study are not favorable ,which is why the study keeps getting pushed back longer and longer. I'm so tired of management leadership people coming on here and posting stupid posts trying to combat the negativity. They are the weakest come backs and it's actually quite embarrassing. Anybody of that falls for the horseshit marketing from this company and either stays at this place or is not proactively looking for another job is the very same person that is unintelligent and should be at ZOLL lifevest .

please do not forget they dropped the QOL arm from VEST because patients were actually fairing CLINICALLY worse.......not just reporting measures of stress but actual clinical onsets of depression and non-adherence to core measures.

No better job in the medical device space. No "on-Call" no chasing cases, banker hours. Great benefits and income....what could be better? Minimal management oversight. ZOLL Rocks!

That's why 75 percent of the sales force leaves within 1 year. Nice try. Do you think hiring pharm reps who are unemployed or don't do their homework and think they are breaking into med device is the way to go? Or is it your so desperate to fill turnover that you have to pretend this is a decent job. Remember this just because you hire someone doesn't me you hooked them for a long period of time!! All your doing by being dishonest is building resentment and new hires will stop working just like everyone else!!

I'm uncertain what I would do!?!? It is certainly scary knowing that there is a greater than 98% chance my loved one will survive! Can you please provide me a Lifevest specific randomized clinical trial to help my decision making?

Post revascularazition from what? CABG? PTCA? Stent? Valve? How old? What class HF any post interventional ahrythmias? What kind? How long? That's the problem with managers! Idiots with no cardiac experience or just half ass cardiac drug experience. You think you can cookie cut this thing just by saying low EF. In fact your criteria you mentioned isn't even an approvalble indication!!!was there a heart attack or global hypokenesis? Leave the selling to us. You just keep lying to new hires telling them what a wonderful company this is and creating a whole new group of people that want to beat the shit out of you for lying to them!

Post revascularazition from what? CABG? PTCA? Stent? Valve? How old? What class HF any post interventional ahrythmias? What kind? How long? That's the problem with managers! Idiots with no cardiac experience or just half ass cardiac drug experience. You think you can cookie cut this thing just by saying low EF. In fact your criteria you mentioned isn't even an approvalble indication!!!was there a heart attack or global hypokenesis? Leave the selling to us. You just keep lying to new hires telling them what a wonderful company this is and creating a whole new group of people that want to beat the shit out of you for lying to them!

Threatening assault will be looked in to.

LifeVest = Quality product, great patient centric outcomes, and solid corporate organization. LifeVest is awesome, suck it all you haters!

Sorry, there was a typo in the message from Marshall, please see the corrected message below:

LieVest = Quantity product, fake patient centric outcomes and sold corporate organization. LieVest is awful, I'll suck your balls you haters!

I hope anyone reading many of the posts takes the negative posts with a grain of salt. ZOLL is a solid company and a nice place to work. All companies have issues, however ZOLL actively works on resolving issues in the pursuit of organizational excellence. Jamie, Stan and Marshall have done an upstanding job managing a high growth environment. Managing the unforeseeable issues in a high-growth company can be challenging, but I assure you that Marshall is always looking to mediate and solve the challenges as quickly as possible.