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March Layoffs

Yes, specific Amgen male leadership use, abuse, and manipulate the females around them while standing proudly and boastfully supporting them publicly. And everyone quietly watches it, whispers about it, is afraid of it, and allows it to continue. Especially the female HR workers who fear the same.
Haha! No that’s funny, Bunny

I’ve been sitting back watching the Horizon people make some bold assumptions that they’re safe at Amgen. In January, most of the ChemoCentryx employees were laid off after being told ad nauseum at Amgen that the employees are important, didn’t purchase with the intention of laying off, etc. it was obvious from the jump that this was going to happen. A lot of them received two retention agreements before and after close that stacks on top of severance. I hope Horizon employees have Horizon leaders doing the same.
I’ve never seen anything like that layoff. They included a woman a week away from maternity leave/expected delivery.

Last week, Amgen targeted employees with 20+ years. There were too many employees in the older age range to be a coincidence. This was targeted.

What is especially negligent of their legal team? The February NLRB decision that some clauses in severance agreements are not enforceable. The NLRB came out this week encouraging former employees at companies to contact them if they feel the non-disparagement and release of claims was overbroad.

I’ve never seen the wreckless behavior in handling of layoffs as I’ve seen over the last three months here.

I’ve been sitting back watching the Horizon people make some bold assumptions that they’re safe at Amgen. In January, most of the ChemoCentryx employees were laid off after being told ad nauseum at Amgen that the employees are important, didn’t purchase with the intention of laying off, etc. it was obvious from the jump that this was going to happen. A lot of them received two retention agreements before and after close that stacks on top of severance. I hope Horizon employees have Horizon leaders doing the same.
I’ve never seen anything like that layoff. They included a woman a week away from maternity leave/expected delivery.

Last week, Amgen targeted employees with 20+ years. There were too many employees in the older age range to be a coincidence. This was targeted.

What is especially negligent of their legal team? The February NLRB decision that some clauses in severance agreements are not enforceable. The NLRB came out this week encouraging former employees at companies to contact them if they feel the non-disparagement and release of claims was overbroad.

I’ve never seen the wreckless behavior in handling of layoffs as I’ve seen over the last three months here.

I am with Horizon and never made such an assumption. Most of the people stating those assumptions on here are sales reps, though, and almost all of your sales people were kept. I do not believe that will be the case for our salesforce, though. I’m sure we will have some significant cuts. The home office people who think they are safe are beyond stupid. I’m sorry, but if you have worked for a larger corporation for more than 5 minutes, you should know better than to believe any BS spewed about how the people are valued.

I am with Horizon and never made such an assumption. Most of the people stating those assumptions on here are sales reps, though, and almost all of your sales people were kept. I do not believe that will be the case for our salesforce, though. I’m sure we will have some significant cuts. The home office people who think they are safe are beyond stupid. I’m sorry, but if you have worked for a larger corporation for more than 5 minutes, you should know better than to believe any BS spewed about how the people are valued.

Don't worry Horizon, you will be welcomed with open arms if you are female, have an accent, preferably a name from India, hyphenate your last name, and talk over everyone to get your point across. Just check out the internal charts to verify or note the attendees on any call.

Competent white males are kept in check, rarely moving past middle management. I recognized this quickly and got the hell out, joining a company that promotes on qualifications and performance. If you are male, I suggest putting on a skirt, take on a female name, fake an accent, and befriend hiring managers. You'll be a VP or Director in no time.

Don't worry Horizon, you will be welcomed with open arms if you are female, have an accent, preferably a name from India, hyphenate your last name, and talk over everyone to get your point across. Just check out the internal charts to verify or note the attendees on any call.

Competent white males are kept in check, rarely moving past middle management. I recognized this quickly and got the hell out, joining a company that promotes on qualifications and performance. If you are male, I suggest putting on a skirt, take on a female name, fake an accent, and befriend hiring managers. You'll be a VP or Director in no time.

Kim C broke the glass ceiling. You go girl!

Aw, poor baby. It’s so tough that simply being a white male doesn’t guarantee you a promotion anymore. It’s tough to realize that you just aren’t that great. At least you managed to find one of the many other organizations where racism and sexism prevail. We are all so very happy for you. Now go post on their thread. .

What division or areas of the company have this issue? I've worked in several divisions and hiring & promoting practices vary. Some are good, some bad, just curious.

What division or areas of the company have this issue? I've worked in several divisions and hiring & promoting practices vary. Some are good, some bad, just curious.

2 areas notorious for not hiring or promoting males are finance/cdept and customer capabilities. This is well known internally. USVA would be listed as 3rd but after the recent deep cuts it's hard to tell what demographics were targeted. People have been sharing org charts across functions, further stirring the pot and probably why this topic is so rampant. The org chart sharing actually started in cardio and went viral, now there is a hidden teams channel where guys are calling out nepotism and challenging hiring practices. Pretty dumb to be doing this on a company computer and server. I'll give that a WOW x 2.

2 areas notorious for not hiring or promoting males are finance/cdept and customer capabilities. This is well known internally. USVA would be listed as 3rd but after the recent deep cuts it's hard to tell what demographics were targeted. People have been sharing org charts across functions, further stirring the pot and probably why this topic is so rampant. The org chart sharing actually started in cardio and went viral, now there is a hidden teams channel where guys are calling out nepotism and challenging hiring practices. Pretty dumb to be doing this on a company computer and server. I'll give that a WOW x 2.

Omg, get over your white male entitlement. I’m sure it’s one of the many reasons why you haven’t gotten promoted. If you’re so sure about the discrimination, then file a lawsuit.