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March Layoffs

In this corporation if you’re not a Barbie, you’re never gonna get anywhere. Never seen a more blatant disregard for actual diversity or inclusion. It’s all a pandering statement designed by corp marketing in attempt to look good for the public. Speaking out of both sides of their mouth taken to a professional level. Anyone at RD and above has ZERO credibility right now. The brain drain and people with a real work ethic that are going to depart soon is staggering. Only the “Barbie soccer moms” will be left. Ciao

In this corporation if you’re not a Barbie, you’re never gonna get anywhere. Never seen a more blatant disregard for actual diversity or inclusion. It’s all a pandering statement designed by corp marketing in attempt to look good for the public. Speaking out of both sides of their mouth taken to a professional level. Anyone at RD and above has ZERO credibility right now. The brain drain and people with a real work ethic that are going to depart soon is staggering. Only the “Barbie soccer moms” will be left. Ciao

This is refreshing to read. I'm currently at Horizon in que to join Amgen. And I'm by far the best looking and dressed sales rep in our company.

In this corporation if you’re not a Barbie, you’re never gonna get anywhere. Never seen a more blatant disregard for actual diversity or inclusion. It’s all a pandering statement designed by corp marketing in attempt to look good for the public. Speaking out of both sides of their mouth taken to a professional level. Anyone at RD and above has ZERO credibility right now. The brain drain and people with a real work ethic that are going to depart soon is staggering. Only the “Barbie soccer moms” will be left. Ciao

Things will never change at this large organization, people can easily hide between the useless layers here. When I hire and promote, I ask my self one question. If I owned my own business and had to leave town, which person would I trust to lead, make deals, get work done, and speak on my behalf?

I don't care if they are male, female, old, young, creed, or orientation. Until Amgen follows my recipe, we will fail.

In this corporation if you’re not a Barbie, you’re never gonna get anywhere. Never seen a more blatant disregard for actual diversity or inclusion. It’s all a pandering statement designed by corp marketing in attempt to look good for the public. Speaking out of both sides of their mouth taken to a professional level. Anyone at RD and above has ZERO credibility right now. The brain drain and people with a real work ethic that are going to depart soon is staggering. Only the “Barbie soccer moms” will be left. Ciao

100% accurate. I know some wicked smart makes that speak up. You do that at Amgen, you will be held back. The RD and above female crew simply won't allow it, they want the stage and forbid being challenged. It's easy to predict when these males will leave Amgen, typically the 5-7 year mark.

Isn’t there a Jaxxx who laid off non-white scientists and promoted her peers then a big screwup. This company doesn’t need technology or science or research but only politics.

100% accurate. I know some wicked smart makes that speak up. You do that at Amgen, you will be held back. The RD and above female crew simply won't allow it, they want the stage and forbid being challenged. It's easy to predict when these males will leave Amgen, typically the 5-7 year mark.
The Colvins are a great example of this. I feel sorry for anyone that works for KC and ever disagrees with her.

If you have not posted your resume and over 50, please do so. This company uses employees during their best years and dump them like old dogs when they are older. Staying in Thousand Oaks has no future. Move ASAP, don’t wait until they cut you off unless you are within the inner circle or good at kissing axx.

If you have not posted your resume and over 50, please do so. This company uses employees during their best years and dump them like old dogs when they are older. Staying in Thousand Oaks has no future. Move ASAP, don’t wait until they cut you off unless you are within the inner circle or good at kissing axx.

I'm just over 50 and hitting my prime. Why would I leave?

If you have not posted your resume and over 50, please do so. This company uses employees during their best years and dump them like old dogs when they are older. Staying in Thousand Oaks has no future. Move ASAP, don’t wait until they cut you off unless you are within the inner circle or good at kissing axx.

If you have not posted your resume and over 50, please do so. This company uses employees during their best years and dump them like old dogs when they are older. Staying in Thousand Oaks has no future. Move ASAP, don’t wait until they cut you off unless you are within the inner circle or good at kissing axx.

So when is Amgen dishing out the phony new titles????