March Layoffs

Reduced access, especially post covid, small budgets, 7 targeted calls/day and now capped calls make for low morale since upper management stills uses an old, antiquated selling style. Upper management refuses to realize that covid changed this industry forever. They spend money on dinner programs, national virtual lunch programs that are not the best use of funds. In two up territories with a KAM, the reps are stepping all over each other. Hope they don't get rid of the live RAS's as this drug is not easy to get approved (it's better, but not easy). The PCSK9s still only have 1-3% of the market as the PBM's insure these drugs will not be block busters. The red team has gone from a specialty sales mentality to that of micro-managed primary care. NBRx was the holy grail and now it's back to units. I wonder what the turnover has been the last few years?

Reduced access, especially post covid, small budgets, 7 targeted calls/day and now capped calls make for low morale since upper management stills uses an old, antiquated selling style. Upper management refuses to realize that covid changed this industry forever. They spend money on dinner programs, national virtual lunch programs that are not the best use of funds. In two up territories with a KAM, the reps are stepping all over each other. Hope they don't get rid of the live RAS's as this drug is not easy to get approved (it's better, but not easy). The PCSK9s still only have 1-3% of the market as the PBM's insure these drugs will not be block busters. The red team has gone from a specialty sales mentality to that of micro-managed primary care. NBRx was the holy grail and now it's back to units. I wonder what the turnover has been the last few years?

Yes access has been impacted but the biggest issue is Amgen has the managers do field rides once a month with every rep and offices are fed up with it and therefore reduce our access. Then Regionals do ride along. Most sales managers don’t do frequent ride alongside but in Pharma they do. I have lots of friends in sales and see managers about 2x year with monthly touch points via phone or WebEx.

Yes, the manager ride alongs are counter productive. The positive tension does not work in a positive way. The younger cardiologists are coming out of fellowship programs that discourage contact with reps and the 'be bold" model does not work with these folks. Cardiology offices are overwhelmed and the staff is extremely busy so having your manager push you to detail and 'hold your doc accountable' is a big turn off to offices. It is only our relationships that allow this to happen but it is not a realistic selling model. So we set up a milk run to appease out manager (dm/rm) to keep our jobs.

Yes access has been impacted but the biggest issue is Amgen has the managers do field rides once a month with every rep and offices are fed up with it and therefore reduce our access. Then Regionals do ride along. Most sales managers don’t do frequent ride alongside but in Pharma they do. I have lots of friends in sales and see managers about 2x year with monthly touch points via phone or WebEx.
BOOM! Exactly! Having to beg doctors for favors to see our managers or the ridiculous regional directors insisting on field rides is so annoying to our offices. It hurts our business not helps! Have more confidence in your sales teams that we know what we’re doing without you watching over our shoulders! Very few managers actually get it and treat reps like adults.