

I would have expected this thread already created. Anyway, good luck HR. Ain't doing an experimental, unapproved vax (which by definition it isn't). GFY. And that includes are the a-holes that signed off on this.


Kiss my butt AZ. Test me every week. I ain’t putting that poison in my body. If you want to get that vaccine, good on you. I have no problem with those that want to. Not a chance in hell I’m taking that vaccine.

I guess you won't be working at AZ much longer.

Actually, in case you didn’t read the email… there are reason that you can cite as to why you are NOT taking the vaccine and get tested every week. Sorry to disappoint you, but you will be working right next to those of us who aren’t vaccinated. Lol. And there will be plenty of us.

I would have expected this thread already created. Anyway, good luck HR. Ain't doing an experimental, unapproved vax (which by definition it isn't). GFY. And that includes are the a-holes that signed off on this.

LOL. Cry me a river. If you work in the pharma and haven't or won't get a vaccine over 160 million (on the US alone) have already received, you are a hypocrite and shouldn't be working or collecting a paycheck in this industry.

Actually, in case you didn’t read the email… there are reason that you can cite as to why you are NOT taking the vaccine and get tested every week. Sorry to disappoint you, but you will be working right next to those of us who aren’t vaccinated. Lol. And there will be plenty of us.

the overwhelming sentiment is that unless you have a legit medical or religious exemption, the vaccinated don’t give a shit about you unvaccinated people and hope that medical resources are not given to you if you land your ass in the hospital. Can’t pick and chose when medicine bails your ass out. If you get COVID, stay home and home remedy it. Don’t you dare go seek medical help you assholes

LOL. Cry me a river. If you work in the pharma and haven't or won't get a vaccine over 160 million (on the US alone) have already received, you are a hypocrite and shouldn't be working or collecting a paycheck in this industry.

The hypocrite is you and your minions. Putting untested (based on traditional timelines of what it take to get a vax approved) that are not approved. Let's remember that AZ is pretty much requiring us to put an "emergency use" product into our bodies w/o adequate testing on long term effects. Never mind that we already know boosters are needed and that the Pfizer vaccine sucks when handling the Delta strain. HR is full of diversity but are stupid as shit. I thought we "followed the science".

You people willing to give up personal freedoms for "perceived" safety, deserve neither.

Lastly, my body, my choice. Go ahead and go down that road lunatics.

the overwhelming sentiment is that unless you have a legit medical or religious exemption, the vaccinated don’t give a shit about you unvaccinated people and hope that medical resources are not given to you if you land your ass in the hospital. Can’t pick and chose when medicine bails your ass out. If you get COVID, stay home and home remedy it. Don’t you dare go seek medical help you assholes

The hypocrite is you and your minions. Putting untested (based on traditional timelines of what it take to get a vax approved) that are not approved. Let's remember that AZ is pretty much requiring us to put an "emergency use" product into our bodies w/o adequate testing on long term effects. Never mind that we already know boosters are needed and that the Pfizer vaccine sucks when handling the Delta strain. HR is full of diversity but are stupid as shit. I thought we "followed the science".

You people willing to give up personal freedoms for "perceived" safety, deserve neither.

Lastly, my body, my choice. Go ahead and go down that road lunatics.

What will be your tired excuse when "emergency use" is changed to full approval in the next month or two? If you seriously work for AZ, just resign already.

These comments are straight from the anti-vaxx 101 playbook. You are an embarassment abd have no business working for and collecting a paycheck from a healthcare company.

So now they care about my health and wellbeing? They din’t seem to care last October when I was forced (threatened to make more f2f calls by my
Manager) to go into the field before the vaxcine was available. I then got covid, and gave it to my family including my children. Clearly legal is doing there job trying to protect AZ from more potential lawsuits and situations like mine.

So now they care about my health and wellbeing? They din’t seem to care last October when I was forced (threatened to make more f2f calls by my
Manager) to go into the field before the vaxcine was available. I then got covid, and gave it to my family including my children. Clearly legal is doing there job trying to protect AZ from more potential lawsuits and situations like mine.
They should Back Door Bob (Gilot) In charge of enforcement. He doesn’t give a shit about the people who actually work around here AND he totally kisses the assess of the people at the very top. This company has terrible leadership.

What will be your tired excuse when "emergency use" is changed to full approval in the next month or two? If you seriously work for AZ, just resign already.

These comments are straight from the anti-vaxx 101 playbook. You are an embarassment abd have no business working for and collecting a paycheck from a healthcare company.

That's like saying a boots on the ground military personnel have not right being in the armed forces if criticizing decisions made at a higher level. People have the opinions and beliefs. Don't like that, GFY

74% of those on Cape Cod during the outbreak were vax'd & 80% of those in Israel that were hospitalized with the Delta variant were vax'd. Seems interesting that you either have to be tested each week or be vax'd with what seems to be a pretty ineffective jab. No one wants to go thru the BS of being tested every week and AZ knows that.

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